
Chapter 231

Homunculus Imperial Grand Vicegerent Beta called the garden Brawler group, the four remaining official members walk toward the throne stage with dignity and pride, even with their handicaps they never showed any kind of weakness as they walked the twelve steps toward the empress's temporary throne, as they stood facing the Empress they slowly kneeled, but the empress stopped them, and told them kneeling was for those who wish to respect her and reassert their loyalty to the crown, Empress Allatou Estrith Demiurgo was a warrior by heart first, before a monarch she understands what it means to sacrifice ones own life to save others,

before, she saw this kind of heroic act, from her former warriors, as they gave everything to protect those who were weak and could not fight back and defend themselves in the face of their enemy, and now she was happy to this kind of action again, Empress Allatou asked them was the price of their sacrifice worth it.

they were shocked to hear this from the empress, a question that made them emotional and feel pain in their heart, they wondered why such a hurtful question, Krysha was holding her tears and felt dejected and nearly burst into tears, the men who were standing beside them were biting their lips and holding their emotions in when Haella answered with all honesty and courage,

" yes Your Highness, it was worth it, and if given a chance again,"

"we won't hesitate!"

Empress Allatou smiled and leaned forward from her seating position and stood up clapping and was releasing her aura with such positivity, and warmth, then she asked her son,

" My dear son, the king of Arcane, ruler of the forsaken land, the black battle Archmage, what is the perfect reward for such dedication?"

Ramiel entered the stage wearing his hooded coat armor and lower face mask covering, it was designed differently thanks to Erbamel's wardrobe new clothing design, she was the grand forge master Muldrulir's third sister, and it was simply tailored for a general rather than a king, Ramiel never likes to follow the old royalty protocol in which his mother never followed either, they will wear an elegant dress but it was crafted to be more of a battle wardrobe than for glamorous social function, reflecting Ramiel's preference for practicality and functionality over pomp and extravagance.

  The coat armor was reinforced with sturdy metal plates, providing him with the necessary protection in combat, while the lower face mask concealed his identity, adding an air of mystery to his presence on stage. As Ramiel confidently strode onto the stage, his unique wardrobe choice captured the attention of the audience, setting him apart from the traditional regal attire typically associated with kings. 

he stood beside her mother and explained the proper reward for them, a reward befitting their valor, he took a step forward toward the very center on their groups line up and face Haella and Krysha and spoke to the two in a soft low tone voice, 

" you two were the first people, who showed me what being a true warrior should act"

"Hello Ramiel,"

"Hi, Haella and Krysha its been a while, nice to see both of you again!

"please continue to be a beacon of light for those who wants to follow your footsteps,"

Ramiel spoke a spell that no mage in Strega has ever heard of, it was a un heard new powerful spell capable of healing any injury, sickness, and was capable of regenerating severed body parts without the negative side effects to their bodies

"Mystic Divine Gift of Healing."

a golden colored energy flowed out of Ramiels body and channeled toward his arm and move toward his open right hand as it was pointed toward between Haella and Krysha , it was like mist flowing from one place to another engulfing the rest that was beside them , as soon it touch their wounds and missing body parts, it regenerated without even making the four feel any kind of pain , restoring them to their original state. 

The energy's healing power was unlike anything they had ever witnessed before, leaving them in awe of the possibilities it held for the future. As the  golden energy continued to flow out of his body, a sense of warmth  and wonder filled the air, signaling a new era where physical limitations could be overcome with ease. 

The golden energy pulsed with a gentle warmth, infusing the four with renewed vitality and strength. his healing power was truly extraordinary, leaving everybody bewildered and shock of his incredible abilities.

  as Haella raised her regenerated hands to the sky, she felt a surge of gratitude towards Ramiel. The experience had not only restored their physical bodies, but also their hope and faith in the power of miracles. Haella accidentally saw a small fracture or a tiny glimpse of his energy core she was surprise to see he had tree spirit cores,


she  utters the word "you have a tri-core." he smiled and place his left index finger in his lips indicating that Haella keep this a secret . she nodded, understanding the significance of Ramiel's secret. She knew that revealing this information could potentially change the course of the world they were  living  in, and attract unwanted attention. 

