
Chapter 123

A loud humming and static sound could be heard as a huge enchantment spell could be seen above the towering walls and structure that Avarel engineers made. The spell seemed to be emanating from a single person gathered at the centre of the amassing energy. The civilians that were this were amazed and frightened because it was huge enough to be seen while the populace was in the coliseum, their eyes closed in deep concentration, and thinking that who even was making that massive energy would destroy the entire city. As the humming grew louder, cracks began to appear on the walls, and it became clear that something extraordinary was about to happen.

in an instant the enchantment circle became smaller but more condensed until it was as big as a human being and with a force that push all the cold air outward a focused beam of light came down the impact was not what they expected it wasn't that terrible but the being receiving this energy blast could not even react as it disintegrated the Elder Lich to Dust instantly, ade heat was so focused the granite and other rocks melted and became magma, even the sand around the area became glass the impact was just 2 meter in radius but the heat was unlike anything they have ever seen,

The group stood in awe, realizing the immense power that had just been unleashed. They knew they had stumbled upon something beyond their understanding and feared what other dangers may lie ahead; it was far stronger than any dragon's fire breath they had seen, adding to the huge amount of highly concentrated channel of electrically conductive gas that acts as a vessel to transmit energy from a power source that all came from the Black Battle Mage.

"How frightening! Imagine you will face that kind of attack that took only a few seconds to cast and activate,"

"Saying that a black armoured battle mage did this is ignorant and an insult to his power!"

"The proper name for him would be Black Battle Archmage!"

the moment he landed on the ground Ramiel cast a healing spell and scanned the area for any remaining monster the five remaining summoning artefact was still open because the young nobles and their forces were having a hard time because the location was swarming with hordes of creatures, so Lā mǐ'ěr requested the hunter, and mage group to join the hunt in closing the summoning portal before this day end ,or they will lose the city in the hands of those monster,

Ramiel quickly realized that the situation was dire and they needed all the help they could get. He contacted the other nearby hunters and mages even their allies and requested their assistance in closing the summoning portal before it was too late. With time running out, they had to act fast and work together to save the city from certain doom.

Laerdya Galadhiel sends her Arachne spider that was wearing a cargo container at its back as he opened it a few small devices was inside, Ramiel just smiled and didn't waste any time placing it in his ear,

and saw the piece of letter inside, he took ad opened it, a written message said

"sorry Ramiel, i forgot to give this to you before, "

"how to use it, just call out the name."

"your Blue Tooth idea name device will automatically connect to the frequency of the user energy wave lenght,"

"anyway this may be my greatest invention ye,t and i am thankful you gave me the push to make this ,"

Ramiel was delighted and the first thing he did was gave the group leader of each of the hunters and mage teams a piece of this device and tol d them it is a communication artifact that they develop in Arcane as soon as 4 leaders place the item on their ear it atomatinacally identifies the user, Lā mǐ'ěr introduce himself and ask the four group leaders to give out their names

"Adamar a Swordman, Oricyne a Mage, Illitran a Avedventurer, and Qinrieth a Mercenary, please proceed to this area and destroy the summoning artefacts. "

"If something dangerous happens, please call my name so we can talk through this machine."

"The summoning artefacts are believed to be the source of the recent disturbances in the area."

Your skills and expertise are needed to eliminate this threat and restore peace to the region. Good luck."

The four groups move out and even question themselves about why they just followed him without second thought or hesitation, even if this was their first encounter They could feel a sense of trust and confidence in his leadership abilities, which made them willing to follow him into the unknown. As they set out on their mission, they knew that their success would depend on working together and utilizing each other's unique skills.

Lā mǐ'ěr tap the 3-meter Arachne spider to move out and continue its task while he mentally communicates to the new Symbiote Collective and summoned all of the new Symbiote to he can forges them a Homunculus body by using the material from the dead elder Lich and cast

Symbiote liquid separated from Ramiels body and just waited for their new masters' command as a huge five-meter tall sphere was releasing powerful energy that came from Ramiels own body, even the souls who were trapped in the miasma that got purified could not believe that a was being with three cores residing in his body

"Forge Material Object."

a swirl of energy came out from his hands and the Symbiote the entire Avarel open par with a size of a football field was filled with thousands of Homunculus as they all could finally see that they retained their former looks and can interact like they were alive again, the feeling of loyalty toward their master was so profound it hurt their very soul if they do not gain their master recognition and will,

Among the thousands of Homunculus Symbiotes, one stood out as the strongest in the knowledge of many spells, which led Ramiel to call her, give her the code name Hellmage Echo, and command that 100 mages will serve as the main spell force for her team. It will also assist the Galadhiel family and Muldrulir Dwarfen clan in creating tools to improve the prosperity of their city.

Hellmage Echo's expertise in spells and her team of 100 mages will be instrumental in achieving Ramiel's goal of aiding the Galadhiel family and Muldrulir Dwarfen clan. With their help, the city can expect significant advancements in their economy and overall well-being.

two Homunculus Symbiotes walked toward Ramiel and kneel in front of him asking and ask if he remember the two guards that once protected Omael Drorkanel, they were their twin son and daughter and request if they could join Arcane,

"ah I do remember them, its Saran and Daranthey became the caretaker of the fourteen children I once save, yes, of course, they can come here,"

"but as of now we still have a few issues to address,"

"Hilas are you there?"

"oh ! Ah! yes, I am here, want can I do for you?"

"How is the ongoing rescue of the civilians,"

"Many are still trapped in their homes, estimating more than 3 million are still defending their homes and the coliseum is all full capacity,"

"We need to change the plan, please tell the noble families to change the ongoing message in the sound crystal,"

The broadcasted message changed after a new minute, as the remaining sound crystals throughout the city gave out a new command directive.

