
Ripto's rage

"Never once thought you'd be sitting at a desk." Rhonda said as she entered the office seeing Talbot going through various files.

"I have no idea how he could live with so much paperwork Goddamn." Talbot said making her laugh.

"Thats just how he is. How are the girls taking it?" Rhonda asked making him smile.

"They know he's out there somewhere and will come back." Talbot said before he found one file on someone who made him raise an eyebrow. "You know anything about this Ripto guy?" Talbot asked handing her the file.

"I think so. Caused a lot of problems for us but we always pushed him back till he disappeared last week." Rhonda said.

Meanwhile in the Dragon world

A couple of Sheep ran away from the Girls as they chased them in the rain.

"Is this rain ever gonna stop? It's been like this since he vanished." Sarah said.

"Maybe we should go somewhere else for a while with a little sun." Dawn said before Newt's eyes landed on a portal.

"Dragon shores? Hey we haven't been there since we kicked Nasty Norc's butt." Newt said.

"Last one theres a Norc!" Sarah yelled as they rushed through the portal.

Meanwhile in a world of Avalar in a place called Glimmer

A group of three people known as the Professor, Elora the Faun and Hunter the Cheetah were by a artificial portal waiting for something.

"Is it working Professor?" Elora asked.

"Almost just a few more adjustments to these orbs and..." Professor said.

"Maybe this isn't such a good idea. Bringing humans might just make Ripto Angrier." Hunter said unsure about this plan.

"Calm down Hunter and stop fidgeting." Elora said.

"But you saw the books these guys are violent. They sound much more dangerous than Ripto." Hunter said.

"Thats exactly the point. A human might be the only thing that can stop Ripto. And you know it." Elora said.

"It's working! IT'S WORKING! I GOT A HUMAN!" Professor yelled before the girls flew out.

"OW! Who's foot is that on my hand!" Dawn yelled.

"Stop yelling you idiot!" Sarah yelled.

"IDIOT?" Dawn said insulted.

"Could you two please stop. I don't think we're in Dragon Shores." Newt said as they got up and looked at the three who brought them here. "Hey stop staring at us. What you've never seen humans before?" Newt asked.

"Your humans?" Hunter asked.

"You got a problem with that pussycat?" Dawn asked before something blasted them and destroyed the portal. In front of them were three creatures. One with blue skin and holding a club in hand. the second had green skin and was on all fours. The last had Red skin with robes on with a horn on his head and holding a scepter. These three were known in order as Crush, Gulp and Ripto.

"Well well. Someone was trying to keep me from the party. We're you trying to keep something from me?" Ripto asked before his eyes landed on the three girls. "WHAT YOU THREE BROUGHT THESE THREE TO AVALAR!" Ripto asked in rage.

"Oh great it's you again." Sarah said rolling her eyes. This wasn't the first time the three had met Ripto. Their brother had sent them after him to bring him in since they could actually fight now. They actually had him cornered but he went through a portal and disappeared. "So this is where you went off to. Still causing trouble I guess." Sarah said.

"Crush kill them!" Ripto yelled in rage but he accidentally got smacked instead and Gulp ate his scepter which exploded in his gut. "YOU IDIOTS!" Ripto screamed before getting back on Gulp and the three ran off. "I'LL DEAL WITH YOU BRATS LATER!" Ripto roared.

"Am I missing something? How do you know Ripto?" Elora asked.

"We were the ones assigned to bring him in. Then he went through one of the portals and vanished." Sarah said. "But never mind that. What is he doing here?" Sarah asked.

"Causing trouble for everyone. Thats why we brought you three here since he seems to really hate Humans. But we don't have time to explain. Here take this guide to Avalar. Right now we have to follow Ripto and see what he's up to." Elora said as they left.

"Hey wait a minute. Agh. How does Sean deal with these situations all the time?" Dawn asked.

The new Adventure begins

(Remember to play the music for each level here)

Deciding to explore this new world they approached one of the natives known as Pogo. (Every name you see here is real in the video game)

"Hi girls, welcome to Glimmer. unfortunately for us, a mob of lizards just showed up and started steeling all of our gems. Can you stop them?" Pogo asked.

