
Chapter 87

Two months after receiving her orders, Glory sailed into Pearl Harbor unsure of what to expect. Arleigh hadn’t offered any explanation and neither had Virginia for that matter. The latter was of no surprise to Glory but what did shock her was how subdued the submarine was. She’d given her, her orders with hardly a word. Glory read them over, finding them very simplistic. A quick transfer to 3rd fleet and Missouri’s personal command for an unspecified time. Glory had no idea what this was about. What she did know was Virginia had gotten more than just her stern chewed off. Her orders would normally carry Virginia’s signature on them as fleet deputy but that space was instead filled with the distinctive Japanese signature of Sunrise. Virginia had been cut out of the loop, deputy in name only. If she hadn’t been so harsh to her, Glory might have felt sorry for the submarine. As it was, she rendered honors to Pearl without a word.

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