
Chapter 10

The three drove back to the city without much talking at all, the radio was on playing popular hits of a few genres, and now and again they may sing along to parts of them, either together or singularly but they didn’t talk much if it all. Sara was just very focused on the road and getting home as fast as they could without getting pulled over, though this time around she did allow for a stop to go to the bathroom and get a quick bite to eat.

“Make a mess in my truck and we’re going to have a problem.” She said with a laugh when Nymia and Jeremiah began to eat.

But Nymia was quiet because she was dealing with how angry and hurt she felt. It didn’t make sense to be this bent out of shape about what was said, and she recognized that he was just trying to keep them safe even if it was misguided. But she kept flashing back to the Nexus, he said he wanted her.

If he wanted her around then why would he so quickly try and send her away. Was it just to get the Goddess to bring her back, or was he actually that afraid and unsure of his own ability to protect her, or her ability to protect herself? She nibbled one of her thumb nails and sighed.

Jeremiah was still dealing with his feelings from the argument too, and from what both of them had said to him. What Nymia said about learning so he could fight alongside them and protect them that way, and what Sara had said about not blaming himself for what had happened with the orphanage or Nymia’s injury.

He was used to taking responsibility for what happened around him, tanking it so others didn’t have to, he didn’t realize how much of a toxic thing that could become. So now he just needed to take responsibility where it matters, and let it be where it doesn’t.

Sara was frustrated with Jeremiah for that conversation, with Nymia for getting so angry and not seeing that Jeremiah was struggling, and at herself for the simple act of being a bit jealous of her friends getting closer. Or was that even it? That conundrum, that frustrated her too.

But she was a mature, strong Shifter of a royal line, closely related to her pack's alpha. She could deal with frustration in a reasoned, mature way. But by the goddess, she was going to be fixated on it for a little while in the silence of her truck.

As they finally returned to the city and were driving and winding through the streets, Jeremiah finally broke the silence and asked, “So where exactly are we going?”

“Could go to a building my family owns, it’s pretty safe and we should get into contact with Kalus, let him know we’re back.” Nymia suggested.

Sara sighed a bit “I think for right now I would be more comfortable bringing him to my pack, if this Laricus is a shifter, we may have some information on him in our histories.”

Nymia shrugged a bit but nodded, “That definitely makes sense, let’s do that first then.”

Jeremiah just realized something and spoke up “Wait, do shifters not age? I’m assuming vampires don’t because…they’re vampires. But you said history. How old could he be?”

Nymia quickly replied to correct him, “Most vampires don’t age, I will age until my early to mid-twenties.”

Jeremiah nodded but shrugged a bit as Sara answered. “Very helpful Nym,” her tone dripped with sarcasm for the moment. “Shifters do age and die of old age usually. But when one of us is from a strong bloodline and has a high level of connection to Moon Magic that person can train that magic to essentially halt the aging process. There are Shifters who are hundreds of years old and look not a day over thirty. None older than that though, it’s a newer technique.”

“So, he could be centuries old and powerful enough to just choose to not age. Why does he want me…” He sighed and leaned back into his seat before asking, “Hey Sara, will you be able to do that?”

Sara nodded a bit “Yeah, I meet all the requirements I mentioned, and I’ve been training for some time, why?”

Nym smirked a bit “I bet he was wondering because he’s probably in a similar boat to me, with all that power. Aging will stop in a few years, and he wanted to make sure he’s not just stuck with me forever.”

He chuckled a bit but nodded, “Honestly, I think when we have a minute and I can actually sit and process everything I’m going to freak out, because you’re right. When my powers unlocked, I got an idea of what they do, and I won’t age past my mid-twenties I don’t think. But I wasn’t asking because I was afraid of being stuck with you, Nymia.”

Nymia nodded a bit then said, “Didn’t feel like trying to see if I’d let you use the nickname, hm?”

Before Jeremiah could respond, feeling like he wanted to defend that choice, the truck suddenly stopped as they turned down a small side street. “What now?” He sighed.

“More company, vampires, and look what they’re wearing Nym.” Sara says with a groan Nymia joining her.

“Well sh*t, these vampires belong to Spider.”

The vampires in front of them were all wearing incredibly well-made dress suits that were a deep, glossy black with matching ties that were emblazoned with a silver spider motif. All of them were wearing sunglasses, Jeremiah noted that they looked like they were straight from the set of a mob film. One of them stepped forward and said “You are going to have to come with us. Spider wants to see the three of you.”

Nymia rolled down her window and flipped the man off “Spider can go get bent! We don’t work for him, now get out of our way errand boy.”

Sara grimaced a bit, and each one of the other vampires present took a step forward. “Nym, we can’t get into a fight with Spider’s goons right now, I can’t turn in the city, I could get caught on camera.”

“It wasn’t a question. We have reason to believe you have some very…precious cargo. So, you’re leaving your truck here, you’re going to come with us, and you’re going to do it peacefully.”

“We don’t really have another option…Sara can’t turn, I have no idea if I can even use my powers like that again it took a lot out of me to manage the control I did, and on top of that I don’t think I should broadcast my powers to the whole world, right?” Jeremiah said softly.

Sara nodded in agreement, “I’d hate to leave my truck behind, but Jeremiah is right, I think we may just have to go. We can’t fight these guys right now.” She said as she opened her door and hopped out.

Nymia opened her door as well, annoyed, “Yeah, you’re right. Goddess this sucks.” She slammed the door behind her. Jeremiah stepped out of the car with a bit of trepidation but followed the girls as they approached the front of the car.

“That was a very wise choice. Follow us, we have a car waiting for us close by. Spider is quite excited to meet you.” The vampire said with a nod towards Jeremiah as he turned around and began walking away, the other vampires flanking Jeremiah and the group to make sure they don’t try anything on the way to their ride.

Jeremiah whispered to Nymia and Sara “What is all of this, and who is this Spider guy? The vampire godfather?”

Sara nodded “Yeah pretty much, he controls a good portion of the criminal element in this city. Supernatural and human.”

Nymia rolled her eyes “He’s an asshole. Get ready to meet the most arrogant and garish person you have ever seen. I know him a bit, let me talk if he tries to make a deal.”

As they reached the car and one of the vampires opened the door for them to get in, they would see this car was arranged so people could sit facing each other in the back, and already present was a man that may match Nymia’s description.

His entire outfit was the most vibrant, bloody red suit Jeremiah had ever seen. Accent with gold and black edges and a similar spider motif on the tie. He was wearing a hat that was low enough for the car but seemed designed to mimic a top hat in looks, while holding a golden cane in his hands. The cane’s topper was a skull with spider legs and eight diamond eyes.

“Welcome, Jeremiah and co, I’m Spider. I am just so pleased to see you.”

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