
The Fantastic Four

"Girls breakfast is ready." Miya called out to the Twins who rushed down to get their food before school.

"Nice." Sean said walking out in the kitchen in a fancy suit.

"Well your dressed up nice today. Whats the occasion?" Miya asked before he kissed her making her giggle.

"An old friend of mine and a business partner are coming to the company for a joint project. Reed Richard and Victor Von Doom. Reed went to the same college as me only a few years older. Knowing Reed he's found something thats important." Sean said as Diana walked out in blue jeans and a white shirt sporting a 3 month pregnant stomach. "How you feeling Diana?" Sean asked.

"I'm fine I just wish this would go a little faster." Diana said holding her stomach.

"Well Amazon or not your still basically human in biology so its going to last 9 months." Sean said before kissing her. "I gotta go. I'll see you all later." Sean said leaving for work.


"My research suggests that exposure to a high-energy cosmic storm borne on solar winds might have triggered the evolution of early planetary life." Reed said showing a simulation of the event. In the room was Sean, Talbot, Ross, Lane, Eiling and Von Doom. "In six weeks another cloud with the same elemental profile will pass Earth's orbit. A study, conducted in space could fundamentally advance our knowledge about our structure of the human genome cure countless diseases, extend human life give kids a chance to live longer, stronger, healthier..." Reed tried to finish.

"Turn it off. Please." Victor said.

"I don't think I've explained my proposal fully." Reed said.

"No, I think you have. Same old Reed-always stretching, reaching for the stars with the weight of the world on his back." Victor said.

"He's not the only one." Sean said.

"True but difference is his dreams don't pay the bills, do they?" Victor said showing a magazine of Reed saying he's going bankrupt.

"Ouch." Ross said feeling sorry for him.

"You both remember when we were in college we talked about working together. Well, that's what I was about to explain." Reed said before showing a projection of a space station Victor authorized for construction and was built by Global Tech. "The Storm is deadly but the shields on your station's control room are designed to protect any occupants inside." Reed said.

"So its not just the money you need its our equipment." Lane said.

"Tell us, if NASE doesn't trust you, then why should we?" Victor asked making Reed sigh before Sean started laughing.

"Relax Reed we're in this together. No way in hell is an opportunity like this going to be passed up." Sean said.

"You never could pass up an opportunity to help save lives." A female voice said entering the room. Sean and Reed turned to see a woman with white skin blonde hair and blue eyes.

"I think you both know my director of genetics research Susan Storm." Victor said.

"Long time no see Susie." Ben said hugging her.

"Yeah long time." Sean said. "In any event we cant let an opportunity like this be passed up. Who knows how long it will take for a similar event to occur." Sean said.

"He's right we cant pass this up." Talbot said knowing the benefits were endless in this.

"Very well then. We'll get all the equipment ready for the mission and hopefully we'll get more then we were hoping for." Victor said as he left.

Minutes later

Sean, Reed, Ben and Susan got on the elevator to leave the top floor to go to the other labs.

"Sean you should know that..." Susan tried to say.

"Solar winds have been picking up speed I know already." Sean said.

"I factored them into my coordinates." Reed said trying to avoid them getting into another argument.

"Of corse you did." Sean said.

"It's a little different once your out there." Susan said.

"I wont be going I've got other things to deal with." Sean said.

"Real problems or are you just trying to avoid something?" Susan said.

"You know what..." Sean tried to say.

"When are we leaving?" Ben asked quickly to avoid the argument.

"I'll be scheduling the launch." Susan said.

"So I assume Ben will be piloting the ship?" Sean asked.

"No we've got our own pilot but he's welcome to drive shotgun. You remember my brother Johnny?" Susan asked making Sean snicker slightly.

Weeks later

Johnny Storm was driving on his motorcycle while kissing a woman in her car before he ended the kiss and speeds up to get to the launch site.

On the site Sean, Ben and Reed observed.

"Cant do it. Cannot do it." Ben said.

"Oh come on Ben whats wrong with the shuttle?" Sean asked.

"No its not the shuttle. I cannot take orders from the underwear model." Ben said.

"Oh come on." Sean said.

"That wing nut washed out of NASA for sneaking two Victoria's secret wannabes into a flight simulator." Ben said.

"Youthful high spirits." Reed said.

"They crashed it into a wall. A flight simulator." Ben said.

