

After a while of walking to our apartment Reagan decides to stop and give me a bear hug.

I did not know what to do or how to feel l just sobbed in her arms. We then sat on the side walk benches for me to breathe.

Reagan was the only person l had told about Ocean and he had told me that l was strong because l got over it and found new friends. At that time l aslo thought that l was strong, but right now l can see that l am not strong, it just took him less than 10 minutes to bring me back to square one; for me to come undone.

The boys were now tired of just sitting doing nothing so they head home first.

"You have date night today with Dan, you should go. I don't want to stop you two from having fun." I say with a plastic smile

"Are you kidding me." She stares at me as if l have grown two heads or something.

"I am not going to leave you God knows where because of a stupid boyfriend, Dan can wait.''

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