"Attention all citizens of Avarel City we are imploring you to remain inside your homes and help will come to you and protect you from the attacking monster, creatures with mark symbols on the hand's forehead are all subordinates of the ruler of Arcane they are will protect you and your entire family,"

"Please do not panic and follow the instructions given by the authorities. We assure you that we are doing everything in our power to ensure your safety and well-being."

Ramiel contacted the Adamar Swordman group and heard they are doing well and the monsters they were dealing with were many but not that power, he assured them they are fine but its taking longer than expected, Ramiel also communicated with the others and gave the same information which made him rethink now with this dilemma he sents out all of the new Symbiote army to join the rest as Beta already relay the new members of each team and their primary directive was to protect the citizens at their homes and eliminate the treat,

the thundering roar of the Symbiote army spread as they ran toward their designated area and teams, Zeta and Hellmane family gain an additional seven hundred more elite hunters and trackers, While Sigma and Gamma were delighted to be reunited with their former allies in the former great war, this made the male Symbiote force to become rowdier and increase there desire to prove their worth,

but the rules must still be implemented as the 3 commanders must try their best not to make more damage to the city and protecting the residence is the main task, elimination of the enemy must be dealt with fast and in an effective way

The commanders knew that with the additional hunters and trackers, they had a greater chance of success in eliminating the enemy quickly and effectively. However, they also understood the importance of maintaining discipline among their rowdy male Symbiote force to avoid causing more damage to the city and protect its residents.

many warriors who were hired guards by the merchants that visited the city were also fighting, guild members and other independent fighters took arms to fight for many reasons one of them was to survive, they fought side by side with the Arcane troops, The Arcane troops were known for their superior combat skills and their ability to use magic in battle, which made them a valuable ally to the other fighters. Together, they formed a formidable force that was able to defend the city against any threat.

a certain amount of respect soon develops in the battleground as they finally saw what it means to be a real warrior fighting not just for gold but for protecting the helpless and weak, This respect is often carried beyond the battlefield and into everyday life, as these warriors learn to value honour, courage, and selflessness above all else. It becomes a way of life for them, shaping their character and guiding their actions in all aspects of their existence.

Ramiel joined the battle as he located the final summoning gate that was at the far east of the mountain district of Averel City. The people saw him as he interacted with his forces and were in a state of battle frenzy and delight. All of his forces were happy and felt like they finally got the atonement they dreamed of. Ramiel's presence boosted the morale of his troops, and they fought with renewed vigour.

His strategic leadership and unwavering determination inspired his soldiers to give their all in the battle. side by side each Symbiote Homunculus warrior saw and even stood alongside their leader, he would even grab the sub-commanders Vandom Ragnar arms as he get propelled upward and just cast fire arrows downward and landing immediately join forces with the white orc leader,

their glances at each other were enough to see that they understood each other's attitude. attacking the enemy was like a choreographed fighting dance, even with the exchanging partners his movement corresponded with what was happening and he would adjust accordingly to match the fighting style,

Their synchronized movements and nonverbal communication made it seem like they were telepathically connected, effortlessly taking down their opponents. It was clear that they had trained together for years and had developed an unbreakable bond on the battlefield.

It could be seen in their smiles: Fibor and his entire fighting clan were so happy to regain their will to fight for honour; his sons and wives joined the battle; and Ramiel even saw teen orcs indulging in the fight as their official right of passage, fighting with so much tenacity as if they were born to be part of this battle,

The energy and enthusiasm of the fighting clan were contagious, spreading to the other warriors on the battlefield, who fought with renewed vigour. The sound of battle cries and clashing swords echoed throughout the valley, as Fibor and his clan led the charge towards victory. The atmosphere was electric as everyone fought with all their might, fueled by the desire to protect their loved ones and reclaim their land. Even the injured soldiers refused to give up, pushing themselves beyond their limits for the sake of their leader, Ramiel couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in witnessing the strength and determination of the fighters he had come to know and respect.

As the battle raged on for more hours Ramiel's mind drifted to the events that led up to this moment, and he couldn't help but wonder if there could have been a peaceful solution. However, he quickly pushed those thoughts aside and focused on his role as a healer, tending to the wounded and providing support to those who needed it. The sound of swords clashing and battle cries filled the air as if they were all united in a common goal. It was a sight to behold, and Ramiel knew that this victory would go down in history as one of the greatest battles ever fought.

As the sun began to set down again, signalling the battle was raging on for nearly two days now many of the civilians and fighting guild hunters soldiers and other combatants should have already died twice already without the continued support from the warriors from Arcane,

the Arachnid support spiders would hand out potions as a temporary fix toward those who were hungry and lacking stamina, while some civilians would also participate in helping in any kind or form as they assisted those who were out in the open and seeking shelter, it was total chaos but gradually by word of mouth vital information spread among the survivors

"Those who have the marking of a black wolf head with demon horns and two crossed weapons behind it are friends!"

This marking is often associated with a secret society of warriors who have sworn to protect their own kind. They are known to be fierce and loyal and will stop at nothing to defend their friends and allies, the secret royal Insignia of Queen Allatou Estrith Demiurgos

the enemy forces started to change and shifted their attention to the remaining summoning artefact as if they were waiting for something to happen. When Beta called Ramiel and confirmed the last target was finally located and identified as very peculiar, he informed him he needed to see it personally.

Hellmage Echo asked his master to bring her just in case, with the help of Beta he was able to see the location by thought transference and was able to imagine the location and create a transfer door in the place where Beta was in,

" Dominion Transfer Gate,"

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