
Betrayed by Blood

SEVERAL ROUNDS LATER Lucian was finally getting dressed for work, his fiancé gloriously passed out on the bed. In a silk baby blue button-down and gray slacks, he began gelling his hair back and then started smoothing the wrinkles out of his shirt. He had a meeting with his father which was now loathing with each passing minute. These meetings were always so tedious, just his overprotective father checking up on how he was running things and he often felt like he was being treated like a petulant child. Anthony knew damn well that he knew how to run a business, spending eight years in business school taught him a lot, but he knew it took less education and more street smarts to run his family business. Sighing he kissed Shiloh's cheek and placed a note near the side of the bed before he left.

Kyle and Chris met him at the door and they drove in silence toward his home. While they drove, he took out a small vile of white powder in his pocket.

"Really, Lucian?" Kyle said agitatedly. "You'll only be in there for a few minutes."

"A few minutes too long," He grumbled. "Look, I love my father but it's so much easier listening to him when I'm high." With that being said he places the cocaine on his finger, taking a deep sniff before relaxing languorously into his seat.

"Maybe he just wants to talk wedding plans?" Chris said hopefully as he swerved onto their street. Ignoring the question, he gazed out the window, satisfied when the drugs finally started taking effect. Just one of the perks of having this type of job, he could get high whenever he wanted. Pulling into the vast driveway Kyle opened the door and Lucian got out quickly.

"Wait out here," Lucian ordered. "I shouldn't be too long."

Walking up the winding stonewall staircase he reached the wooden dual doors and opened them with his key.

"Lucian," Sofia said, embracing him. "Dove sei stato? Your father has been asking for you. It's not good to keep him waiting you know," She let go and then started smoothing out his shirt. "You look tired? Have you not been sleeping? I tuoi occhi sembrano morti—Maybe you should rest here tonight eh?"

"Mamma," Lucian said slightly annoyed. "I'm fine plus I need to get home to Shiloh."

"Si," She sighed through her nose. "Well, I'll let you handle business with your father and we can talk wedding plans tomorrow. Affrontare?"

"Si," Lucian said kissing her cheek. "I'll call you tomorrow."

Sliding past her, he went to his father's study room and knocked quietly on the door before entering. Anthony Botticelli sat at a large desk with a cigar firmly between his thin lips, he smoked indolently.

"You're late," Anthony commented, his tone bored and disinterested. "I told you to arrive at one and it's well after three."

"I had things to attend to," Lucian replied, shoving his hands into his pocket. Standing in the middle of the room he felt a little uncomfortable but he just knew this is how his father demanded respect so he endured it.

"No doubt," Anthony mumbled. "You should have let your Nona find you a nice Italian boy so that you could teach him the family business—"

"There is a reason I didn't want her to do that." Lucian cut in. "I don't want anyone I marry to have anything to do with the family business."

Titling his head slightly he stared at his son. "So, you prefer an outsider—"

"I prefer Shiloh," Lucian snarled, feeling his temper rise. "I want him to remain pure and innocent from all of this."

Anthony scoffed. "Your hands are filthy, Lucian. How long do you think it'll be before it starts to get on him? How long do you think it will take for him to become tainted huh? He will find out,"

Turning his face away he refused to respond to that statement.

"Well, who says it won't all come out on your wedding day? You guys will bring a whole new meaning to matrimony." He smiled.

Lucian's lip twitched and he smirked at his father.

"Look," Anthony said, taking a long pull off his cigar he inhaled deeply. "I know you love Shiloh and so do I. That's precisely why I want you to make sure he's fully committed not just to Lucian but to Lucian Botticelli,"

"I'll tell him soon," Lucian lied. "Just not right now."

"Fair enough," He exhaled. "Okay, now let's get down to business. I heard you executed Brandon, why?"

"Because he was reporting back to the Malfitanos about our shipping arrangements, schedules, and products," he replied.

Anthony's face hardened. "Quel piccolo stronzo—That no good little piece of shit. I should have had his balls cut from his body."

"Well, now he's keeping the fish company."

"Where are their others?"

"Three much, all of which I eliminated yesterday."

"Ah," Stubbing out his cigar Anthony stood from his chair and walked around the table. Clapping Lucian on the shoulders he laughed heartedly. "You are a Botticelli after all—il mio ragazzo—I am so proud."

