
37.Time For The Truth

Inside of a dimly lit room, tied up to a chair with a singular light bulb hanging from the ceiling flickering; Mon-El slowly opens his eyes as his vision begins to adjust to his surroundings

The Daxamite first felt a sting of pain as he looked to his right as his eyes widened in horror of his whole right arm missing, a wave of memories come rushing back to Mon-El as he remembers it..he remembers getting beaten down by two people

They were absolutely relentless to him..they utterly humiliated him more than anyone ever has in his entire life and now because of them, he was missing an entire arm..what did he ever do to deserve this?

Mon-El notices in the far back of the room multiple pairs of eyes glowing one of being blue, then purple and finally red mixed with black; as the people behind those eyes make themselves known for Mon-El to see

The Daxamite immediately grits his teeth seeing Erick standing in front of him with some kind of hammer in his hand as Mon-El tried to lunge forward to the speedster but was pushed back by Kate's super strength as Erick looked rather unimpressed by Mon-El's attempts

Kate:I wouldn't even think about trying that again..especially not with one arm

Mon-El turns his seething gaze to her as she stares down the Daxamite but it doesn't even startle her in the slightest; she's fought more Frost Giants that held more bravery than Mon-El

His gaze slightly softens as he looks at the women he onced loved as Kara stands next to Erick with her arms crossed

Mon-El:Kara whatever he told you it isn't true--

But she was done hearing all of these weak excuses from him

Kara:Erick didn't have to tell me anything, I saw you treated him..because of you his life is ruined; people think he's some kind of monster!

Mon-El retaliates right back to her

Mon-El:Because he is! Why can't anyone see that!? He's the son of the worst person to ever exist! Look at the damage he caused--!

The sound of a hard left hook cracking Mon-El across the face can be heard as Kara moves her fist back

Kara:Their wouldn't have been any sort of damage if you had just left him alone, every time he tries to enjoy his freedom you make up some idiotic excuse to go after him! And he kicks your ass every time!!

Her words rung true even before Erick found out where he came from and who he truly was, he still beat Mon-El every single time not once had he gotten close to a victory

Erick kneels down and meets Mon-El's eye level as he flips Mjöllnir in his hand  as small sparks of lightning brush against Mon-El's skin

"I shouldn't sully such a weapon with your blood..I was told that I should use it wisely but im sure I can make an exception just for you, Mon-El.."

Before Mon-El can even blink he finds himself on the tallest building in all of National City with the chair mere inches off of the ledge of the roof, Erick puts his hand on Mon-El's shoulder and calmly tells him

"You keep saying that I caused you to do all of this but the truth is you were the one who broke Imra's heart, you lost the support of all of the people who once trusted you.."

Erick throws Mjöllnir a bit far as he calls it back to his hand it grazes Mon-El's cheek

"You stooped low enough to potentially put the lives of innocent people in harm's way all to get to me..you think that just because I won't kill you makes you invincible.."

The clouds around them darken as the rumbles of thunder and lightning echo loudly

"I don't think you understand how much power I hold over you, Mon-El. For example I can do this.."

Erick pushes the chair off of the ledge of the building as Mon-El begins to fall faster and faster to the ground below as Mon-El screams out in fear but he suddenly finds himself back on the roof  as Kara lands next to Erick as she faces Mon-El with a stern gaze

"You can't regenerate because your body depleted itself of sunlight..you being alive took everything away from you..now your just as human as anyone here.."

A small bolt of purple lightning strikes down from above as it lands mere inches away from Mon-El's feet as he tries to back away but the chains holding him down serve their use as Kate sits on the ledge with her hands still sparking with purple lightning

"So here what's going to happen..you are going to confess what you did and you used Scarecrow's fear toxin to infect me to make me destroy the city---"

Mon-El spits at Erick's shoes as he sighs and slaps Mon-El across the face just like his future self did

Mon-El:They'll never believe you! You'll always be the same pathetic speedster everyone knows you to be!

