
Just Say The Name Pt. 1

You found yourself sitting on the roof of the manor. In one hand you held a soda and in the other you held a newspaper. It was a good day and you had it off thanks to the Royal Gang takedown. You had taken a liking to this place and had since been coming up here. It was quiet and you enjoyed watching history unfold. You were still shooken up from the whole Ten is here thing but honestly you just wanted to forget about it. You brushed it off when anyone would ask about it which was slowly getting everyone warry.

They didn't know a whole lot about you and the mystery only grew. It was a manner of time before they found out the truth. Your relation to Ra's al Ghoul, your hatred for Black Mask, your relationship with this Ten. None of it was known. None of it needed to be known. To hell with everyone for trying to find out. You decided you liked being alone. You did see these guys as a kind of family since they were your family in the future.

Y/N: They don't need to know anything.

You laid down on the roof before a voice caused you to look up.

Bruce: Enjoying the view?

You opened one eye and looked at him. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a black shirt. You shrugged and sat up.

Bruce: I use to come up here all the time as a kid. It was always to clear my head. You seemed troubled. You want to talk about it?

You raised an eyebrow and almost laughed.

Y/N: Batman talking about feelings? The world must be ending.

Bruce: Not yet.

He took a seat next to you.

Bruce: Sometimes it helps to talk to someone.

Y/N: Do you?

Bruce: I have friends.

You cast a look of doubt but shrugged your shoulders.

Y/N: Sure.

Bruce: I do. And if you'd rather not talk then I can send you on a mission with one of them to clear your head.

You looked at him before nodding.

Y/N: Ok. I'll bite. Where am I going?-----------Y/N: What the shit?

You were in the great city of Pennsylvania standing in front of a large house. A foster home.

Y/N: This guy lives here? This is the right address right?

You looked at your phone and confirmed that it was indeed the right house. You sighed and threw your duffle bag over your shoulder and walked up to the door. You knocked on the old wood and waited for a moment. Finally the door opened.

???: Hello?

You looked at the frail boy and mentally sighed.

Y/N: Hi. Um. Is this the, uh, Vázquezes' foster home?

???: Yeah. Who are you?

You thought back on what Bruce told you.

Y/N: I'm with the Wayne Company....

???: Say no more! I'm Freddy. Welcome to our humble home.

He moved out of the way and let you in. The house was quite, comfy. It looked like a family house but it was clean. Very clean actually.

Freddy: I would offer help with your bag but, I'm kinda crippled.

Y/N: Don't sweat it. So where are the foster parents.

???: Right here.

You watched as a large Hispanic man and a smaller Hispanic woman walked into the living room. Freddy was definitely taller than the woman but the man was just a beast.

Man: Hello. Welcome to our home. I'm Victor and this is Rosa. We heard you were coming.

You shook his hand awkwardly before shaking his wife's.

Y/N: Uh, thanks. I appreciate you letting me stay here.

Rosa: No problem at all. We have a spare bed all ready for you though it will be in the boy's room. I hope you don't mind.

You waved it off with a smirk.

Y/N: No problems. I come from a crowded home anyway.

You were offered a seat and some tea which you accepted in an attempt to not be rude. Bruce told you that you would be undercover as a agent for Wayne Enterprises to check in on Foster Homes. He still hadn't told you who you were helping. Only that you would know him when you met him.

You talked to Victor and Rosa about random things while Freddy listened. You also noticed an Asian boy playing games in the next room.

Victor: That's Eugene. He's got a brain that one. Always playing some game or messing with some computer. Good kid. They all are.

Y/N: I believe it.

Rosa: You're just a bit yourself right? 16?

You nodded.

Y/N: I was a runaway before Mr. Wayne took me in. Taught me everything I knew.

Freddy: Man. It must be awesome living with Bruce Wayne. All that money.

Victor: Money is nice but remember the most important thing.

Freddy and Rosa: Family.

Everyone laughed while you simply smiled. Maybe Victor was the guy you were supposed to help. But, who was he? The front door opened and in came two more kids.

???: We're home!

Victor: Welcome back Mary. How was the test?

Mary: Easier than I thought. Totally passed.

Rosa: And how was yoga Darla?

Darla: Amazing! I can feel my abs coming in!

The girls noticed you and put on wide smiles.

Mary: Hello. You must me Mr. Wayne. I'm Mary and this is my sister, Darla.

Darla: Hi! I'm Darla.

You stood up and shook their hands.

Y/N: It's nice to meet you both. I'm Y/N Wayne. Just call me by my name.

You gave a well practiced smile.

Y/N: So, is this everyone?

Rosa: No. There's two more. No idea where Pedro is....

???: I'm right here.

All: Ahhhhh!

Pedro: Hi.

Victor: God lord son! What did we say about sneaking up on people?

Pedro: I was here the whole time.

You looked at him in amazement. How can a kid that big be so quiet?

Rosa: Ok. So there's one more you need to meet. Billy should be here soon.

Freddy: You'll like him.

That name sounded familiar. Suddenly the backdoor opened and in came the final child.

???: Hey guys. Back from the park.

You were looking at a 14 year old kid. Not just any kid. Billy Batson. AKA Shazam. You looked back at the other kids and it suddenly hit you.

These 6 kids were the Shazam Family.

Y/N: Well, it's nice to meet you.

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