
Chapter 41

Zadkiel was currently at his room going through the files about the various things that were happening in Heaven. His job was like the regulator of Heaven as he must make sure that all of Heaven is working perfectly. Basically he is tasked with the job of making sure that Heaven runs without any kind of problems.

He also had his upcoming marriage as well but he wasn't too bothered by it as he eas quite sure that it will be fine. Even if something does go wrong he is prepared as he had made several plans to make sure that him and his family will be okay.

'Good good. Everything is working as intended and there haven't been any incidents as well. Iblis and Levyatan had told me about the happenings in the Underworld and it is going fine as well. I've also kept a watch on Samael so he shouldn't be able to do anything to Eve.' Zadkiel thought to himself as he went over the files.

He then completed the final checks before he left his office. He flew through the Sixth Heaven and saw Gabriel sitting on a fluffy cloud with a smile on her face. She sensed him and looked at him as her face brightened.

"Zadkiel, are you done with your work?" Gabriel asked him with a smile.

"Yes. How about you?" Zadkiel asked her with a smile.

"I am done with mine as well." Gabriel said with a smile on her face.

"That's good to hear." Zadkiel said before he sat beside her on the cloud.

Gabriel felt happy when she saw him sitting beside her as she then used her magic and teleported them out of Heaven. The duo then reappeared in space as Zadkiel just smiled at the change of scenery.

"Is the view great here?" Gabriel asked him as she pointed at the starry sky.

"Yes. Yes it is." Zadkiel said as he also enjoyed the view.

Gabriel smiled when she heard his words. She then leaned on his shoulder as he glanced at her in response. But she smiled at him and leaned her body onto his own as he just gave a small smile. The two then went back to looking at the stars and the various beautiful iterations it is making as they smiled at it.

"A lot of things happened in such a short time hasn't it?" Gabriel said as she looked at the stars.

"Yeah. A lot of things have happened." Zadkiel said with a nod as well.

Gabriel looked at him and smiled as she leaned onto him. He unfurled his wings and wrapped them around her. Gabriel was surprised by it but didn't say anything and just enjoyed the feeling of her brother's wings on her as she felt protected.

"Zadkiel, do you think there will be more conflicts in the future?" Gabriel asked him after some time.

"Maybe. In the end it is up to how the other pantheons act. The only thing we can do is keep on preparing and getting stronger so that we can protect ourselves in the time of a fight." Zadkiel said to her as he didn't take his eyes off of the stars.

"I see. That means I will have to get even stronger if I want to fight alongside you." Gabriel said as he looked at her.

"You are quite strong Gabriel. I just trained more." Zadkiel said to her as he knew that he is correct.

As an archangel and one of the 5 Seraphs he knows that Gabriel is very strong. He knew from sparring against her that she has enough power to go toe to toe with Gaia. He had dominated the battle because he had trained and grown stronger but if she were the one to have fought against her then she could fight with her no problem. Gabriel isn't known as Heaven's Strongest Woman for nothing.

They stayed silent after that as they gazed at the stars. Gabriel then raised her hand and waved it as a few stars glowed white and then light connected them as Zadkiel watched as the lines joined to form a pigeon. He chuckled at it as Gabriel smiled as the lights disappeared.

Zadkiel then also waved his hand and lines joined the stars like what Gabriel had done. When the image was done Gabriel's eyes widened as it was her face that was created in between the stars as she has a shocked face.

"How is it?" Zadkiel asked him sister with a smile.

"It's great! I wish I had that control." Gabriel said as she looked at the stars in awe.

Zadkiel smiled at her words as he then turned his attention to the sky as the image also faded away. Gabriel then had a thought and then told it to him as he was surprised by it as well. But he smiled at her nonetheless and then raised his hand as his eyes glowed.

Then lines formed from the stars but this was unlike before as it was of a great magnitude. Many lines formed from the countless stars in the space as he used his powers to create a tapestry using the stars.

Gabriel watched with wide eyes at what she is seeing as the lines joined together as it formed an image that she had envisioned. After some minutes Zadkiel was done with it as he looked at his sister.

"So, how is this?" Zadkiel asked as he gestured to his work.

"It's beautiful." Gabriel said as she looked at it with awe and wonder.

Right now in front of them an image of all of the newly appointed Five Seraphs, alongside Lilith, Adam, Eve, Iblis, Levyatan and the other angels like Azazel were also shown. God was at the back of all of them as he seemed to be looking at his children as all of them smiled with a happy face. All in all, it is a great piece of art.

Gabriel loved what her brother had done for her as she felt herself blush and her heart beat more. She turned and looked at Zadkiel with a bright smile on her face as he just smiled back at her.

"Zadkiel, can you close your eyes for me?" Gabriel asked him with a smile.

"Why?" Zadkiel asked her curiously.

"Just do it. And no peeking." Gabriel said to him with a smile and a wink.

Zadkiel laughed a little at her words but nodded to her anyway.

"Alright, as you say." Zadkiel said to her with a smile as he closed his eyes.

Zadkiel wondered what she would want to show him but then he felt something soft touch his lips as he opened his eyes. His eyes widened a bit when he saw Gabriels face right in front of him. But they widened more when he realised that she is currently kissing him on his lips.

He didn't do anything and just watched as she ended the kiss and looked at him with a smile.

"Gabriel?" Zadkiel asked her in surprise.

'Did she give me that kiss as a thank you? She is an innocent girl despite how strong she is.' Zadkiel thought to himself as he looked at her.

Gabriel smiled and grabbed his hands and looked at him with a bright smile adorning her face.

"Zadkiel, my dear favourite brother, I am in love with you." Gabriel said to him with a smile on her face.

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