
Barry's surprise

It's been a week since Barry and Kara had started fighting crime on earth one, along side Thawne who Cisco had made a new suit for and given him a hero name. His suit was the yellow but it had a lightning bolt similar to Barry's but instead of gold, it was red with the white background (think mix between Wally's suit and the Reverse Flash suit). Barry and Kara came to a stop inside the Cortex and changed into regular clothes. Barry said "hey babe, so you know that gift I've been working on". Kara asked "yeah Bar". Barry smiled and said "I think it's ready". Kara asked "really". Barry nodded. Cisco walked into the Cortex and asked "where is Thawne, he's meant to be helping me with this whole merging earth thingy". Barry shrugged his shoulders. Just then, Thawne ran into the Cortex and said "sorry Cisco, I spotted a burning building, had to put it out, come on, we can get to work". Cisco asked "how is the suit". Thawne smiled and said "it's great, thanks Cisco". Cisco said "no problem Velocity". Barry asked "Velocity". Cisco said "well Its hard, all the cool names have been taken right, I mean the Flash, it's to good to beat, Zoom is evil, Professor Zoom, it just sounds villainous, I will think about it ok, by for now, we are using Velocity, so deal with it". Barry said "ok, I was just asking". Cisco said "sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude, this is all so stressful, can't it be the simpler days, when it was just us against meta humans, but with your wife...... I mean Girlfriend, and baby includes of course". Barry chuckled and said "I know, it is tough, but well we just have to accept that this is the new normal". Cisco nodded and said "I know, I know, go, show your girlfriend your gift, you'll love it by the way". Kara said "oh I know I will". Barry smiled at Kara and took her hand. Kara said "less the way handsome". Barry chuckled and They headed down to one of the labs.

Barry let go of her hand and walked over to a small box on the table. He opened it and said "I'm gonna need to see your glasses". Kara with a look of confusion said "okay, why". Barry smiled and said "you'll see". Kara nodded and handed Barry her glasses. Barry put his finger in the box and then touched the side of her glasses. Kara became even more confused. Barry chuckled and said "there, all done". Kara said "there's nothing there". Barry said "it's micro technology Kar, you wouldn't see it". Kara put her glasses back on. Barry said "now remove your glasses fast". Kara said "ok, is something going to happen". Barry said "just do it Kar". Kara smiled and took her glasses off fast. She watched as a new suit started to form around her clothes (her suit from the five season). Kara smiled and said "no skirt". Barry said "I figured you'd want something different". Kara smiled from ear to ear and said "I love it so much, thank you". Kara wrapped her arms around Barry's neck and placed her lips on his. Barry smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed back. After a couple of minutes, Barry pulled away and said "I'm glad, I spent a long time on it". Kara smiled more. Barry said "now if you put your glasses back on". Kara put her glasses on and the suit went back into the glasses. Kara gasped and said "that..... Is...... AWESOME". Barry smiled and asked "do you want to go get a big belly burger ". Kara said "yeah, let's go get Dawn from Caitlin first". Barry said "yeah, hopefully she had better luck than Cisco did last week". Kara giggled and nodded.

Barry and Kara walked into the med bay to see Caitlin sitting with Dawn. Barry asked "how is she". Caitlin smiled and said "she's been quiet, you two are lucky". Kara said "I know, She doesn't make a sound at night time, which is nice". Barry said "yeah, maybe occasionally but not too much". Caitlin handed Dawn over to Kara. Barry said "we're going to big belly burger, do you want to come". Caitlin said "thanks for the offer but I'm going to stay and see if Cisco and Thawne need help". Barry said "ok, well we will see you later". Caitlin said "bye guys, have fun". Kara smiled and said "we will". 

The two sat with Dawn inside the big belly burger. Barry fed Dawn while Kara ate her burger. Barry smiled and said "wait until she is all grown up and has to eat more than us". Kara said "I am not looking forwards to when she has your speed and my flying, it's gonna be a pain". Barry chuckled and said "I know Kar, but it should be fine, it's her teenage years I'm worried about". Kara said "oh that isn't going to be fun". Barry smiled at Dawn and said "you won't be a pain for your mum and dad will you". Kara giggled and said "if she is anything like us, She won't be". Barry said "I agree, you're gonna be just like your mummy aren't you". Barry handed Dawn over to Kara and said "she will be". Kara smiled and said "as long as she gets the best parts of both of us". Barry chuckled and said "yeah, you're right". Kara continued to feed Dawn while Barry ate his burger. As Barry was cleaning up his rubbish, Barry's phone rang. Barry asked "can you get it babe, I'll put the rubbish away". Kara said "yeah Bar". Kara took Barry's phone and answered it. Cisco said "Barry, hey, me and Thawne think we have an idea on the whole earth merging thing". Kara giggled and said "it's Kara Cisco, but I'll tell him". Cisco said "oh thanks, we'll see you soon". Kara said "bye". Barry sat back down and pecked Kara's cheek. He asked "who was it". Kara said "Cisco, he thinks he has an idea on the whole merging our earths, we should get back to Star Labs". Barry said "yeah". Kara asked "Bar". Barry said "yeah Kar". Kara said "do you feel as if we are being watched". Barry said "I do actually, let's get back to the labs fast". Kara nodded and said "let's go".

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