"Thanks," Lucian said. "Now, I really must be going Shiloh is expecting me back."

"Of course, of course," Anthony said quickly. "Your mother will be disappointed you are not staying for dinner."

"Maybe some other time," Lucian said patting his dad on the back. "I'll see you later."

"Si," Anthony said kissing Lucian on both of his cheeks and watching him walk towards the door but before he could open it Anthony spoke. "Oh, Lucian?"

"Yeah?" Lucian stopped his hand on the door.

"We might have one small problem."

"What's that?"

"Mark Warner."


"BUT DAD," SHILOH sniffed, tears falling from his eyes. "You can't."

"I know kiddo and I'm sorry but like I said I might be on the road during that time," he said on the other line.

"Then I'll reschedule everything," Shiloh said adamantly, his voice breaking. He gripped the phone tightly as if it was his lifeline.

"You can't do that. With the amount of money, time, and effort you've put into your wedding…Look you know I'd love to be there, buddy—"

"Then why don't you just fly back for the day!" Shiloh cried. "I can't get married without my father—? Who's going to give me away?"

"Shhh, calm down," Mark cooed on the other line. "Look nothing is for certain alright? I'm just giving you a heads up on something that might happen."

Taking a few shaky breaths Shiloh, grabbed a few Kleenexes from the side of the bed. It was like the entire universe was trying to fuck up his wedding. First, his cake, which was now not even an option thanks to Lucian's family, and now his father couldn't make it. Thinking back on his relationship he knew his dad has never been a big fan but he's been supportive nevertheless.

"Dad," Shiloh asked cautiously, swiping at the residual tears. "Are you sure this has nothing to do with me marrying Lucian? Because I know he isn't your favorite person in the entire world—"

"No, he isn't," Mark said strongly. "And I won't hesitate to tell you what a big mistake I think all of this is but you're my son and I love you and if he makes you happy...Then so be it."

"Okay," He breathed.

"Now, I want you to come and visit soon, okay? I don't see you enough these days."

"Anything for you Dad," Shiloh said sadly.

Mark sighed through his nose. "Look, I didn't say that to destroy all your wedding plans, I will try my best to make it but I won't promise anything...I just want you to be happy. Plus, Carole is making dinner this Friday, Jacob and Katerina said they'd stop by so why don't you bring Lucian and we'll have a nice family dinner."

"Okay," Shiloh perked up a little. "We'll be there at seven."

"Alright, well I'll talk to you later. Love you, kiddo."

"I love you too."

"Oh, and Shiloh?"


"Be careful around the Botticelli family, okay?"

Shiloh completely blanched.

It was the first time he's father has ever warned him about Lucian's family. The uneasiness in his stomach returned and he felt like his father knew something vital about what was going on but refused to talk about it. Growing frustrated he gripped the phone tightly to stop himself from demanding answers.

"Why do I get the feeling that you are hiding something from me?" He spoke calmly, voice betraying his emotions.

"I just want you to be careful," Mark reasoned.

"Listen," Shiloh said, his voice gathering edge. "I don't need to be watched over like some infant. I can very well take care of myself!"

"I know you can—"

"Well, then stay out of it! Since you don't care enough to even attend my wedding and since you refuse to even give my fiancé a chance I don't think it's wise to have dinner at your house." Shiloh replied haughtily.

"Come on buddy don't be like that."

Pinching the bridge of his nose he inhaled sharply. "Goodnight father."

"Fine," Mark said, sounding resigned. "But don't say I didn't warn you." Then he hung up.

Slamming the phone down, he growled under his breath. Everything was beginning to get so fucked up and not even his father was willing to support him. Not to mention his fiancé who was nowhere to be seen these days. For a minute he considered calling his dad back to apologize, he hated when they fought but decided against it because Mark owed him an apology, not the other way around. He had done nothing wrong. Rolling out of bed, his knees nearly crumbled under him once they touched the floor. Sex with Lucian always left him feeling sedated and blissed out. He stared up at the clock and realized that he had been asleep all day. Glancing at his vanity table he saw that Lucian had left him a note with his credit card tapped to it since he knew he had broken his promise to spend the day with him again.

Striding towards the bathroom he figured he might as well take full advantage of the shopping spree he was just granted.

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