With a newfound sense of responsibility, Haella vowed to protect his secret at all costs, knowing that their bond and trust had deepened even further. many  who saw this  new  kind of spell were still skeptical, many Guild mages and other guest from different  statuses in Strega were still unaware of Ramiel's exploits .

so  they had no idea who he really was, mentioning  being the sole lineage son of the  Empress was nothing new as many  noble  wives that  were childless never admitted they were barren publicly was a common practice because this will  shatter the very structure of authority in  the noble household,

so secretly adopting a  gifted child was  their  only way of saving their honor, one foolish aristocrat wanted to prove his point showing this was just another  propaganda and  the person who was seen fighting the  hoard of undead  singlehandedly was not that person but a strong different individual,  he pointed out  that most  of this scenarios  were created to establish that their  successor was truly amazing, but  the  aristocrat told the rest that  having power was easy now, you just need a  good  forge master and artefact crafter to make a  individual loo strong,

these people were  being tainted with so many questions to undermined Ramiels true lineage, they  recalled that it was reported that  the  Empress son has a weak and unstable  spirit core, which is why  she left her authority and power to her husband Duke Gilvores Dallmethad  who is they  didn't know  was currently in hiding.

one  informant  casually and secretly  gave the  nobles and the aristocrats the information as  their  region was now safe to travel in and out of its  domain, and because the artefacts blocking their  spells were listed  on the third-day news from all over the land  came landed into their laps, this made  everybody  more  reluctant  to accept the stories  they heard, that a single person was able to rally the Knights of Viscountess Hilas Ugrihron that governs the city of Ivlares city  with an iron hand, defended the city from an army  of warmonger troll

and The forsaken forest that was known to  have  numerous powerful  mutated monster named black Ferals were controlled  as the deadliest  place was  claimed  and even established his own kingdom is the same person who is now  standing in front of them wearing a hooded  coat  wearing a half lower mask is  black battle archmage  named  as Lā mǐ'ěr,

Echo was casually  minding her own business when she heard this  group of people talking while  the celebration was being held for the  guild professionals,

" Geez these people are  really stupid,  Lā mǐ'ěr is Ramiel Spelled backwards, a bunch of idiots!"

"why can't we just kill them?"

Homunculus Imperial Hell Knight commander Sigma was near Echo and reminded her that killing these fools would tarnish their master's name. Echo just pouted her lips grabbed the food on Sigma's plate and just turned around and walked away,

but she made sure to place a small demon Arachne spider to watch these individuals, while Sigma ordered his officer to inform Lady Roshia Lierin, mother of the future Left Sinistral Queen Irles Filri Hellmane, the former Homunculus commander Zeta, to investigate the people Echo was irritated with.


At the same time, Ramiel already knew this, as he still has the link to the collective. so they know that their master also knows, but the difference is that Ramiel never stopped them because it's still inclined to his own subconscious mental traits, and he truly wants all of the symbiote personnel to evolve and become Homunculus, then finally reach that point where they can finally be reborn again and become real living beings. Just like what happened to Zeta,

he left them alone to do and act on their own, so they could uncover and learn valuable information about the process of transformation and potentially accelerate their own evolution. Echo felt a deep frustration towards those individuals. Their lack of understanding and willingness to embrace change only fueled her irritation further. However, she understood that his master's intentions were rooted in a desire for growth and advancement, even if his methods seemed unconventional.


She couldn't help but acknowledge the potential benefits that could arise from this transformative journey. This freedom could lead all of them to a breakthrough in their quest to become true living beings. but it was never in her plan to be reborn again; being a Homunculus was what she dreamed of being; she did not get tired nor get hungry and thirsty; all Homunculus was just eating because it made them look normal and some did because of the memories and habits they retained in their consciousness.


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