

Fuyuki, Japan,

Fuyuki Church,

"Oh.... Oh you're going to shoot me now is it?" Roman turned around with an amused smile on his face, staring at the barrel of the gun pointed at his head, "Mach weiter, it's not like you don't have experience in shooting acquaintances." It was clear that the Trambelio barely even felt threatened by Kiritsugu...

Still, it didn't mean that everyone agreed with what Kiritsugu wanted to do, Raikou's figure trembled, her eyes staring down on the raven haired man that dared to think of harming her Master. The Berserker had a hand on her blade, ready to fell him too....

As for the other magus there? Well, it wasn't like they were particularly bothered by the late Tokiomi's end, they were used to people dying in far more gruesome ways.

Kayneth mused about how he was to move next as he stared down at the still warm corpse of Archer's Master, this was just one less enemy Master for him, "This can be salvaged yet, I trust you have further things to add, Lord Roman?" He looked at his temporary ally, Tokiomi was the one who moved first.... Still, Kayneth knew he was taking a risk here, what was there to stop Roman from doing the same to him? It was just that he didn't really have much of a choice at the moment.

"Ja, at least some people are still calm." Roman calmly returned his gaze to the city, "A Great Holy War is essentially 14 servants instead of 7, a 7 against 7 battle in case the original masters ally together. There's a Ruler Class servant summoned too, they're there to maintain fair play..." He explained the basic situation they now faced, at least one of the other 7 was revealed now..

The Magician's hand slightly trembled, he was thrilled with the opportunity to meet Oda Nobunaga, she would certainly be something with how she 'declared' herself to the world, "Well my fellow miscreants, good luck with winning against your opponents alone. They're all Japanese." He smiled widely, sure that everyone understood just what that meant.

"Hmmm...." Kayneth looked at Fuyuki with a thoughtful expression on his face, part of him just wanted to withdraw. Roman was most definitely going to get stripped of his rank and titles when news of this got to the Clock Tower, he was also going to get himself executed.

"Kiritsugu, l-let's just calm down, please?" Irisviel put a hand over her husband's gun, a difficult smile on her face, the homunculus was shocked by the sheer magnitude of what had happened earlier and now, there were 7 enemy servants? They couldn't possibly win alone... Still, she would be lying if she said she wasn't afraid of what her 'friend' had become in the time she'd not seen him.

"Why do this?" Kiritsugu asked in a serious tone, he would put a bullet through this man's head right here if it was something like chaos or entertainment.

"Exactly what you're thinking." Roman smiled knowingly, snickering when Kiritsugu trembled and recoiled.

The Magus Killer, was a stern and stoic individual with not much fear of anything. He was a man driven by a goal he was ready to give up everything for and people like Roman, who had no ambition other than ruining others were something that scared even one like him.

Waver looked at his friend with a complicated gaze, he knew Roman wouldn't do this just for entertainment, there had to be an ulterior motive... Any who thought the crippled Trambelio had no drive or ambition were idiots, in fact, he was only relaxed now because he'd left no page unturned. Waver was certain one would be hard pressed to find someone who had more knowledge regarding Magecraft than Roman..... He'd spent a good part of his life in the libraries of every department there... He did it discreetly so not many would notice.

Magi were like that, they were overly reliant on the research and knowledge their crests granted them. Research done by previous generations, Roman, was someone who'd built up his foundations from the ground..... That and he often rented books from other Houses as well... even Waver's own.

How many times had he found the man reading a book? There were too many to count.

"Boy, I think you should withdraw." Iskander spoke seriously for once, standing by Waver with his arms folded, the King of Conquerors felt that while this would be glorious, it wasn't something the young man could handle..

"N-No... I'll stick with you guys till the end of this."

Unfortunately for Iskander, Waver had made up his mind the moment he saw the sky covered in flames.

The Rider laughed, smacking his Master's back, "Good! As expected of one who is my Master!" Iskander grinned jovially, pleased with Waver's resolve.

Making up his mind, Kiritsugu, who still hadn't lowered his gun, pulled the trigger.

With a bang, a bullet was fired at Roman.

