
Coming Home

I slept better last night than I have in the past few weeks. The thought of home helped me relax. I haven't been home in months. It felt like summer came and went in a flash. At the end of summer, I was shipped away to Madam Odette's and now with winter here, I'm going to go home again. I miss my parents.

Homesickness is hard to fight but again, the comfort of being able to go home is wonderful. During the holidays nonetheless! I've been enjoying the cooking here but nothing can compare to Mom's homemade cooking. These are all the thoughts that bring me peace as I fall asleep.

Morning comes with darkness. It's getting so late in the season that when I'm up, the sun is not yet. I have to rely on my alarm clock. The light song my phone plays stirs me. I slap the snooze once so I can kind of wake myself up softly. My eyes close only to be woken up by my alarm again seconds later. Well, it felt like seconds. It was a full 10 minutes of unconsciousness.

I have to fight my body to get up. Shaking off the sleep is always the hardest part of my day. Today, it's a little bit easier. I'm ready to go home. I spent a good portion of last night getting the small bag I came with together. I got clothes, a good coat, and at Madam Odette's order for our family's formal Christmas dinner, my Armani suit.

The bag goes over my shoulder but the suit stays in my paw at all times to prevent any creases or folding. The cold air hits my face reminding me of the weather. The wind has died down. Now it's just brisk. I can almost feel my nose freeze.

I trek up to the house where I'm ushered inside and through to the front door. Madam Odette is already up and waiting for me. She's not even dressed for the day. Her doctor is next to her with a very unapproving look as well. She must be doing something he advised her not to do. She grabs the collar of my coat and fixes it up. Her paws cradle my chin as she looks me in the eyes, "Remember, you may be away from me, but you still represent my name so act accordingly. Lady Odette, mind your P's and Q's and don't let me down. I know you'll be running into people who do and don't like me and they will tell me about you."

"Yes, Madam Odette."

She pats my shoulders, sending me out the door. "Danny, drive safe. You're carrying precious cargo." He nods with a slight bow, "Yes, Madam Odette. I will drive as though you are with me." Danny steps out leading the way. He takes the suit from me as he opens the door. Once I am inside he steps in hanging up the suit to a hook on the inside of the vehicle. He ensures the hook is clicked in place so the suit will not go anywhere. "Ready, Sir Red?"

"Ready Danny. I am in your care."

I hear the wheels start to roll off the driveway onto the street. I look back watching as the light from the house fades away as the front doors close. There is a shadow watching as we move. I can tell from the silhouette that is none other than the lady of the house, Madam Odette. Something in my stomach changes once the door closes. Things immediately changed. I'm out in the world on my own for a while. I have my freedom back to a degree. I am still a student of Lady Odette and I will still have to respect her as such.

It's a few hours before we are through the nearby town of Ammay. It's still one of those places where if you blink, you'll miss it. This coat is getting to be a bit too much. Danny knows what the temperature of the back of the car is supposed to be. My coat will sit next to me on this ride.

Something white catches my eye. In the inside pocket, there is something I didn't notice before. "What's this?" I mutter to myself reaching in. A simple envelope. No writing, no distinguishing marks, just a plain, notecard-size envelope. I flip it over seeing it's been sealed by someone.

My claw tears through the top opening it up. Something hits my nose before I can even get to its contents. A scent that brings me some relaxation. I pull a folded piece of paper out. Danny has his eyes locked on the road paying me no mind and my actions.

Flipping the letter open, the first thing that catches my eye is a large red lipstick stain on the paper next to an extravagant signature of the owner of this unique scent. I read with a smile;


I hope you find this before you reach your destination.

I want you to know that I am proud of you and your accomplishments. You have done such a wonderful job since you arrived here.

You were this meek little boy thrown into an unfamiliar setting where you stood up to the challenges and thrived growing into a man who will be admired by his peers. Myself included.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

Madam Odette Marie Desrosiers

There is a little something scrawled out on the bottom of the letter. Almost as if it was hidden at the last minute;

P.S. Text me when you get home safe. (431) 555-4303

She is something else. I'll have to guard that number with my life. I know there are a lot of people who would kill to be able to get a hold of her. I'm not even sure her staff has her personal number.

I fold the letter with the utmost care placing it back inside the envelope. Now I kind of wish I had worked the glue instead of tearing the paper across the top. I hide it back in my coat pocket. "That looked important."

Danny nearly scared me. His eyes were still forward but he must have caught a glimpse. "Yea, yea it was. I'm glad I found it." I swear I could see him smiling at me. He knows something is up. I'm not going to dwell on it.