"When have I ever asked you to do something you absolutely said you could not do?" Reed asked.

"Five times." Sean said.

"I had it at four." Reed said confused.

"Well this makes five." Ben said walking down the stairs.

"Fuck." Sean said chuckling.

"You know you really should come with us since I'm sure this would..." Reed tried to say.

"I am not talking to Susan. Not since she walked out on me." Sean said.

"Thats not how she told it." Reed said.

"Well I'm the one who was going through hell after the accident and taking care of my sisters so my story beats her's any day of the year." Sean said walking off while Reed sighed.


"Hey Johnny." Sean said approaching his old friend who smiled and hugged him.

"Long time no see. Now whats this I hear about you getting a massive harem?" Johnny asked with his arm around his shoulder making Sean sigh.

"Oh boy." Sean said as they entered where Ben was in looking at a photo of him and his wife Debbie.

"Captain on the bridge!" Johnny yelled making Ben stand up before Johnny took a photo.

"Seriously?" Sean asked.

"Digital camera-254$. Memory stick-59$. The look on your hard-ass former C.O.'s face when he finds out he's your junior officer.-Priceless." Johnny said.

"Oy. Knock it off." Sean said.

"I can handle the ship. I can even handle Mr. Blond ambition. But I don't know if I should be flying or down Swan Lake in these suits." Ben said pulling a blue suit out. "I mean who the hell came up with these?" Ben asked.

"Victor did." Susan said walking in dressed in said suit and Sean was drinking in the sight of her incredible beauty. "The synthetics act as a second skin, adapting to your body's individual needs." Susan said while Reed was inspecting it just as Susan caught Sean looking at her. "Sean?" Susan said snapping her fingers in his face making him shake his head.

"Uh What?" Sean said making her smile a little seeing she still had an effect on her. "I uh I need to go." Sean said walking away.

Sean was in the control room where the mission would be monitored.

"Whats with you?" Sally asked sitting next to him.

"Some feelings never leave." Sean said making her smile.

"You still love her don't you?" Sally asked.

"I never stopped. I...Just was so busy when my company first started out. Add that to taking care of my sisters. I know I was the one who screwed up my relationship with her but I had a bigger responsibility to my sisters then my own love life." Sean said. (Just so people don't get confused. Reed, Susan and Johnny are basically 3 to 4 years older then Sean while Ben is basically 6 years older)

"Well then why don't you just tell her you still love her?" Sally asked.

"How am I supposed to do that when I've got a kid on the way and a harem of women I love? She's with Victor now anyway." Sean said. Unknown to him Susan was eavesdropping on him and had a sad look in her eyes when she heard that he still loved her and the reason why their relationship ended. She didn't mind that he had other lovers in his life. But for now the mission came first.


"Hows the view from up there?" Sean asked on the comms.

"You should be here kid it beautiful." Ben said.

"I get plenty of views of the Earth when I'm on the watchtower. Get those flowers into position before the storm gets there." Sean said.

"Will do." Ben said.

Sean sighed as he sat in his chair rubbing his temples.

"So when were you going to tell me I wasn't the first love of your life?" Diana asked playfully since she wasn't offended in the slightest really.

"Damnit Sally." Sean said.

"I'm not mad. I just don't see why you didn't want to talk about it." Diana said sitting next to him.

"Susan was the first woman in my life I ever loved. You on the other hand gave me that feeling back." Sean said kissing her making her smile before he pulled back and placed his hands on her pregnant stomach. "And gave me something important." Sean said making her smile.

"So why did it end?" Diana asked making him sigh.

"I was 13 when I first fell in love with her. She was 16 at the time and had feelings for me as well. Reed, Susan and me we were one of those kids who were way smarter then those our age. I was 15 and my company was still in the process of building up to what it is now. I was stressed and I..." Sean tried to say before an alert came on his screen.

"Event threshold in T-minus nine minutes, 47 seconds." The Computer said.

"Wait that cant be right it should be 9 hours till the storm gets there." Sean said in alarm before dashing off to the control room while Diana looked concern.

"Are you seeing this?" Sally asked.

"What do you think?" Sean said getting on the comms. "Reed listen to me the story is heading right at the station faster then anticipated you need to abort." Sean said getting nothing but static. "Shit!" Sean said before the storm hit the station. This lasted for over a few minutes before it finally passed.