"Sure. We live for this kind of thing." Dawn said.

Soon enough they began both collecting Gems and beating up the Mob Lizards with ease before they came to a bridge that was guarded by a bear in a suit.

"Ah you must be the humans I've heard about. Well, Humans or not I'm afraid there is a small fee to use my bridge." Moneybags said.

"You gotta be kidding me." Dawn said.

"Here." Sarah said handing him a hundred gems as requested.

"A pleasure doing business girls." Money bags said as he extended the bridge and they left.

"Why do I get the feeling this isn't the last we've seen of him?" Dawn asked.

"We'll deal with it." Sarah said as they collected all the gems and helped the locals out with some problems which in return were given orbs that were rather important in Avalar.

Then they finally approached the last local named (Snicker) Twitchy.

"Thanks for helping us fend off the lizards. Please take this talisman as a sign of our gratitude." Twitchy said handing them the talisman before a portal opened and they went through it.

Summer Forest

Ripto and his pawns rushed into the palace of Summer Forest before Elora looked up and saw Money bags thrown out.

"Oh no." Elora said as Ripto replaced the flags of Avalar with his own face.

Just then the girls came out of the portal.

"Oh hello. We didn't get to introduce ourselves last time. I'm Elora." Elora said.

"Hi. What are you some kind of goat?" Dawn asked.

"She a faun you idiot." Sarah said. Her twin sister could be very smart when she wanted to but sometimes she was a little thick headed.

"Oops." Dawn said scratching the back of her head.

"Did you finish helping the Gem cutters?" Elora asked.

"Yeah they even gave us a gift called it a Talisman." Sarah said.

"They gave you a talisman?" Elora asked surprised.

"What is it special? We just stuck it in the guide book." Dawn said.

"There are at least fourteen talismans in Avalar and all of them are magical. If you can collect them all you can beat Ripto." Elora said before Hunter appeared out of the portal. "Hunter where have you been?" Elora asked.

"I uh got a little lost." Hunter said lamely.

"Listen all three of you. I know you wanted to go to Dragon shores but right now we need your help. Ripto has taken over the castle here in summer forest. You need to find the other 13 talismans." Elora said.

"Hey I could do that! Why don't they just kick his butt?" Hunter asked.

"Hunter you can't even keep track of you're running shoes. How are we supposed to trust you with fourteen talismans?" Elora asked making him grumble.

"This is going to be easy." Dawn said.

Minutes later

After their little talk the girls went looking for other gems and any orbs they could find along the way.

And no surprise they encountered Money bags who had some equipment they could use to breathe underwater.

"Sorry girls but you don't have enough Gems to buy this equipment." Money bags said. (It's true even if you collect all the money in Glimmer and the amount you can find in the first part of Summer Forest without swimming you won't have enough)

This just made Dawn growl before they decided to head into one of the portals.


Once they arrived in Clossus they encountered a local.

"A yeti has been rampaging around our home. We've managed to trap him by shutting all the doors." Brother harry said.

"So you want us to find your friends to unlock the doors and kill this thing right?" Sarah asked.

"Uh...Yes. We're not fighters. Also be careful some of our animals have been acting more violent since that thing came here." Brother Harry said.

"Fine." Newt said as they went down to fight the Yeti.

Along the way they managed to collect more than enough Gems to pay that fat bear when they got back.

Beating all the animals and helping others like the professor who needed the girls to liberate the statues from evil spirits rewarded them with an orb and then came a hockey game.

"SCORE!" Dawn yelled getting the final point 5 to nothing!

"Nice." Sarah said as they were awarded an orb for their victory.

Now it was time to face the Yeti.

And they did only uh hehehe. It ended killing itself with the ceiling smash down became it kept jumping up and down which led to its death. (No joke that actually happened)

"Uh...whatever." Newt said. They got their talisman and made sure they got all the remaining Gems before leaving back to Summer Forest and went to Moneybags.

"Hello girls. I assume you have the proper payments needed for that equipment now?" Moneybags asked.

"Here." Dawn said handing him the gems before he gave them the equipment. (I hate this fucking bear)

Now they went to the next world.

"Idol Springs?" Newt asked.

