
Home Again

You slowly opened your eyes as the sun peeked into the room that Alfred must have thrown you in. You could feel the bandages all over your body and the pain was still there. You doubt you could move even if you wanted to.

Alfred: Perfect timing, Master Y/N.

You looked to the door to see Alfred enter with a tray of food. You sat up, despite the massive amount of pain, and grabbed the sandwhich that was there. You scoffed it down and savored the first thing you've had to eat since God knows when.

Alfred: I am glad to see that you have an appetite. I will prepare more later.

Y/N: T-Thank you. How long was I...

Alfred: Four days, Sir.

Four days? Damn. Talk about a nap. You laid back down and groaned in pain.

Y/N: What about Dick?

Alfred: Master Tim and Terry are working on him down in the cave. His mind had been altered greatly. Master Tim is trying to reverse the programing.

You looked up at the roof before something crossed your mind.

Y/N: Hey, where's Cassandra?

Alfred looked past you and you looked over to find her sleeping figure on one of the chairs nearby. Her hair was covering one of her eyes and you could see the thin line of drool coming from her mouth. Must've fallen asleep on accident.

Alfred: She has refused to leave the room. Everyone has come by to give you their best wishes.

He signaled over to the table by the door where there were countless bouquets of flowers all over.

Y/N: Wow. I have friends.

You tried to laugh but you immediately regretted it when your ribs stung in pain. You heard Cassandra stir and you both looked over to see that she was waking up. Alfred smiled as he stood up and headed to the door.

Alfred: I shall go make those sandwiches. The two of you need some time alone.

He closed the door behind him as Cassandra rubbed her eyes. She looked around the room before her eyes landed on you. You smiled as her eyes suddenly lit up and she shot out of the seat. She rushed over to the bed and gently grabbed your hand. Tears formed in her eyes as she looked at you.

Y/N: Hey, Killer.

Cassandra: You are alive.

Y/N: Yeah. I'm alive.

Cassandra: I-I was...I was scared.

Y/N: I'm sorry.

She began to cry as she lifted your hand to her face. Tears began to form in your eyes as well.

Cassandra: You are late.

You smiled as your tears began to fall.

Y/N: I'm sorry. I'm here now.

As the snow fell outside, a sudden thought crossed your mind. One that hit you like a train.

Cassandra: Happy Birthday, Y/N.

Your birthday was a week ago. Days after you were thrown into the maze. You were 18 now. An adult.------------Y/N: Again.

Tim nodded as he charged at you. He threw a kick which you caught before he delivered another. You blocked it and delivered a punch of your own.

It had been three weeks since you came back from the maze below Gotham. Recovery was slow but, it was still there. You had decided to stay at the Manor for the time being and it seemed that Cassandra was to.

It was odd, being back here. Still no Bruce, no Joker imposter, and no Owls to be seen. The target was off your back and you had their Talon. Speaking of which...

Y/N: How is Dick?

Tim: He's doing better. Memories are starting to come back slowly. No idea how the Owls got him, though.

Terry: I don't have an idea either.

Terry switched out with Tim and the two of you spared for a moment.

Terry: Though, while you were under Gotham, the Underaged Hero Law was officially put on hold. We can operate openly for the time being. Hopefully it'll be permanent.

Y/N: That's good to hear.

You blocked his blow but Terry tossed you over his shoulder. He caught you before you could hit the ground and gently laid you down.

Terry: You're getting better. The wounds look good to.

You touched your chest. The bandages were still there but the cut under it was healing nicely. You slowly stood up with Tim's help. Stephanie, Debra, and Cassandra entered the cave and spotted the three of you there. Cassandra immediately rushed over to you worried which made you smile.

Since you got out of bed, she had been following you around like a puppy to make sure you were ok at all times. During sparing sessions, she would never give it her all against you and when she would hit you, it felt like a pillow. At night she would lay with you but she made space between the two of you to make sure she wasn't hurting you.

You and Terry had to convince Stephanie and Debra to take her out of the Manor for a few hours just so you could do your physical rehab with Tim and Terry. Cassandra looked at your body without saying anything while the others watched on amused. Despite being born to be a stone cold killer, Cassandra was seriously concerned for you.

Y/N: I'm ok.

Cassandra: Are you sure?

Y/N: Yes, Killer. I'm alright.

You gently grabbed her hands and gave your best smile.

Y/N: See? Golden.

Cassandra looked at you for a moment before she finally calmed down. She suddenly reached up and gave you a quick kiss before she walked off to do something else.

You looked over to the others to see that they were pretending like they didn't see anything.

Y/N: Really, guys?

Debra: Oh, look. A bat.

Tim: Hey! That is a bat.

Terry: It's a nice bat.

Stephanie: Let's name him Bill.

Y/N: You guys are the worst.

Everyone smiled as you lifted up your fists again.

Y/N: Let's see if I can handle all four of you this time.--------You laid in the couch with Cassandra as the fire raged on in the fireplace. Soft Christmas music played in the background as Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer played in the TV.

Alfred had made you both some hot cocoa as well as for Terry and Debra. The two of them were in their rooms for the time being as they finished their own Christmas preparations before the last week before Christmas came.

Cassandra fixed herself so that she was closer to you. You could hear her hum along to the music which you listened to. You gently kissed her head which made her smile.

Y/N: Hey, Killer?

Cassandra: Hmm?

Y/N: I...I love you.

Cassandra didn't respond. Instead, she turned herself over so that she was looking at you. She reached up and kissed you.

Cassandra: I love you to, Y/N.

The two of you held each other as it snowed outside. Even if it was just for right now, you were happy. You were home in the arms of the woman you love. You will stand again.

But right now you just wanted to cuddle with your girlfriend.



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