
A Misunderstanding

Word Count: 1800

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader

Warnings: angst, slight mentions of blood, fluff, sad fluff

A/N: Request from ,Feel free to drop me a request and enjoy the story! Also I love Chloe, she's awesome, but for the sake of this story she sucks lol

Summary: After everything that happened, the heartbreak he saw in your eyes, he thought it would be best if he left your life entirely. However that was easier said then done, you wouldn't let him walk away, and you didn't even remember him.


You watched the number gradually rise as you stood inside the elevator. Maybe you could convince Lucifer to put music in it, make the rides less mind-numbing. The faint music coming from Lux was good enough, besides you loved the song that was playing. When the doors finally opened you stepped out, only to be meant by a shocking sight. Shocking wasn't really the right word for what you were witnessing, infuriating was more accurate. Chloe practically had her tongue down Lucifer's throat as he leaned against the piano.

"What the hell..."

Your voice was barely above a whisper still to caught off guard to really process everything. When your brain finally caught up though, you fixed them both with a chilling glare. Lucifer was tripping over his words and Chloe wouldn't look you in the eye.

"Y/N! I assure you this isn't what it looks like!"

You shook your head, taking a step back when Lucifer started walking towards you.

"It looks like you were swamping saliva with Decker!" You snapped.

Lucifer grabbed your arm, halting your movements as he looked at you pleadingly.

"Darling, please let me explain I-"

With angry tears clouding your vision you ripped your arm free from his grasp.

"Don't call me that! You don't get to call me that anymore!"

You slammed your hand on the button for the elevator as if that would, will the doors to open faster. Lucifer tried to reach for you again but you quickly stepped out of his reach. His expression was so broken, so distraught, it pained you to see him look like that.

"Y/N, please don't go."

Your eyes focused on the floor, you couldn't look him in the eye, knowing if you did you'd never be able to leave. Once the doors had closed you stumbled back against the wall. Broken sobs shook your body and hot angry tears obscured your vision.

You sped down the streets of LA, uselessly wiping at your tears, but they just kept coming. You failed to realize you had ran a red light until your car was spinning and a pain erupted in your skull. Broken bits of glass laid across the seat and your lap, and you felt a wet substance falling down the side of your face. You struggled to keep your eyes open but the world around you was fading fast.


Lucifer stared at the doors, as if he was sending out a silent prayer for them to open, for you to come walking out. His despair turned into rage and his eyes flashed dangerously for a moment. He kept his back to Chloe, eyes welling with tears at the fact he might have lost you.

"I think it's best you leave now Detective." He muttered.

"Lucifer I-"

He spun around to face her, his glare nothing short of murderous.

"Get out!" He roared.

Chloe hurried away as fast as she could. Lucifer placed his hands on the bar, bowing his head as he tried desperately to think of a way to fix this. When he could think of nothing  he swiped his arm across the shelves on the wall. Bottles of alcohol flew off the shelves, shattering to the ground in a mess of liquid and glass. Lucifer stared at the mess, a sigh escaping his lips. He reached for a bottle that hadn't been shattered but his phone ringing had caught his attention.


His voice was devoid of any emotion.

"Mr. Morningstar?"

"Yes. What is it?"

"I'm sorry sir, but there's been an accident."


As your eyes began to open the throbbing in your head only increased. You struggled to sit up for a moment, jumping slightly when you felt a pair of hands trying to help. You finally managed to open your eyes, ignoring the bright light that made your headache worse. You looked to your left, to find a man with black hair watching you with a concerned expression.

"What happened?" You muttered.

"You were in a crash, do you remember that?"

You shook your head which was apparently a bad idea as the pain in your head only got worse. You slowly lifted a hand to your head, flinched when you touched the bandage wrapped around it. You lowered your hand, seeing a little bit of blood on your finger tips. You looked back at the man, frowning a little.

"Who are you?"

Lucifer felt his heart stop and gave you sad smile. The Doctors had said you might have trouble remembering things for a while. However, it still pained him that you looked at him as if he were a stranger, someone you had to be weary of.

"I'm... well it's complicated at the moment, my name is Lucifer Morningstar."

You furrowed your eyebrows and stared at him silently for a moment.

"The name is familiar, but I'm sorry, I can't remember who you are."

Lucifer grabbed your hand, giving you a reassuring smile.

"That's alright my dear."

You gave him a smile, that broke his heart just a little more. You looked at him as if you could trust him, like nothing had happened.

"I best be going but Linda and Maze will be by to see you soon, they're very close friends of yours." Lucifer smiled, but it was empty.

"Oh, you're leaving already?"

He hadn't told you that you had been unconscious for almost two days, and he hadn't left your side since.

"I'd stay longer but you need your rest my dear."

What he wasn't saying but his mind was screaming is that you deserved better. Better than him and the heartache he caused, better than the pain he made you feel. Lucifer intended to walk out the door and never come back just so you could have a chance at happiness.

"Will you come see me again?"

Your question was laced with worry as if you suspected what he was doing. For some reason you hated the thought of him not coming back. Lucifer paused at the door, and looked at you over his shoulder.

"Of course I will, I'll take you home once the release you." Lucifer promised.

You smiled thanking him, and he left without another word.

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