It's a few hours before I wake up from a small nap. I dozed off and didn't even know it. Looking around I see that there is still a stocked bar in the back. I rustle around looking for something. I don't want a drink-drink, just something bubbly for the moment. I feel bad that I'll have to use these crystal glasses. I know they are expensive.

One clinked against another and Danny piped up, "Sir Red, while I cannot stop you I will let you know that you are not of the drinking age." I sit up with an empty glass in my hand, "I know. I'm looking for mixers rather than the liquor. I know better." I shoot him a wink and he nods back. I find the mixers hidden away. Just want something wet and bubbly. "Ooh!" I find what I'm looking for. Just a clear soda to keep me together for the rest of the ride. The ice clinks against the glass followed by the fizz of the soda.

Just one little sip helps me feel better. I left so early this morning that I didn't get breakfast. I'm reminded of this fact as it hits my stomach. I'll be alright. Just a few more hours.

I must have dozed off again after I placed my empty glass away. The sound of the tires changing speed woke me up. We jumped off the highway passing a sign for city limits. I'm almost home. I recognize some landmarks as we begin to weave through the city streets. There's snow here too. The streets have been plowed with anything left behind having melted in the sun.

A couple turns with long streets and we take a road I am very familiar with. My eyes lock on the house I grew up in. There are lights on inside meaning someone is home. Car in the driveway as well. Danny pulls up placing my door right in front of the driveway leading to the walkway up. This man could stop on a dime with his eyes closed by feeling the tire shift over it.

He steps out quickly moving around to open my door. Once I am out he reaches in grabbing the suit. He's ready to walk it up to the door with me. "Danny, I'm home. You don't need to go the full nine yards." Reluctantly, he hands it over. "Just make sure you drive back safely. Stop if you feel tired. Rest if you need to. I want to see your face either come pick me up or be there when I return. Understand?" I point to him with an authoritative finger.

He cannot keep a straight face on this. "Yes, Sir Red. I understand." He just gives me a nod but I see that smile. I know for a fact that Madam Odette cares for her people. Even so, there is something about everyone caring for everyone else. I know Danny is an essential person in the household.

The stairs up have been shoveled already. Everything is nice and neat, just like I remember it. I'm sure dad misses having me around to help shovel snow. Wait till I show him my new way of doing it. Eh, probably shouldn't use magic while I'm here. At least not in public.

I ring the doorbell and wait. There are footsteps coming. I recognize them as my mother's. I can also hear the giddiness in her voice. "Oh! He's home! He's home! He's home!" The door opens and there's the familiar face I missed. I can't even keep the tears back. It's been so long since I've gotten to have a mother's hug. "Hi Mom, I'm home."

"My boy is back!"

She's still jumping up and down as she tries to hug me. I keep the suit off to the side to hug her with one arm. "Mom, let me put this down and I can give you a proper hug," She backs off straightening herself up. "Of course, of course. Your room is still yours so you can use your closet."

I see dad at the top of the railing looking over. As I pass he pokes me, "I'll hug you when you get your stuff down." The hallway to my room feels so familiar. The scent is different but somehow the same. It's been so long that I'm no longer used to it. My bedroom is about how I left it. A little cleaner than before.

The closet still has my old clothes sitting in it. Smells a bit musty, untouched rather from the absence of their owner. I slid open a spot for this suit to sit, for now, hanging up my coat I brought with me. The corner of the letter caught my eye. Being home, I almost forgot about the one order I was given. I reach back grabbing it to collect the phone number. I add a contact to send a message to someone that says "I made it safely". My phone goes back into my pocket. It didn't even leave my paw when I felt it go off again. The notification read, "Thank you for letting me know. Enjoy this time with your family. Text me if you get some free time. I would like to have a word with you."

The "I would like to have a word with you" puts me a little on edge. Did I do something? Or is it just Madam Odette using her professional language? I will have to try and carve out some time. I sent a quick reply as though I were in front of her. "Yes, Madam Odette." I drop my phone in my pocket with a smile. I still can't escape her training.

Stepping back out into the hallway, I overhear my mother, "He's gotten so big. You'll see when you hug him he's like a rock." As my footsteps echo down the hall I hear her getting gitty again. She's bouncing on her feet with a toothy grin. "OK Mom, now I can give you a proper hug." She jumps at me throwing her arms over my shoulders. I give her a quick lift before setting her back on her feet. Dad pipes up, "Be careful with your mother. Don't break her now."

He comes over throwing his arm around me. His eyes widen as he comes into contact with me. "Wow, your mom was right." He comes in for a full hug. He didn't hold back this time. I could feel him squeeze me as tight as he could. I just let him have his fun.

Mom comes back in for another hug after dad lets go. I have a feeling this is going to be my normal for the next few weeks. "My baby boy! Come! Sit! Tell us what you've learned. I'm excited to hear about your adventures."