"I'm not gonna like this for some reason." Dawn said as they entered the portal.

Idol Springs

"Yup I was right." Dawn said seeing giant Idols or Tiki's as they looked like.

"Ok." Sarah said rubbing the back of her head before they approached one of the locals.

"Girls! The idols have somehow come to life. they've locked us out of our temples and stolen our food." Foreman Bob said.

"Don't worry we'll clear them out.

Getting the workers inside the temple was easy. Once they got all the workers inside the temples they began searching for both Gems and Orbs.

"Solving the first puzzle here was easy but this?" Sarah asked as one of the locals told them that one of the idols needed food but told them to watch out for the red fish otherwise it would just puke them all out.

"Oh please." Dawn said before kicking one into his mouth and low and behold. "EWWWW!" The girls yelled in disgust as the idol puked up all the fish.

"DAWN!" Sarah yelled annoyed.

"Oops." Dawn said sheepishly.

Sarah had to restart feeding the Idol all over again and then they solved the last puzzle which was stepping on the right buttons in perfect order. With all those puzzles solved they got another Orb before they kept hearing some kind of chanting sound and found a hula girl trapped by an ugly idle.

"What the?" Dawn said approaching the idle before it started making some weird noises and it really started to annoy her. "Die!" Dawn said before chopping it in the middle and sliced it in half killing the thing.

"Well, that was just a pain." Sarah said as they got another orb.

Soon they got the third talisman and went back to Summer Forest before swimming to the next area and went through the next portal.

Sunny beach (My favorite level)

"Ooh baby turtles!" Dawn said walking to the turtles.

"13 years old the both of us and she acts like a little girl." Sarah said.

"Oh like you don't want to do that same." Newt said before the two approached a local.

"Hello Girls, If you could shepherd those baby turtles to safety I'll be mighty grateful." Prince Tortiss said.

"Sure no problem." Sarah said.

Leading the baby turtles was easy even with the amount of enemies in the way.

However though once they got all the babies to safety they had to free the ones that got caught.

Using a power up they found they easily freed the baby turtled but then came another problem.

"Uh?" Dawn said looking up high hearing Turtles and what sounded like a fire above.

"Give me a lift!" Sarah said before jumping up and found a weird looking man.

"Go away little girl! I'm preparing Turtle soap." The Man said.

"Yeah I don't think so." Sarah said before going after the turtles and led them away to safety.

"NO NO NOOO!" The Chef yelled in despair.

"Sorry buddy." Sarah said before steeling an orb of his.

"HEY THATS MINE!" The Chef yelled before she jumped down.

"Lets get that Talisman and get out of here!" Sarah said getting them to run off and got the Talisman before going through the portal and then went to the next world


"Well, this is just depressing." Dawn said as they were in a world full of rain and bullies. Soon they approached the local who just got bullied by someone bigger.

"We've always had trouble with the gear Grinders but now they've set up forcefields to separate us." Zapp said.

"Don't worry we'll handle it." Sarah said.

Facing off against the Gear Grinders and their little robots was easy. However now they had to turn on the power for this world.

"Oh lord." Dawn said seeing how far the button to turn on the power was and looked down and gulped.

"Oh please." Newt said jumping toward the power button.

"She's younger than both of us and she's braver than you." Sarah said grinning making her grumble.

"Got it!" Newt yelled turning on the power and found an Orb in the way of the gears before picking it up.

Next they had to stop a group of thieves from steeling every power orb. This took a while but the thieves finally got the message to go away.

And as a reward they got another Orb.

"Is it me or is this getting easy?" Dawn asked.

"Define easy?" Sarah asked as they got the Talisman and left to go to the last portal. However apparently Money bags wouldn't let them in without paying another fee.

"Are you kidding me? Do you not want Ripto out of here?" Dawn asked in disbelief.

"Sorry girls. But someone has to pay for all the damages here and there." Money bags said making her grumble before giving him their gems...AGAIN! (UghI fucking hate this bear!)

Aquaria towers

"I thought this place would be all water." Newt said.

"Looks like it's all been drained." Sarah said placing her hand on the ground. "Still wet. This was recent." Sarah said before they approached a local.