Still... It went as expected, Raikou swung her massive katana, slicing the bullet in two halves that each fell to either side, losing their momentum instantly once her cold blade collided with them. The Berserker glared at Kiritsugu, "Master?" Still however, she sought permission, learning from her previous blunder with Lancer, "Can I crush this insect?"

"What were you even thinking?" Roman shook his head chuckling, very amused with how things were playing out. Waver had made up his mind so that was nice to see, Irisviel thought he was becoming a monster so that was there and Kayneth was probably thinking about withdrawing. The blonde haired man WAS after all, a magus. Cold, calculating, and always seeking their own betterment.

Kirei..... Kirei and Gilgamesh were having some weird conversation he didn't want to hear one bit of.

Artoria had raised her blade, ready to defend Kiritsugu should Berserker lose her flimsy self control and assault him.

"I'm not a complete cunt.."

Berserker stopped and looked at her Master doubtfully, "Ummm Roman, are you suure?" Her voice was melodious as always.

"You have a split personality disorder, I don't think you get to talk." Roman shot her down with no hesitation.

"...M-Mean.." Tears formed on the corners of Raikou's eyes but seeing that her Master didn't care about them, she dropped them immediately, "I liike how you're honest~."

"This woman." Roman sighed, shaking his head at her behaviour which, again made the Berserker sad.

"Anyway, as I was saying, I'm not a complete cunt."

"....." This time it was Waver.

"Alright, fuck you too. Make up your minds, ally with me, fight me or withdraw. Make it quick." Roman gave Waver the bird.

The mood turned into a more relaxed one than what it had been before with their bickering.... However, it seemed that the World didn't like it that much.

Before most could notice it, something sharply cut through the air and,

"The fu-"

A long radiant black blade passed through Roman's chest, held by a heavily tanned woman with white hair, her figure concealed by a dark coat that reached well below her knees. Her expression was a cold and unfeeling one, her colourless eyes seemingly glowing.

"Target, Eliminated."

The Magician coughed out blood with a wide eye.

At that moment, the world seemed to freeze for the few individuals that stood there then.


Sparks flew about.

The sounds of metal striking metal, violent clangs were heard for miles.

Surrounded by charred Earth, two figures seemed to be battling.

One a raven haired woman and the other a silver haired man.

Kicking her opponent, the woman grinned as she smashed down her pitch black sword from above, "Weak! Weak! Laughable for a Ruler!"

"Ugh.." Amakusa groaned under the weight of Nobunaga's slash, blocking it with his own blade, his garbs were ripped in multiple places, blood flowed freely from multiple open wounds, other parts of his body were black with a crusty texture to them. Heavily burnt and heavily injured... Still, the Ruler Class servant prayed to his Lord for strength and fought, if he didn't, many innocents would die to the Demon King's madness.

"Fire! Fire! Fire!" Flicking her free hand, the Archer Class servant summoned multiple matchlock rifles, firing them with a single thought. This was her Noble Phantasm, as the King of Innovation who said nay to tradition and adopted modernity in warfare, she held the ability to summon the weapons she armed her soldiers with and then use them.

Of course, if just that were the case, the scarlet fiery rounds that left the barrels wouldn't even have scratched Amakusa and yet, the Ruler was forced to back away hurriedly to avoid them.

Why? Well of course because they held the power of the Demon King, the power to go against the Heavens. The power to bring down the very Gods men prayed to, She who was the Demon King of Sixth Heaven, was the worst nightmare for a God. She would burn them down and get stronger and stronger the more her opponent was divine or even revered.

Against Heroic Spirits, she was immensely powerful for this very reason.

"Calm down, Archer! Listen to reason!"

Just when Amakusa found solace in knowing the situation wouldn't worsen further, golden thunder flashed across the sky and a figure shrouded in lightning crashed nearby.

Long flowing white hair with black tufts, a white armoured kimono-like dress with long sleeves, an ornate spear in one hand and a long katana resting on her shoulder,

"Bishamonten, has arrived!"

The War God of Echigo had arrived.


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In case you're confused, don't worry, you're supposed to be.

You can find up to 7 chapters ahead at patre0n.com/stoned_face

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