"Oh god." Sally said.

"Talbot get a search and rescue team up there now." Sean said.

"On it." Talbot said.

Days later

Ben started to wake up with a groan.

"Rise and shine big man." Sean said entering the room with Johnny.

"Ugh where am I?" Ben asked.

"Back on Earth medical facility in my company. Your all in isolation." Sean said.

"Sue and Reed?" Ben asked.

"They're alright so are you." Sean said.

"Ah you should have let him squirm." Johnny said.

"Bite me." Ben said annoyed before sitting up.

Sean and Johnny walked out of the room and into Reed.

"Hey, nice do. Liking the Grandpa look." Johnny said seeing the hair was bent backwards on his sides.

"What?" Reed asked as he left.

"Don't look at me." Sean said as he went to Susan's room and was surprised by the amount of flowers in the room. "How's she doing?" Sean asked the doctor.

"Stable and her vitals are strong." The Doctor said handing her chart.

"No irradiation good. Let me know if there are any changes." Sean said about to leave before a new cart of flowers came in and the nurse was about to put in some orchids. "She's allergic to Orchids. Put the Sunflowers by her bed there her favorite." Sean said not knowing that Sue was awake watching him leave before the flowers were put down next to her making her smile.


Ben had decided to help push Sean and Sue back together by having some lunch together and talking about the years before Ben's stomach started gurgling.

"Wow." Sue said.

"You ok man?" Sean asked in concern.

"Yeah probably just some bad shrimp." Ben said. "I think I'd better go lie down." Ben said.

"Let us know if you have any problems." Sean said.

"Yeah sure." Ben said walking away.

"Nice to see some things never change." Susan said making Sean chuckle.

"I might be the face of the worlds most successful company but it hasn't changed my views in life." Sean said.

"What about the Twins?" Susan asked.

"Oh come on don't bring them into this." Sean said.

"And then theres that." Susan said annoyed not knowing her skin was vanishing for a few seconds as he looked down before it returned.

"What do you want me to say? I had a bigger responsibility to my sisters since David drove off." Sean said.

"Yeah I know. But you didn't have to take it out on me." Susan said.

"Take it out on you? What are you talking about. Your the one who left and from my view it looks like your happy with Vic." Sean said making her laugh bitterly.

"Wow your so smart yet so dumb." Susan said as her skin vanished.

"What does that mean?" Sean asked

"Sean look at me." Susan said making him do just that and widen his eyes when he didn't see her face.

"I cant." Sean said.

"What do you mean, you can't? Look at me!" Susan yelled.

"Sue, Look at your fucking hands!" Sean said making her do just that just as Reed walked in and she accidentally knocked over a bottle of wine and Reed grabbed it by extending his arm. Sean and Susan looked on in confusion before Reed pulled his hand back and Susan's skin face and arms returned.

"Hey guys!" Johnny said running in with a pink coat as pants making them look at them. "What?" Johnny asked before looking down and laughed. "Ok this I can explain." Johnny said

"The hell happened to you guys on that station?" Sean asked before he realized something. "Ben!" Sean said as they rushed to his room.

"It has to be the cloud. It's fundamentally altered our D.N.A." Susan said.

"Let's not jump to conclusions. We need a massive amount of evidence before making that leap." Reed said.

"Hows that for evidence?" Sean asked showing Johnny every time he snapped his fingers fire came.

"Ok point made." Reed said making Johnny laugh.

"Cool! And you know what, guys? I think I was flying." Johnny said.

"We need to find Ben." Reed said as they approached his room.

"Ben open up!" Sean said before they heard the bed collapse to the floor. "Ben!" Sean yelled.

"Does someone have keys to these doors?" Johnny asked.

"Card keys yes but I don't have any." Sean said before Reed used his powers to get under the door with his hand and unlock the door.

"Thats gross." Johnny said making Reed sigh before a loud crash was heard inside the room and Sean kicked the door down.

"Ben!" Sean said looking around. "The hell?" Sean said looking around the destroyed room.

"Look." Johnny said pointing outside where a large person was seen running off.

"What in the hell?" Sean said.

"Whats going on?" Victor asked walking in. "What happened in here?" Victor asked.

"Uh hard to say really but I'm guessing the cloud has had an effect on all of you." Sean said scratching his head.