"The funny looking guys with the shock sticks have drained all our water. We can't get it back unless someone activates the switches they're guarding." Ripple the Seahorse said.

"Don't worry we'll handle this." Dawn said.

Soon enough they managed to fill at least half of the place with water again.

But then they ran into a little problem. Mechanical sharks gettin in the way.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me." Sarah said in disbelief.

"Hello girls." Money bags said appearing behind them with a shark Like Submarine behind him.

"Oh great what are you doing here?" Dawn asked.

"I'm here to offer you a way passed these sharks...For a small fee." Money bags said making them glare at him.

"How much?" Sarah asked.

"A hundred gems." Moneybags said.

"Oh thats actually fair." Dawn said handing him the gems before they went under and got to the other side.

Once all that was done they unleashed the rest of the water and helped out the locals with tasks like helping the King find his captured Children and even helping Hunter with his Pet Manta ray with training.

"Finally." Dawn said as they got the rest of the gems and got the Talisman before heading back to Summer Forest and met Elora by a large gate.

"Nice work girls. Now your ready to fight Crush and hopefully in the process take down Ripto." Elora said.

"You ever gonna tell us how this even happened?" Sarah asked.

"Well...The professor was experimenting with new portal technology and Hunter accidentally inserted the code to the portal Ripto used which brought him here." Elora said.

"Figures. Lets go." Dawn said as they jumped down the hole.

"Well Look who decided to join us." Ripto said.

"Whats the matter little man? Can't do the Job yourself!" Dawn asked making him scoff.

"CRUSH! KILL THEM!" Ripto yelled as the blue Giant jumped into the Arena

(I'm not going to even both since Crush was the easiest boss in the entire game)

"NO CRUSH!" Ripto yelled seeing his pawn was dead. "You may have been able to defeat that weakling but Gulp will be more than a match for you!" Ripto yelled.

"Bring it on Little man!" Dawn said making him growl.

"GULP COME HERE NOW!" Ripto yelled as Gulp tried to get in. "Destroy them and make sure its painful." Ripto said but the roof started to fall down. "What? The Roof! GULP GET ME OUT OF HERE! So long brats!" Ripto yelled as he and Gulp left.

"What a wuss." Sarah said as the Guide book undid everything Ripto did and the flags outside turned back to normal.

Autumn plains

"Great not again." Dawn said seeing the castle here had the same thing as before with Ripto's face on the flags.

"Hello girls." Moneybags said. (FUCK!)

"What do you want now?" Dawn asked.

"To give you another piece of equipment to climb. For another Fee of course." Moneybags said making them glare at him.

"Your enjoying this aren't you?" Sarah asked not amused.

"A little plus some extra for opening another portal for an additional 400 gems." Moneybags said making Dawn growl before handing him the money. "Thank you." Moneybags said handing them the equipment.

"Lets go." Sarah said.

(I know I'm probably going to get some backlash from skipping most of the levels but honestly After playing this game for a while I'm bored with it So I'm going to skip through the levels to fight Gulp. Sorry. If I was playing the remastered version that comes out in October that would be a different story)

"Ready to face Gulp girls?" Elora asked.

"Been ready now lets go! I want to get this done and get to Dragon shores!" Dawn said as they entered the lair.

In the lair was Gulp and Ripto.

"Gulp we've finally taken over Avalar. You've earned a special treat." Ripto said with a fairy in hand before the girls dropped down behind him making Gulp growl. "Gulp what is it boy? Oh the fairy. Here you go." Ripto said about to hand her over till Sarah kicked him in the balls. "OOOOOOWWWWWWW!" Ripto yelled letting the fairy go and ran away. "You stupid little brats! You are really starting to get on my nerves worse than your brother!" Ripto yelled before jumping on a throne chair.

"Running away again little man?" Dawn asked making him smirk.

"Hardly. I'm just going to enjoy this. Gulp launch time!" Ripto yelled as Gulp jumped down and had a special piece of equipment on his back. "Gulp. Finish them and you'll have all the fairies you can eat." Ripto said.

"Please." Dawn said jumping on Gulp's head making him roar before trying to shake her off.

