
Beyond Pt. 1

Y/N: So, you guys really did it. You crazy bastards really held it together for a whole week.

You and Jason looked around the room and, even now, it was spotless. Everyone seemed much more happier with each other. During their time doing chores together and training, they were able to talk and communicate with each other. Boundaries were made, bonds were reforged, and no one wanted to kill each other. Well, at least they weren't open about it anymore.

Jason: Well, I guess we need to come up with some kind of reward.

Y/N: Yeah.

You both looked at each other and had a mental conversation with your eyes and the tight bond you had forged.

Jason: Can they drink?

Y/N: Everyone here is under the age of 21.

Jason: So bar is out. Clubs to.

Y/N: You think they would like paint ball?

Jason: The guys, sure. The girls, no way.

Y/N: This is hard.

Jason: Indeed. Maybe we can take them to a play?

Y/N: I can name at least 6 of them who would fall asleep half way through off the top of my head.

Jason: Damn. Chicago is on this weekend.

Y/N: Oh! We can go.

Jason: Deal. Now back to the kids

Meanwhile, everyone was watching the two of you as you stared at each other.

Bart: What is going on here?

Vigil: It's like they're talking to each other but, they aren't saying anything.

Y/N: Maybe we can just give them a day off?

Jason: Everyone gets days off.

Y/N: Jesus. Everyone is so different that none of these plans work.

Jason: Screw it. Let's just ask them what they want.

Y/N: Great idea.

You both turned back to everyone who were still watching confused and impressed.

Y/N: Aight. What do you want?

Everyone smiled. Seems they already talked about this.

Everyone: BEACH DAY!

Jason sighed while you raised a brow.

Y/N: Uh, ok. I guess that's fine.

Now you needed to buy some beach wear.---------Garfield: THE BEACH!

He transformed into a cheetah and dashed right to the water where he jumped up, transformed into a dolphin, and jumped into the water. He was immediately washed up to shore.

Garfield: Guys? A little help here? Guys?

You sighed as you walked over and used your foot to push him back into the water. You returned to the other guys and helped them set up the beach towels and the umbrellas as the girls changed. Turns out there was a private beach owned by the Justice League so no one could bother you all.

You popped open the beach umbrella and sighed. You wore a thin F/C button up with a pair of S/F/C pair of swim trunks. You stood beside Terry, Tim, Jason, Vigil, and Zachary as the younger kids went to go mess around in the water.

Tim: You do realize why they agreed to this so easily right?

Jason: I figured those hormone monsters just wanted to see the girls in bikinis.

Terry: Yep. We agreed just because we wanted to get the hell away from that damn building.

Y/N: That didn't even cross my mind. I mean, is that ok?

Debra: Hey guys!

You all turned to see the girls heading your way. Hm. Maybe you were willing to let this one slid. Wait, no. Yes? Jesus. Being the leader was hard sometimes. Everyone gawked at the girls before you all turned to Jason.

Jason: Not happening. The only one I can creep on is Helena because she's of age but even then, that's weird. I may be an outlaw but I have morals.

Y/N: Good for you. Should we start on the food?

Jason nodded and you bkth got to work with setting up the grill. It didn't take long for things to get into full swing. Everyone was either lounging around or messing around in the water. You and Jason were cooking up some food for everyone and you were happy to see everyone so relaxed.

This was a good break to have with everything going on. You were still an illegal hero but, right now, it doesn't matter. What mattered was that your team were finally being able to be normal teens.

Jason: Hey Y/N, you mind running back to the car and grabbing the buns? I forgot them.

Y/N: Yeah.

You set down the bowl of vegetables on the ice chest before you walked back to the car Jason brought. You were able to use the boomtube in the nearby Mt. Justice but you still opted to stay with Jason for the ride. You reached the car and popped the trunk to retrive the buns. You closed the trunk but stopped when you saw someone standing there.

It was, you? It was but something about it was obviously off. This person had this hazy glow to them. They looked different yet somehow the same. What was this?

Y/N: Hello?

The other you didn't answer. You slowly set the buns down and walked over to the other you. He didn't move. You slowly reached out and touched him. Suddenly, something happened. Your head began to hurt enough to drop to your knees. You grabbed your head and began to scream.

Y/N: What is this?!

Flashes of a past unknown to you began to flash through your mind before they left and were replaced with others. You could grab onto one for too long before it was gone. You fell to your side as the rush of images flashed through your mind.

Terry: Y/N? You here?

He looked over and spotted you freaking out on the floor. He quickly rushed over to you and tried to shake you out of it.

Terry: Y/N?! Y/N?! Can you hear me?!

You suddenly snapped out of it and shot up. You clenched your chest as you tried to recall what had happened. You suddenly couldn't recall what you saw.

Y/N: What the fuck was that?

Terry: What happened? You were freaking out.

Y/N: I, I don't know. I think I saw my past. I, I can't remember it anymore though.

Terry helped you on your feet as you held your head. You felt blood start to drip from your nose. You quickly wiped it off and sighed.

Terry: That's it. I was going to not say anything but I think we need go talk to someone. This is clearly getting worse.

You shook your head and sighed.

Y/N: Who would we even talk to?

Terry: Bruce once told me about a guy called Dr. Fate.

Y/N: Met him. Weird dude.

Terry: And our best bet. If this keeps going on, it might get you killed.

You gave it some thought before you sighed.

Y/N: Fine. We'll talk to him and see if he can do something about, whatever is going on.

Terry nodded and turned back to the beach.

Terry: Maybe we should let them be. We can handle this just find on our own.

Y/N: Yeah.

You both then turned to Jason's car. Looks like you were going on a quick trip.

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