It feels like it's been years since I've last been home. We sit down at the kitchen table so I can tell them what's been going on since day one. My dad is all ears when it comes to the magic theory. He's asking deep questions about theory and practice. We've always been a lot alike in that we are both thirsty for knowledge. My mother is on the opposite end of things. She wants to make sure I'm eating, that I'm taking care of myself, and that I'm well. I can see nothing but concern in her eyes while I go over my training with Badger and my survival week with Madam Odette.

I hate to take up all their time with my stories. But there is so much! I just have to keep an eye on what I say. I still represent Madam Odette and I have to make sure that I paint her in a professional light. I will have to keep our more personal life… personal.

I get to where I run out of major story events and decide that is where we can take a break. Mom goes into her mom mode where she's ready to take care of her baby boy. "Did you eat on the way here? Did you nap? Are you hungry? I can make something." Dad stands up walking into the kitchen to the fridge, "No, you take it easy. I can find something for him."

"Joshua! I'm not sick! I'm just…"

A couple of red flags here. My mother never calls my dad by his full name unless he is in trouble. It's always "Josh" or "Joshy" but never his full name. The second red flag is that she cut herself off rather quickly. Something is afoot.

I dart my gaze between the two waiting for the first one to crack. "Ju~ust what?" She must have let a major secret go. Dad doesn't look upset, just more uneasy about it. Mom has her face buried in her paws realizing what she did. The fridge door closes as dad walks closer, "We knew we wouldn't be able to hide it from him but we were hoping to keep it more as a weird Christmas gift for you and the family."

Oh, they meant to keep something a secret. I already have questions but there is one important one that needs to get out there, "Mom isn't dying, is she? That would be a weird gift." They both lunge at the same answer. "No! No, no, no, no. No." It's a flurry of no's in my ears as they are quick to quell the fear. Mom takes a deep breath as she tries to collect herself. "We've been keeping a secret for only a short while. Red, you're going to be a big brother."

I'm taken aback. I know how old my mother is and I have some worries but they seem rather excited. "Red, I'm pregnant and we're expecting twins!"


This changes a lot! One child is enough work but two?! I cover my muzzle with my paw in a sort of disbelief but excitement. It may be that I'm old enough to understand but this is some news! "Red? Red you're not saying anything." Dad waves his paw in my face as I come to. "Yea! No! I'm just… I don't know! I'm happy for the two of you. I just don't know how to react. Does that make sense?"

"Do you have questions or concerns?"

"Not really. I'm guessing my room will become a nursery again and that's perfectly fine. I imagine that after Madam Odette releases me I'll be out into the world on my own doing… something."

There isn't anything I can do about it. I am old enough that I can make it on my own. With new kits in the house, they'll have their hands full. Here comes Mom mode, "We wouldn't kick you out, you know that."

"Mom, you're going to have your hands full and I'm where I can take care of myself."

"But do you have a job lined up? Do you have money?"

"I've been working for Madam Odette and she's been paying me very well."

"Is it enough to take care of what you need? We don't know these things because Odette has always been rather secretive."

"I get paid quite a bit. I will definitely be OK for quite a while."

Last I checked, my given bank account was sitting around $212,000 from working and poker. Since everything is provided, I don't have to spend money on anything. I'm provided food and lodging just for being there. I can tell even with my reassurance that my mother is on edge. I'll be sure to splash a little cash while I am here. I still need to get them some Christmas gifts. Now that I know they are expecting, I know what I can get them.

Now that I know what's going on, I drive their focus to them. I want to know the names, plans, and designs for the nursery. They are both just spewing information left and right about this. They are excited! I can say that this is something big for them. I have not seen them this excited in a long time. They even tell me their plan for announcing to the rest of the family at Christmas.

Lunch goes by the wayside. The hours pass until we all realize that it should be dinner time. With such little time, it was decided that we should head out for the evening. I get to pick being back. I know just the place too. There's a mom-and-pop Mexican place that's a literal hole in the wall where everything is made from scratch. They are super cheap as well.

For the three of us, maybe five of us depending on who you ask, only about $24. I ordered a "beer for the kitchen" before we left for a nice $8, and left a $100 on the table without my parents noticing. The waitress damn near fell over.

Back at home, it was hard to wind down. It got late, my mom was forced to bed by dad, and I decided that I would take the guest bedroom in the basement. I'm too wired to sleep. There's a TV in that room I can watch while I start to doze off. Some adult-orientated cartoons will serve as background noise when I do not pay attention to them. Something clicked in my head. I forgot something important. My phone is plugged into the wall but the cord is long enough that I can have it in bed with me. I find the message I'm looking for and so begins a sleepless night.

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