Anger flares up in Kate and Kara's eyes as they both go to interfere but Erick shakes his head 'no' letting them know he has this under control

Erick taps his watch as he pulls up a holographic screen as the exact footage of Mon-El throwing the fear toxin in his face plays on and shows him fleeing the scene

"You can thank your former teammate Brainy for that..looks like you've been kicked from your own team *winces* that must sting..imagine being kicked off a team you helped put together.."

Erick spins Mjöllnir around in a circular motion as he hurls it as far as he possibly can as Erick puts his hand on the back of Mon-El's head

Mon-El:W-What are you doing!? Get your hands off of me!

But Erick merely chuckles as he explains to Mon-El

"You know that nothing can stop Mjöllnir as it returns to my hand..not even your face, Mon-El"

Off in the distance Mjöllnir comes flying back at tremendous speeds as it only grows closer to them

Mon-El:Y-Your bluffing! You can't--you won't kill me!!

"You're right..I won't kill you but Mjöllnir on the other hand will, remember your human now..so that means you can die.."

Mon-El's rage slowly disappears as it is replaced by fear as he looks at Kara for any sense of help as he realized how serious this had all gotten

Mon-El:Kara please! You can't let him do this..

But Kara stands there with an unreadable expression on her face as she looks out into the distance seeing Mjöllnir getting closer as Mjöllnir picks up more speed

Kate:I remember seeing Mjöllnir go right through someone's body..it was very messy, alot of blood and guts spread through the ground..

Mon-El frantically moves around in the chair but Erick just as easily holds him down with his super strength

"I wonder what do you think will die from first? The impact of the hammer..or your entire head exploding simultaneously?"

Mon-El:You're insane!!

Erick leans and whispers into Mon-El's ear

"I'm probably one of the most sanest people you'll ever meet, Mon-El. I wonder how everyone will see your death..a celebration or a tragedy? Do you even think anyone will actually care if you die? Do you think you'll be remembered for something like this?"

A loud thunderous *BOOM* echoes throughout the sky as Mon-El could finally see it..he could see Mjöllnir coming right at him

"I hope you enjoyed these last few days because it was your last ones.."

Mon-El stutters to find the right words

Mon-El:I don't want to die please!! Okay okay!? I'll confess!!!

Mon-El:Alright fine!! I confess that I did it! I drugged you to make everyone turn against you, I ruined your life not because out of justice but because I wanted to see you crumble!! I did it because I wanted to and I liked it!!

Mon-El closes his eyes as he waits for the crushing impact of Mjöllnir to strike him down but all he feels is cold metal touch his nose as he opens his eyes again seeing Mjöllnir right in front of him

Erick holds his hand out as he grabs Mjöllnir and smirks as we see Kate had recorded the entire confession

"Thank you very much for your confession, Mon-El. It really means a lot to me as you well know.."


Meanwhile inside of the DEO, Director Alex Danvers and Brainy watch the live feed of the footage as Brainy presses a couple of buttons as he sends the video to Imra and to every media in the known future

Brainy:It is done, Director Danvers..I hsve sent the video

Alex was very hesitant about their plan in the first place but seeing what Mon-El had done to Erick, she knew that missing an arm was about to be the very least of his problems from now on


Back on the roof, Mon-El was absolutely losing it..he had been tricked into a confession, a confession now that the entire future would know about in a matter of seconds..not only was his reputation ruined but his life has now gone aswell

Mon-El harshly glared at the man responsible for the confession as Erick stood there with an innocent smile on his face

"See I knew you'd never openly admit it so I came up with a plan and even if this one miraculously failed. I had more over seven more set in place, a wise and grumpy vigilante once told me to always be prepared..and so I was"

Erick shows the video of his confession going viral in a matter of minutes..Mon-El's face was everywhere to be seen as the entire future now knew the truth about his applauded actions towards the hybrid

"Congratulations Mon-El you are now the most famous person in the entire world.."

He pats Mon-El on the shoulder as he walks away with Kate and Kara walking away with him side by side as all you can hear are the Daxamite's screams of rage and protests but they didn't even care..it was over for Mon-El

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