
Old forces awaken

The people cheered as the heroes passed through their city, knights, ladies, and merchants all offering their praise. The 10 vassals passed through with their heads held up high, each showing off their unique style and offering a glimpse of their temperament.

"They ready do give inspiration," said Aeson, with a smile on his face at one of his cities. "Arthur, it would be nice if this became a common theme..." He sighed in resignation as he was met with an equally amused stare from him.

Arthur, smiled proudly while his eyes darted everywhere, seeing every scene, every detail.

``What are you planning, Aeson?" said Arthur in a serious tone, turning to his friend.

"I am not scheming any plans!" chuckled Aeson, looking offended at such an insinuation. "It is simply a thought!"

"You say the recent meetings with the church of light, are just a mere whim?" Arthur narrowed his eyes skeptically at Aeson who nodded in confirmation. Arthur looked around again to make sure that they were alone before speaking again.

"Aeson, I have known you long enough to know when your ideas are something more than what meets your eye. I know your schemes better than myself… So spill your secrets now."

"To scheme against your enemies Arthur, you first have to scheme against your men," stated Aeson with confidence.

He gave Arthur a look and continued.

"And we need to get the help of the church of light…they are the greatest kind of restraint to the undead, surely you know that?" said Aeson, smiling knowingly at Arthur.

Arthur stared into space for a while, contemplating Aeson's words. Finally, a grin appeared on his face as he replied. "I am starting to see how this could turn into a very interesting plan…despite you trying to hide it from me so much…Friend"

Arthur walked away, but he gave his Aeson a stern warning. "Do not mistreat the people of this empire in your machinations Aeson...you will not want to disappoint your people, or yourself."

"Of course not Arthur..." whispered Aeson, his smile fading back into a frown.

Arthur walked away laughing while leaving his brother to his thoughts.

Aeson watched Arthur leave and let out a sigh, before turning towards the people, who cheered in celebration for their saviors and the return of their fallen.

"There can be no mistakes," whispered Aeson to himself.


in a dilapidated location, tubes, nuts, and other strange items covered the place like vines. The ground itself was completely dry except for the occasional water droplets that found their way to the floor, which was still damp underneath.

This particular area consisted of two sections separated by glass walls. One section consisted of what looked like some sort of science lab.

"Have we managed to transfer the original virus to the subject?" said a woman with long blue hair that reached her legs, and wore glasses that looked like they needed an old person with arthritis to wear them properly.

She had a clipboard with scribbles on it in a language no human being should ever be able to read, and she had been asking about this matter for the past hour, even after they finally got the subject stable enough for insertion.

"Madam Slavic. We managed to put the specimen into an artificial coma, but we haven't gotten a reply yet," answered another scientist dressed in blue scrubs, his face was covered in various scars, but he did not seem bothered. His hair and mustache were also messy and he was missing most of his front teeth.

"His the highest specimen with the highest success rate. It has the potential to become the next true Lycan since Wolfman, I am sure you understand the implications of this Maldon!" declared Madam Slavic, sounding very eager.

"Indeed I do, Madam Slavic," agreed Maldon. His accent sounded like someone had stuck their tongue down their throat after drinking too much alcohol, as did the smile he had on his face, although there were several small scars across his nose and lips.

"I am sorry to interrupt, but I believe I may have a solution to our problem," he said, his voice deep and raspy.

Both the scientists turned toward the man who stood behind them, who had not spoken until then. He looked like a middle-aged gentleman, who had seen too many things for his young age or perhaps had seen too much for his youth. His beard was rough and full of grey hairs, and his eyes twinkled behind thick spectacles.

In his hands, he held the book that no one would want to read, a novel in an old language. The cover was worn and yellowed with age, with small words written on the spine. He turned a page, and then another. There was some sort of message written on them.

"Just a mere problem such as this has caused you such…Confusion…Slavic?" said the Man

"Gideon…Gideon Flammenwerfer, The Witch Doctor" said Slavic

"The witch doctor…? But you…what happened to you? I mean…why are you here?" asked Maldon in confusion.

Gideon smiled slightly, before answering "The reason is…well…that's not important now, is it? Suffice it to say, this experiment is going to kill one of our enemies, specifically the first witcher, Vlad…Vlad the impaler…Dracula!"

The experiment on the other side of the glass suddenly opened its eyes. its eyes glowed with rage and hate as it grits its teeth."Cedric...Max…Assassination failed"

The subject of the experiment was


Lance Volvos




A group of five walked through a jungle, accompanied by the sound of thundering footsteps and roaring winds.

Max and his group went on foot because of confidentiality and secrecy.

They were getting closer to the spot on the map labeled "Forbidden forest".

"We've been walking for hours," complained Enora. "Are we close yet? am losing my sanity"

"Almost," replied Max with his calm demeanor.

"Well, it seems like the trees here don't like us anymore either," commented Enora as she glanced over the trees. They started to grow thicker and more menacing, blocking any form of sunlight that could shine on the travelers.

"Don't let the darkness fool you, there are worse things under those trees. Just a quick walk ahead and we should see our destination," responded Garrett calmly.

They calmly traveled further, Suddenly, Max looked up and frowned a bit, his eyes scanning over the dark leaves of the trees above him.

Then his expression relaxed and he smirked slightly. "Come out!"

A transparent figure leaped out of the trees, constantly shuttling through them until it appeared in front of the team.

The group was alert. The figure then shifted In Front of Max at breakneck speed.

"I do not know what my son plans to do, but leave this place…I will not repeat myself!" said the Being.

"who's your son?" asked Eric

"Haha well that should be…your current emperor," said the figure

"Wait… are you the previous Emperor? said Max in shock.

in front of them stood, The Destined One, The First Of His Kind, the Sealer Of Fate

Emperor Des

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