
Strengthened Allegiances

London, England,

Unspecified Cafe,

Legs crossed, head resting in a hand and staring at his transparent hand, Roman Trambelio would tell you he was living the life right now... Despite the fact that he sat in a rather high end cafe alone, a half empty bottle of red wine and a slightly eaten lemon cake on his table.

Of course his fulfilment was more the mental kind at the moment so passers-by wouldn't really get it... For the first time in a long time, Roman could simply sit there without a worry in the world... No one to come up and stab him in the back, no one to compete with and no one to ruin his day with retarded remarks...

Not to say he didn't have things to think about but well, it was a bit hard to describe his current state.... The nobles that wanted to meet Roman were many, their objectives were to somehow have their previous hubris swept under the rug... Of course the more intelligent ones stayed away, understanding that reminding the man of their actions would only result in their own downfall....

"Oh ja, this is great.."

Sitting here...alone, with no one to entertain him..... no one to talk to or fuck with..... okay nevermind, it wasn't as great as he'd initially thought. No one wanted to mess with him anymore!

Though, one could say he had more pressing matters to attend to... The Magician's gaze once more fell on his fading hand... The solution to this was a rather simple one, he needed a vessel for himself.. One that could hold his Divinity and there were no better vessels than homunculi...

Well, he already had someone on that, it's why he'd stole-*ehem* seized the Einzbern crest and all other forms of catalogued research.

Roman smirked,

"I'm great."

"My... Lord Roman, it is rather unbecoming to talk to oneself...."

"You're just not confident enough."


Roman chuckled, leaning forward a bit and turning his head towards the one who'd just addressed him, "If I didn't know better, I might've retaliated thinking you were about to attack me.."

"How could I do such a thing?" Marisbury smiled politely, approaching the one eyed magus near him with slow firm steps, his hands held up to show he meant no harm, "I'm not confident about defeating you in a head-on confrontation and I rather.... value my life." He waved his hands a bit, already used to the strange reception... How many times had they started their conversation in a manner not too dissimilar to right now?

"Good on you." Roman raised his glass a bit, hiding his transparent hand under his coat and smiling, "What brought you here today?"

"Some among my.. faction, certain branch families, pushed for an apology on their behalf." Gestured by Roman, Marisbury took a seat across from him with eyes closed..

"And you got convinced into it? Damn." Roman looked at the white haired magus incredulously, joking, the Animusphere head was more of an asshole than most would believe him to be with his demeanour.

In response, Marisbury's face lost all semblance of emotion and he stared at Roman with blank eyes, "Of course not, it would be stupid to cover up for incompetent fools." His lips twitched when he noticed that Roman didn't even offer him anything, even though he was the guest, "I came here to collect on our deal."

"There we go." Roman poured wine in a second glass, pushing it towards his 'accomplice', "You'll have what you wanted."

"Very well then, the Animusphere will join the Trambelio Faction from here on." Marisbury held out his hand, smiling warmly.

"Yeah yeah...." Roman shook his hand a bit, grinning slightly....

Marisbury Animusphere was a greedy self centred man that would do anything for his goals and recognise merit over everything, he'd even abandoned his family in that regard..... Yet, to continue his research he required funds, funds that would leave most reeling in shock... except Roman, who had no problems simply conjuring wealth out of thin air. Well.. funds and certain resources that were 'commodities' if you would.

"I pray it proves feasible for both of us." Marisbury sipped the wine poured for him, quite pleased... If it got him what he needed, he didn't mind working under the one eyed man before him... There were none more deserving.

That didn't mean either of them trusted the other.. nay, both family heads were well aware that theirs was a relationship of mutual cooperation.

"Now that that's over with.... Thank you, Lord Roman." Marisbury placed a hand on his chin, thoughtful, "Thankfully, our goals align."

Said goals?

...It wouldn't be as fun if they gave those away now would it?

"Dunno why but..." Roman narrowed his gaze, "I'm getting hardcore faggot vibes from you.."

"Oh please.... I've just had a daughter." Marisbury sweatdropped, still no better at dealing with Roman's 'unique' speech patterns.

Roman perked up, "Nice, what'd you name her?" The Trambelio had always had a soft spot for children and something told him Marisbury wasn't going to be the ideal father.

"Olga....Olga Marie Animusphere."

".....Huh." Roman felt like he'd heard that name before but his thoughts trailed off.

"That aside, the research you provided pertaining to the Fuyuki Grail was a boon.... I should be able to ready a variant prototype within a few years." Marisbury explained his findings and research calmly even aweing Roman a bit, it had only been one goddamn day!

"Did you even sleep?"

"Ahaha...." Marisbury laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his head, rubbing his white lab coat, "Never mind that, there's just one problem..."


"....I lack the funds necessary."

"Money's the problem?!"


About half an hour had passed since then and Marisbury sincerely regretted thinking funding was going to be a problem after his backer and current superior ranted on about how he, a clock tower lord, was a fucking retard.

"....I miscalculated."

Marisbury now knew that Roman Trambelio Hauth was the richest Magus on the planet.

"Broke fuck."

"I'm wealthy in my own regard, you know."

"So wealthy you can't even afford your own research." Roman smirked, sipping on wine.

"Our research." Marisbury corrected, the Grail creation/acquisition was a joint venture...., "I'll return with good news....hopefully."

"Ta-ta.." Roman waved his one hand, not standing up and sitting suspiciously still, "Be sure to look after your daughter." The one eyed magician smiled widely, staring at Marisbury as he slowly stood up, his distaste for horrible parents wasn't really something he kept a secret.

"Oh yes, I would be wary of the Holy Church if I were you... They treasured that Grail you destroyed."

Once the Animusphere head had left, Roman sighed and finally retracted his hand from under his coat, crossing one leg over the other again before staring at the ceiling, "So Tamamo, what is it now?"

".....I thought I was well hidden..." Tamamo no Mae couldn't help but sigh as she materialised right by her Master's side, placing her head against his shoulder, "But I guess Master wouldn't be Master if someone could just sneak up on him."

Roman only sneered in response, subconsciously patting her head with his free hand only for it to phase right through thanks to it's nature, "Huh.... Fuck you, humanity." He cursed at the sky, scowling a bit, it had ruined a moment for him.

"Master, you need to be a bit more careful..."

"..." Roman deadpanned at the fox eared servant, staring at her incredulously, was he really the right person to be saying that to?

"That sounded better in Tamamo's head." Tamamo admitted her fault, giggling into his arm, the level of cautiousness put on display by Roman was.... insane to be honest... For all his laxness, the man always made sure to ensure he could afford it beforehand. Her tails swaying about behind her, the Caster slowly lifted the Magician's arm, placing it over her shoulders and snuggled into his side, "I know Master doesn't have the time but...." She stared up at him with large round golden eyes, "Just for a bit?"

She knew her Master wasn't one for cutesy things or even for prolonged displays of affection, but that wasn't the case for her.... The one eyed man was someone she treasured with all her heart, how could she not? And now.... now that he'd accepted her remaining by his side, it was hard to hold herself back.

"Tamamo can help you know?"

"No need, my dealings don't need any.. And you're rather lacking in the one aspect they require sharpness in."

"Are you calling me dumb again?"

"You fell head over heels for an asshole. I think I get to call you dumb..."

"I...I suppose that is true."

It was at this moment something that shocked the Divine Spirit happened, Tamamo no Mae, a being that was ultimately good, found her lips taken by All The World's Evil.... Leaving her unable to react, eyes wide... slowly dilating.


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