

AN: This story was created and written by . They asked if I would post it for them and when I read it there was no way I could refuse! It's a beautiful and amazingly written story! I have made no changes to the story I have posted it here exactly as they sent it to me.


  My knees ached as I was shoved onto the hard pavement. I would have face planted if it wasn’t for the large man behind me. The rope that tied my hands together behind my back rubbed my wrists raw. A knife wound pierced my shoulder and the flow of crimson liquid traveled across my chest, staining the shirt beneath. My brain fuzzy as I fade in and out of consciousness. Pain clouded my thoughts and replaced all rationality that usually take up most cells.

        Before I could pass out completely, my head was jerked up by my hair. A cool metal pressed against my temple but I was so focused on pain that I thought nothing of it. Fuzzy figures surrounded me as I blinked repeatedly to clear my sight. After a few very long seconds I started to recognize two of the three people who stood in front of me.        Lucifer’s mouth moved but I couldn’t hear over the blood rushing in my ears. His body faced me but his face was turned to look at the unfamiliar man to his side. Fists clench and unclench at his side as his eyes barely flicker.        A stare burning into my skull causes my eyes to flicker a foot to the right of the devil. Maze stood with closed fists and a hard look on her face. Even while she tried to hide her emotions, I could always see right through them. Worry and, fear? Clouded her eyes as she stared at me. Her lips quivering slightly with unasked questions and most likely insults.        A whisper caught my attention as I struggled to look to my right. The man still held my hair so it was hard to move. The whispering got louder and more frantic as I barely got to see Chloe. Her mouth moved yet only muffled sounds came out.        Everything seemed to clear finally as I realized Chloe was calling my name. She was in the same position as me, kneeling with her hands tied behind her back. She looked untouched except the small cut on her cheekbone.        “Are you alright?” she asked quickly. ‘Yes, I’m freaking fabulous’ is what I wanted to say but a meek ‘yeah’ was all that came out. This worried her more because I was usually a very loud person. Chloe was about to speak again when yelling caught our attention.        “Time for you to choose, Lucifer.” The man said loudly. Lucifer looks absolutely mortified as Maze was seconds from breaking her brave facade.

Her eyes never left me, you could say I’m one of the very few creatures she actually likes. She comes to me with her angel and demon problems and I go to her when I have human troubles. Like a good demon friend, she always asks if she needs to kill them. I always say ‘no’ but sometimes those people mysteriously die the next day.

“I can’t choose,” Lucifer practically whispered. If he said it any louder his voice would probably break.

“Well,” the man made a thinking face.

“You will or they both die.” He says in a serious voice as he raises a gun aimed at me.

“You need help,” Chloe spat.

“Pick.” The gun moved from me to Chloe every few seconds.

“I can’t,” Lucifer’s voice breaks.


“Stop this nonsense!” Lucifer yells, still broken. Eyes wide with fear.

“2,” out of the corner of my eye I can see a tear making its way down Chloe’s cheek.

“No!” Maze calls out this time.

“1,” the man cocks the gun pointed at Chloe. His pointer finger on the trigger before Lucifer screams out, tears threatening to leave his eyes. Fear consumes me, he never cries. Not since he lost his wings.“Chloe!” He screams as he jumps in front of her. “I choose Chloe.” Maze and Chloe’s eyes both widen at who he chose, obviously thinking it would be the other way around.

“Very well,” the man said with a smirk. Maze lets out a battle cry as she starts to run towards her friend. Lucifer and Chloe close their eyes as a loud bang filled the air.

The deafening sound echoed through the room as the man and his men flee. Instead of chasing them, the three turn to see me fall to the side. My arms still held behind me. White hot pain pierced my stomach and started to slowly spread.

Maze caught me just before my head could smash against the ground. A heart wrenching scream breaks through the previously silent air. The woman who caught me pulled my limp body onto her lap with ease.Lucifer, who seemed frozen, ran to the other side of me and fell to his knees. I can tell it won’t be much longer until I completely bite the dust.“Alice, darling, you need to stay awake.” he had no idea what to do with his hands until he settled with cradling my face. “You’re going to be alright, okay?” I tried to speak as I can hear Chloe calling backup and an ambulance.

“I’m sorry,” I forced out through the scratchiness in my throat. My body started to grow numb until I couldn’t feel anything below my neck. It’s quite peaceful as I lay there in my best friend’s arms.

“Don’t. Touch. Her.” Maze gritted out and pulled me away from the hands of Lucifer as she glared at him through teary eyes. I could see the surprise and even more hurt take over his own glistening eyes.“Don’t- don’t blame,” my voice was weak as I spoke to Maze. “Them.” I breathed out as I felt myself fade into the darkness.

“No! No, no, no, you can’t do this.” Maze shook my unconscious body as my eyes glaze over, now empty. She shook me once more before she began to accept the inevitable and pulled my body closer to her chest. Denying and blaming was easier as she pulled away to kiss my forehead. Her shaky hands carefully set my now cold body on the pavement. Maze then softly placed her hand over my eyes and closed them, leaving me in darkness forever. “You,” she spat in absolute hatred as she stood.

“Maze,” Lucifer began in a comforting yet warning way with his hands raised in surrender. “Let’s not do anything rash.” His mind racing with ‘what if’ thoughts.

“You killed her,” she began to stalk towards him. Chloe has since left to wait for others, tears streaming down her face at the loss of a friend.Lucifer didn’t deny because he thought the same. That didn’t stop his most loyal demon moving closer to him. Once she arrived, Lucifer flew into the wall when Maze threw him. He took the beating until he felt he had enough.

“Enough,” he said quietly, but sternly. His eyes glowed red and his natural form flickered. “I cared for her too.” Maze scoffed. They were slowly getting used to feelings since it was new to both of them. “I was put on the spot. I had to choose.” He whispered the last sentence, so much emotion flooding through it.

“I was fond of her,” Maze’s perfect eyebrows furrowed as she tried to process. Not knowing how to put her unwanted feelings into words. “I don’t know what to do without her.” Her eyes met her leader’s as they both drowned in sorrow.

The next day, Maze left on her journey to kill those who murdered me. Lucifer continued to work with Chloe but they each thought of me everyday. And everytime the devil thinks of me his jaw clenches and eyes flicker. Self-hatred fills him as he does his own research every day. Chloe works with Dan to try and find those who did this to me. All doing it in secret.

I sit up above to watch over them and I hope they will someday find happiness. However, it won’t happen today nor for a few months until they find my killer. I would tell you what they did, but it wasn’t very pretty.

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