"What kind of effect?" Victor asked.

"Different symptoms really." Sean said.

"Any idea where the big guy is going?" Johnny asked before Reed sighed as he picked up a picture of Ben and his wife Debbie.

"He's going home." Reed said.


The group went out looking for Ben all night but so far haven't found anything.

"Debbie isn't answering any of my calls." Reed said before they stopped.

"What now?" Sean asked as they got out only to see an accident up ahead.

"Think Ben is here?" Susan asked.

"Only one way to find out." Sean said as they tried to get up ahead of the others. Sean thankfully managed to get them past the cops due to his authority.

"Oh man we're never going to find him like this." Johnny said.

"Oh shut up." Sean said as they looked for him.

"Ben!" Susan yelled and Ben did appear only he looked completely different now having his body al rock.

"What the?" Sean said.

Johnny looked around and saw a girl calling out for her mom when some explosive tanks went off and he jumped over to her and covered her from being burned. The Explosion also made a firetruck that was approaching spin off course and had the back ram into the railings.

"Susan look out!" Sean yelled as the fire nearly hit her only for her to create a barrier that protected her and the others from harm before she pushed it back and sighed in exhaustion. "You ok?" Sean asked.

"Yeah I...I think I'm fine." Susan said just as Sean's phone rang.

"Talbot." Sean answered.

"What the hell is going on down at the bridge?" Talbot asked.

"Long story I need some help here." Sean said.

"I'll send what I can." Talbot said.

The Firetruck started to slowly tip over the edge which would have happened if Ben hadn't grabbed onto it and brought it back down.

"No you don't!" Ben said using his new given strength to slowly bring it back on the bridge. However one of the firefighters fell off and would have hit the water if Reed had not stretched to impossible length and grabbed him and pulled him back up. Ben managed to bring the rest of the Firetruck back up just as Superman and Thor arrived.

"What creature is this?" Thor asked making Ben growl.

"His name is Ben Grimm he's no creature Thor." Sean said appearing behind him and smacked him behind the head just as the crowd cheered for Ben and the others. Sean noticed Ben's wife looking at Ben who looked back before she took off her wedding ring and placed it on the ground and walked away.

Debbie continued to walk away.

"HEY!" Sean yelled getting her attention.

"Don't lecture me right now." Debbie said.

"To late. What the hell is wrong with you? What happened to all that crap you spewed about of your marriage? Are you seriously going to just fucking leave him. All he could think about was you." Sean said.

"I know what I said...But I didn't marry that. Just leave me alone." Debbie said running off.

"Yeah sure I'm pretty sure you have something better to do then being a good wife." Sean said pissed off at her. "Unbelievable." Sean said walking back to the others.

Ben held the ring in his hand looking so depressed.

"I would get rid of that thing since its clear to me she cant accept change." Sean said making him chuckle slightly.

"Tried to get her to stay?" Ben asked.

"Do you really need to ask?" Sean said before seeing the news footage of the incident of the bridge calling Reed, Johnny, Susan and Ben the fantastic four. "So much for keeping this from going public." Sean said.


Reed had decided to bring the others to his building so he could understand how to reverse whats happened to them.

"We should stay here until we can define the extent of our changes and figure out how to reverse them." Reed said entering a large room.

"Whoa." Johnny said.

"Believe it or not, he lives here." Sean said.

"But I have to warn you, it's going to be a little crowded in some areas." Reed said.

"Crowded in here?" Sean asked amused.

"Well in my view it will." Reed said making Sean chuckle.

"Uh Sue can I talk to you for a second?" Sean asked.

"Sure." Sue said as they walked off.

Sean and Sue walked into a room before he sat down.

"Back at the facility what did you mean by what you said about me?" Sean asked making her sigh and sat down next to him.

"There is no me and Victor. Never was." Susan said.

"It didn't look that way to me when this whole thing started." Sean said making her snicker slightly.

"He probably just thinks its like that but it isn't. He's just not my type. He's not exactly all that kind and caring kind of person." Susan said.

"Well then why stay with him?" Sean asked.

"Do I really need to answer that?" Susan asked making him chuckle.

"Ok I admit I was a little bit of an ass when we well you know." Sean said making her smirk.

"A little?" Susan asked.

"Don't push it." Sean said making her laugh before they heard Victor and Reed arguing outside.

