
Tears (Mammon x Kuudere reader)


I stared blankly at the plate of food in front of me. Internally, I wanted to thank Satan since he was in charge of breakfast.

On the outside, however, I didn't say anything. The brothers know that I'm not that expressive.

It's not their fault though. I've been like this for as long as I can remember. Locking my emotions away from most people.

The only exceptions are the people I consider close to me. Like my parents, and a select few friends.

"Hey Y/N. Are ya ready to walk to school?" Mammon, who was sitting next to me, asked.

"Does it matter?" I said coldly. I stood up, and started walking.

"Hey! Wait for me dammit!" Mammon caught up with me.

"Don't be so slow then." My eyes glanced back at the white-haired demon.

"What the hell is your problem?" Mammon said.

"None of your damn business." I retorted.

We finally made it to school, and I sat down at my desk. Something lightly scraped the sleeve of my uniform.

I looked inside my desk, and saw a little white envelope peeking out from inside.

I took it out, and carefully opened it. A neatly folded up piece of paper fell out. I unfolded it, and read the contents.

I plastered on a straight face, and placed the letter back into the envelope. I could feel eyes on me, but from who, I didn't know.

The bell rang, and I sighed. That letter had made me lose my appetite. I shoved the letter into my pocket, and silently left the classroom.

I never sat in the lunchroom, so I walked outside and decided to sit behind the school.

"Hey." I heard someone behind me, and I turned around.

There was a group of three girls looking at me with evil looking smirks on their faces.

"What do you want?" I said coldly.

"I saw that you read the note. You know what we wrote is true right?" One of the girls got closer to my face.

I just stared at her with dead eyes. Her cocky smirk turned into a look of disgust.

"Let's go. This creep can stay her by herself. She's used to being alone." The girls turned on their heels, and left.

I leaned against the wall of the school, and stared at the ground. I could feel my cold facade slowly melting.

The words in the letter kept replaying in my mind, and I couldn't get rid of them. I heard the crunching of grass.

"Why are ya always out here on your own?" It was Mammon. I internally sighed.

"I don't like people." I said simply.

"Still! Doesn't it get lonely?" Those words stung a little.

"Go away." I said.

"Wha-? Why would I do that?" Mammon asked.

"I don't want anything to do with you, or anyone." I quickly walked away, and I could hear Mammon call out from behind me.

"Fine! But don't come cryin' to me when you're feelin' lonely!" My chest ached.

3rd POV

Y/N stormed off, and Mammon was mad that she dissed him like that. He then noticed that something fell out of her pocket. It was an envelope.

Mammon raised an eyebrow as he picked up the envelope. Being the curious type, he opened it.

He took out the piece of paper that was inside, and began to read it.

Mammon's mouth was agape after reading the horrible letter. Who had written it?

Mammon remembered seeing three girls walking away from where he had found Y/N.

Mammon put the letter in his pocket, and started looking for Y/N. Unfortunately, the bell rang before he could find her.

Even worse, they didn't have afternoon classes with each other. Mammon decided to try and find her after school.


The final bell rang, and I left the classroom, hoping to avoid Mammon as best as I could.

"Hold it! You're coming with us!" My arm was suddenly tugged by someone.

In a matter of minutes, I was thrown against one of the brick walls. I winced slightly as my body came into contact with the wall.

The same three girls from earlier were surrounding me. They had scowls on their faces, but I still hid my emotions.

"You're such a creep!" I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek. One of the girls had slapped me.

Even so, I remained emotionless.

"Wow, you're not even going to react? Then how about this you bitch?!" Another girl punched me in the stomach.

The continued to slap me, and punched me a couple more times in the stomach. It was getting harder to breath.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" I looked to the side to see Mammon storming over to us.

"Shit! Let's get out of here!" The girls retreated, and I stumbled forward.

"Hey!" Mammon caught me before I fell. I didn't want to lify my head.

"........nt.....an....it...." My body started shaking.

"Huh?" Mammon asked.

"I-I.....didn't mean it!" I looked up at Mammon, and I felt tears running down my face.

I havent cried in ages, so both me and Mammon were surprised by this. I leaned against Mammon.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you! I'm sorry for treating you and your brothers so coldly.....I'm sorry for existing!" I poured my heart and soul out.

"H-Hey! Don't be spoutin' that crap! I'm glad you exist!" Mammon said.

"B-But..." I clung to his uniform.

"No buts! They're going to pay for writing that damn letter, bullyin' you, and makin' ya cry." Mammon said in an angry tone.

"T-The letter...?" I noticed a piece of paper in his pocket.

"You dropped it earlier."

"Oh.....s-sorry for not telling-"

"Quit apologizin'! You did nothing wrong, got it?" He cupped my cheek, which made my stinging cheek feel better.

I nodded, and he wiped my tears away gently with his thumb. I never expected him to have such a soft touch.

"Mammon......it hurts...." I lightly lifted up the uniform shirt, and Mammon started freaking out.

"W-What are you doing?!" His face was bright red.

"I'm checking for bruises..." I sniffled. Even though I was feeling better, I couldn't stop crying.

When I lifted the shirt to see my stomach, me and Mammon winced. There were a couple of purple bruises on it.

"I'm gonna kill 'em, but first we gotta get ya home." Mammon carefully picked me up.

"Mammon..." I whispered.

"What is it?" He looked down at me.

"Please....don't leave me....alone." I said.

"Heh. Are ya sure ya want that?" He chuckled.

"I'm sure." I smiled at him.

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