"For crying out loud Dawn!" Sarah yelled as she and Newt grabbed their chains and wrapped them around his feet before Dawn blasted Gulp in the head making him roar before she jumped off.

"Blast him in the back of the head." Dawn said as they each split up into three different directions before Gulp went after Sarah.

"I don't think so dummy!" Sarah yelled before she jumped on his head and blasted him again making him roar in pain.

"One more blast should do!" Dawn yelled as the split up again before he went after Newt and she did the same thing as Sarah and landed on his head before blasting him making him stand up on two legs in pain before roaring at he fell down dead.

Ript jumped up in shock before the throne tilted backwards.

"NOOOO!" Ripto yelled as he fell.

"Good riddance." Sarah said as Elora appeared behind her.

"Girls you did it." Elora said surprising them.

"Whoa! Elora where did you come from?" Dawn asked.

"I was just outside the castle when Ripto was defeated. The castle is now free again. Theres no sign of Ripto." Elora said before a group of fairies brought in some lounging chairs. "And ever since you girls got here all the creatures have been getting along again. And since I know you three really wanted to go to Dragon shore we decided to help you. Might not be much but it's something." Elora said as they sat down.

"Eh It works." Dawn said closing her eyes before Elora left.

"Hmm." Sarah said.

"What?" Dawn said.

"Elora said there was no sign of Ripto. There should at least be a body. Lets go." Sarah said.

"But we...Darn!" Dawn yelled as they left.


Winter Tundra

"I think I finally found a way to access the Human worlds from the super portal." Professor said. "This Power crystal should give us the extra boost we need. But we will need more orbs but with the power crystal boosting it the super portal should work again." Professor said excited.

However this little talk was over as a bomb landed by them before exploding making them look and gasped.

"So you thought those Brats got rid of me did you?" Ripto said still alive and breathing. "Hardly. I still live. And I persuaded that bear to sell me a few bombs." Ripto said before going for the power crystal. "This should make an excellent replacement for my scepter. And after that I'm naming Avalar after me." Ripto said.

"Oh no you don't!" Sarah yelled running in after him along with her sisters.

"Grrr. You little brats have been a thorn in my side for long enough!" Ripto said running off into the castle.

"Girls stop him!" Elora said as they ran after him.

Final battle

"AHAHAHAHAHA! I've been waiting for this!" Ripto said trying to blast them but Each of them dodged the attacks with ease. "All that tough talk and you three can't even beat me!" Ripto yelled while laughing.

"Ok I've had enough of this." Dawn said before she was engulfed in purple flames turning into the Ghost Rider and Roared at him which shocked him.

"WHAT!" Ripto yelled in shock. Before Sarah was engulfed in Pink flames while Newt was engulfed in Gold. "GHOST RIDERS!" Ripto yelled in shock before summoning a mechanical bird and flew off. "HA BEAT THAT!" Ripto yelled only to widen his eyes in shock seeing them flying using repulsers to fly.

"You were saying little man?" Dawn asked amused.

"I hate humans." Ripto said weakly before they slashed his bird apart making him scream as he fell into the pit of lava.

Minutes later

The girls went outside the castle finding the others waiting for them.

"Girls you did it." Elora said giving them a hug.

"Aw." Dawn said rubbing the back of her head.

"I suppose you have to go now?" Elora asked.

"Yeah. We got a vacation to go to and then go back home." Sarah said.

"Before you go I think theres something Moneybags wants to give you." Elora said glaring at him.

"Hmph! I most certainly do not!" Moneybags yelled defiantly

"Oh yes you do jerkface!" Dawn yelled before jumping him and started beating him to death till he gave up the gems he took from them.

"You know you three could join us." Sarah said.

"No we have a lot of work to do in rebuilding after all the trouble Ripto caused. But if you three ever want to come back don't be afraid to." Elora said.

"See ya later!" Dawn yelled as they rushed through the portal.

Hours later

The girls were on the beach enjoying the peace and quiet after a day of dealing with Ripto.

Sarah however was looking into the sky.

'Hmm. I wonder where he is right now?' Sarah asked herself.


The remains of the Dawn drifted aimlessly into space before what looked like a planet appeared.

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