
Finding Max (4)

"Fuck…" Erik let out a silent sigh of relief and went toward the private area.

Crowds flowed in and out of the building: many were there to take tests, others bustling about as part of their daily work routine.

Erik's lips curled into a slight smirk. He reached up, running a hand through his hair, his fingers brushing against the cool fabric of his hood.

"A door of many secrets." Erik had to pay attention. He couldn't afford to be found.

His hand moved to rest on the hilt of his weapon, a comforting presence at his side.

He flexed his fingers around the grip, drawing strength from its familiar touch.

With purposeful strides, he moved toward the door. In the next moment, he was on the other side.

As in Testrovsc's Rest, the private area was sterile, exuding an aura of efficiency.

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