
Forbidden Love in the Mafia World

"WHAT DO YOU want?" Shiloh asked hip jutted and his face twisted in annoyance as he cleaned off the counter tops. It was after midnight and he was just about to close up when the door dinged and in waltzed the two most irritating people that ever existed. Kyle and Chris smiled mischievously at each other before grabbing a seat at a table. At Lucian's request, they were both dressed impeccably, black blazers with matching slacks and crisp dress shirts. At times like these Shiloh often wonders what the hell they did to have to be dressed like that twenty-four-seven he can't even recall a time he's seen them in regular clothing.

If they even owned any.

Even though he knew little about their job description he did know that they were Lucian's most trusted colleges and he hardly let Shiloh go anywhere without them. Their roguish behavior agitated him but he did enjoy their company and they had developed a friendship over the years.

"Is that any way to treat your customers?" Kyle asked, pouting slightly.

"Yeah, Shiloh, our money is as green as anyone else's," Chris said.

Muttering something inaudible under his breath he rolled his eyes. "Are you here to check up on me?"

"No." They both replied in union quickly—too quickly.

"I don't understand why Lucian feels the need to coddle me—"

"You know what he's like," Kyle said. "He doesn't like you walking home alone at this time of night."

"I've walked home a million times and nothing has happened to me," Shiloh said. "Would you please inform my fiancé that I am capable of taking the few necessary steps to our Condo?"

Once he was done polishing off the counter, he made himself busy by restocking the napkin holders and counting the money in the cash box. This little diner had become his sanctuary over the years, when he wasn't accepted into Juilliard and his dreams were crushed he got this job by chance and instantly fell in love with his co-workers. The Harris's were a lovely sweet old married couple in desperate need of a waiter to stop their family business from going under. Of course, Shiloh took the job with much enthusiasm, learned the ropes, and began working full-time. With his help, they started to attract a new and younger crowd.

"I work for him, remember?" Kyle said, smiling playfully. "And I doubt he'd listen to me anyway."

He wasn't going to argue with him on that one because it was true. Grabbing his coat from the office he shut off all the lights and let Kyle and Chris walk out ahead of him so that he could lock the door. The temperature had dropped so he hugged his coat tighter to his chest as they made their way toward his apartment building, which happened to be down the street.

"Wow, thanks again guys for saving me from this exhilarating night. I don't know how I made it here with you," Shiloh said sarcastically.

"Just following orders man," Chris shrugged. "You can hate us all you like."

"Oh, believe me, I will be having words with Lucian when I get home," he mumbled.

"He's not there," Kyle replied.

"What?" he asked.

"Got called in tonight but he gives his sincerest apologies," Kyle said when they reach the door to his apartment building.

Shiloh was tired.

He worked all day, standing on his feet and taking orders from various customers who either barked at him or were just plain rude. What he looked forward to at the end of the day was cuddling up in bed with his fiancé. Tonight they were supposed to go over what kind of cake they wanted so that they could tell the Cater together in the morning.

This was starting to become a problem.

Lucian always leaving and never around when he needed him.

It was infuriating and he refused to come second to Lucian's job.

"Tell Lucian to go fuck himself with his apologies," he snarled before storming away angrily. Throwing the door open he thundered his way to the elevator before riding it to the twelfth floor. Once he got inside he tossed his coat on the lavish couch and went to the kitchen to pour himself a drink.

The whole condo was ostentatious.

It screamed upper-class living and sophistication that had once marveled him but now he felt trapped—constricted in this huge domain. Everything was beautiful, the furniture imported from Italy, various paintings from Venice and Rome all collected from Lucian's profligate travels overseas. The walls were splashed with beige and the kitchen counter was embodied with marble, along with the tables and chairs hand crafted from mahogany.

It was extravagant, lush, excessive, and worst of all lonely.

Without Lucian, this place seemed emptier.

Bitterly he stripped off his clothes wondering what the hell happened to their life. Ever since the wedding Lucian had become withdrawn, choosing to spend more time at work than in their bed, it was a rare night to have his fiancé home with him. It was bad enough he was kept in the dark about the nature of Lucian's work.

Sighing he went into the bedroom and got himself ready for bed. Switching on the fireplace he dressed in his night clothing and fell asleep curled up with a good book.


"SO," A DEEP VOICE vibrated in his ear. "I was told to forcefully insert my apologies?"

Rubbing his eyes sleepily he rolled over to see his fiancé still fully dressed hovering on top of him in bed. Lucian's curls were becoming loose from confides of the gel and his silk purple dress shirt was wrinkled. It was that infuriating smile, and dashingly charming voice that made him angrier.

"Where have you been?" Shiloh said, struggling to sit up. "I told you we have to go over cakes today and—"

"Babe, I have work you know that," Lucian said tiredly, he stroked his arm languidly momentarily distracting him from his thoughts.

"This is important," he growled.

"I'm here now," Lucian said jumping out of bed. "Just let me shower and change, then we'll talk about it." He disappeared into the bathroom and turned on the shower before Shiloh could respond.

Glancing over at the clock he saw that it was after two and they had to wake up early tomorrow to meet with the Cater. Sighing he took out his scrapbook that had various clippings of newspaper weddings, articles, and magazine covers, all the things Shiloh's ever dreamed of. Hastily he flipped to the pages it had on wedding cakes, snatched his planner from the night table, and began marking which cakes he liked the best. Compiling a reasonable list he was satisfied with he heard the shower shut off and Lucian came out in just his sleep pants.

"Okay, sweetie—va bene tesoro," Lucian said as he crawled onto the bed. "You have my undivided attention."

"This is what I want," Shiloh said pointing to the most immoderate cake. It was pure white, layered with silver beads wrapping casually around each mound making it look grand, it also had various red bows placed on different sides. It was simple and cheap but it wasn't his dream cake.

"Then you shall have it," Lucian replied instantly.

"Lucian," Shiloh chastised glaring at him. "You can't just say that you have too..." He made the mistake of looking down and seeing the define ripple of his chest flex in the dime light, the slight subtle of hair that caressed Lucian's God-like body making him desperately want to run his fingers through it. Clearing his throat, he made himself concentrate on forming words. "Do you like it?"

"I like whatever you like," Lucian said shortly.

"Lucian," he whined. "Please this is very important."

"Alright, alright—dolce ragazzo," Lucian moved closer towards him and kissed his cheek. "I like this one over here," he said pointing to another sumptuous cake that was also white but this time covered with red roses.

"That one is a little pricey," Shiloh commented but he did love the roses. "It's beautiful."

"You're beautiful," Lucian said stealing another kiss, this time on the lips. "Are we in agreement then?"

Shiloh thought about it for a moment.

"You know I won't deny you anything," Lucian said nudging his shoulder. "I want you to have everything for your big day and I know you want that cake."

"How do you know—"

"Because you have it circled three times with the letters 'dream cake' above it," he chuckled.

Shiloh laughed. "But it's too expensive—"

"Anything for you."

Smiling proudly, he pressed his lips to Lucian's. "Thank you."

"Come here," Lucian said dipping his hand between he covers he cupped Shiloh's cock, casually sliding his hand up and down.

"No, Lucian," he said weakly pushing him away.

"Why?" Lucian smirked, leaning towards him he let his tongue gaze at the side of his ear. "You want me, sweetie."

"I'm tired," Shiloh said jerking his face away. "And we have to wake up early tomorrow."

Rolling his eyes Lucian sighed before getting under the covers. Shiloh moved to copy his movements, laying his head on his fiancé's chest he found himself dozing off lulled by the deep sounds of his lover's breathing and the love intoxicating the air.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

jmjackiecreators' thoughts
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