
Chapter 47 R-18+


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Issei agreed to let bygones be bygones and working out an alliance would be the best way to do that.

"You're right about that Issei. Your battle against Riser has caused quite a stir in the Underworld. The type of stir that makes things very interesting for you." Rias said calmly though she couldn't help but smirk a bit.

Issei scowled at the wording and he knew what she was getting at. "If this is some attempt to get me to join your peerage it won't work. We've already established I'm too strong for that." Issei scowled.

It wouldn't take much research and questioning to discover that he wasn't a devil and a greedy devil may try to get him to join them.

The only thing currently staying their hand was the fact Rias and Sona were around him constantly.

'It's not but the fact you understand enough about our politics to think that is scary.' Rias shuddered to herself.

"I simply want an assurance from you that we can trust you." Rias continued.

Issei scowled because this type of thing was why he hated Rias to begin with, "We… or you Rias. In case you've forgotten I'm sleeping with Sona and five members of her peerage, if you include her new acquisitions. Not to mention I'm sleeping with your queen" Issei smirked causing Rias to twitch heavily.

"Yes but you're also sleeping with three fallen angels one of whom is the daughter of their leader" Rias countered.

It was a weak counter at best but she wanted to try and control the situation. It was her nature as much as she hated it.

Issei's expression went sour once again, "So what. If you're worried that I'll betray you guys don't be." Issei said coldly.

Rias was mad at the fact that he had all these connections around her but not her.

It was tedious and annoying and while he was willing to move on, Rias clearly wasn't.

"Alright" Rias sighed aware that this wasn't working yet again.

"If that's all I'm going home. Things are already annoying enough as is and if you're just going to try and play politics I don't need to come by." Issei frowned as he spun to leave.

"Issei wait" Rias pleaded realizing that things have gotten off track badly.

Issei paused and glared back at the Gremory heiress his annoyance clear, "What?"

Rias got up from her spot and walked in front of the desk the strength she tried to show gone, "If you were having this conversation with Sona you'd probably give her the assurance, but it feels like you're fighting me at every turn. What do I have to do to get you to trust me?" Rias questioned.

'Is she joking. Does Rias honestly not get why I'm so annoyed with her.' Issei groaned.

"No but this is your chance partner. How about you get some revenge the fun way." Ddraig suggested.

'Good idea Ddraig' Issei smiled before spinning back towards Rias a plan already in his head, "You want to be on my good side that badly?" Issei smiled viciously before turning towards her.

"Yes" Rias said with a bit of humility in her voice.

Issei walked over to Rias noticing how she tensed up as he did and the smile on his face grew, "Did you know that I've enjoyed well over 100 different women from Kuoh alone in the past two years and about triple that if you count girls from other schools." Issei explained as he reached for her shoulder cape and tossed it to the side before looking down towards her feet with the unspoken desire obvious to Rias.

"I'm aware" Rias blushed before bending down and undoing her dress shoes before tossing them to the side.

In moments she would be naked in her clubroom and at Issei's mercy.

It was ironic that she was giving herself to him considering how things played out with Riser, but he was too powerful to not have some kind of assurance.

Issei smiled at her tacit understanding of the situation and quickly undid her corset before reaching for her skirt and slowly undoing it, "If you were to take a guess, where do you think you'd rank among those girls." Issei smiled as Rias's skirt fell to the floor revealing a pair of white panties.

"I-I don't know" Rias blushed as Issei reached for her shirt next and slowly undid it revealing more of what was truly a fantastic body.

In moments her shirt was off and to the side revealing a matching white bra with floral patterns above her nipples and small circles trailing up the straps.

Her blush only intensified when he reached for her bra and removed it in a flash revealing her breasts.

She was practically naked in front of him and all that remained were her panties.

"My dear you would be number 1. With your queen a very close second." Issei smiled.

"Then why. Why do you treat me so badly" Rias protested before Issei grabbed her right breasts with his hand causing her to moan.

"Because of what you could've done to me." Issei replied as he mercilessly teased her breast with his hand in very much the same way that he handled Cecelia at the hotel.

The feeling of Rias squirming underneath him was just too delicious. "Have you forgotten that you my dear Rias are the one who gave me a contract circle before my date with a fallen angel."

"I. AHHHHH!" Rias moaned as he pinched her nipple before she could give a response.

"As far as you knew I was a normal human with a potentially good sacred gear. Instead of coming to me yourself, you sent Koneko to spy on me for OVER A WEEK." Issei growled making sure to increase his grip on her breasts and particularly her nipples as he made his displeasure known.

"There were plenty of options on how you could contact me peacefully but you didn't try those. You were hoping that Raynare would kill me and you could claim my power without me able to stop you." Issei scolded as his assault on her body continued.

"I couldn't chance it!" Rias cried out the pleasure overwhelming her.

She had no idea she was this sensitive. but clearly she was. Issei had unlocked something in her that she never thought possible.

"And that my dear is the problem." Issei frowned as he pulled away knowing she was relatively close to her release.

Rias was stunned that Issei was stopping there, but since he went this far, Surely he could and would go farther. "Why?"

"You haven't learned your lesson yet." Issei frowned before walking away leaving her in a haze.

"Issei!" Rias pleaded hoping he would stay but it was too late. The door closed and Rias was left in her underwear.


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