"I DONT WANT TO UNDERSTAND!" Victor yelled as the lights flicked on and off. "This isn't one of your science projects! I just want to fix it fast!" Victor yelled.

"Whoa whats going on out here?" Sean asked walking out with Susan and Ben.

"Nothing." Victor said to Sean. "Get your damn electrical bill paid and fix this." Victor said to Reed before leaving in the elevator.

"What the hell was that all about?" Sean asked making Reed sigh.

"He's losing everything from the backlash of this incident. I tried to tell him we still got the samples but..." Reed trailed off as he sighed.

"Don't worry about him just give him time to cool off. Besides I think he was effected just like the rest of you." Sean said.

"What makes you say that?" Ben asked.

"Did you not see the lights?" Sean asked making him chuckle. "Anyway I'm going to have Sally and a few others here to see if they can help solve this." Sean said.

"Solve what? Come on don't tell me you all want to get rid of these powers?" Johnny said.

"Uh hello?" Ben said pointing to himself.

"Ok you I can understand but come on. We can do some real good like the others who work for him." Johnny said pointing to Sean who chuckled.

"Johnny we still have no idea how the cloud caused all this. After all how exactly are you going to enjoy a normal life if your on fire every second?" Sean asked.

"Uh...Point taken." Johnny said making Susan smile.

"In any case I want to see exactly what your all capable of." Sean said.


So far Johnny and Ben had been tested on their powers. Johnny of course though nearly went overboard and went to the temperature of the sun but thankfully was stopped by Sean and Susan cooling him off. Ben as they checked his internal organs were completely solid and nearly impervious to most hard objects.

Sean was now testing Susan's powers seeing she was able to cloak herself and direct energy fields around other for defense or offense.

"Hows it coming?" Sean asked before he got blasted.

"Oh my god I am so sorry." Susan said. "Are you ok?" Susan asked.

"Relax not the first time I've gotten blasted." Sean said sitting up.

"I um...You probably thought that was some form of latent hostility." Susan said.

"Now why would I think that?" Sean asked sarcastically as she was about to leave. "I mean technically you were the one who broke up with me right?" Sean asked.

"Are you kidding?" Susan asked.

"No. I distinctly recall you stepping out my door." Sean said.

"Sean I get it. You had a bigger responsibility to your sisters." Susan said making him look at her in surprise. "I kinda eavesdropped on you and Sally before the launch." Susan said sheepishly making him sigh. "You could have just said your reason you didn't want me to move in I would have understood." Susan said.

"I was afraid that if I got to attached to our relationship I would lose focus on what was the most important in my life. When my parents died I swore on their graves that I would protect them with my life. I just didn't want to break that promise." Sean said making her smile at him and held his hands.

"Sean I get it completely. Although I'm kinda curious how the famous Wonder Woman managed to get you into having a harem." Susan said playfully making his eyes widen.

"What?" Sean said in shock making her burst into a fit of giggles while he groaned in annoyance. "This is the most infuriating part about you. You always eavesdrop and ask to many questions." Sean said making her laugh harder.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help it." Susan said before she stopped laughing and placed her hands on his face. "And I don't care if you have a harem or about to be a father. If anything I think it brought out the person you used to be back then. The same person I fell for." Susan said before she kissed him.

"Hey love birds." Johnny said making them pull back and sighed before seeing his burned shirt. "I think we have a serious problem here." Johnny said making Sean roll his eyes before walking over to him.

"You have the worst timing man I swear." Sean said.


"Good news is the suits that you guys had on managed to absorb the same energy that gave you these powers meaning they can handle your powers of fire, stretch and invisibility." Sean said as they walked around in them minus Ben who laughed.

"You guys look like an 80's rock band." Ben said.

"Whats wrong with the 80's?" Sean asked making him laugh more.

"You know Ben this material stretches I'm sure I can figure out a way to make it fit." Susan said.

"Please I wouldn't be caught dead wearing that." Ben said.

"I love these costumes. They're missing something, though." Johnny said.

"They're not costumes." Reed said.

"You cant use your powers in public, Johnny." Susan said.

"You guys are worse than NASA." Johnny said.

"Dude." Sean said.

"What the others have costumes why cant we?" Johnny asked.

"Ok first of all they have training or more then one ability. Second of all you guys are not even actually a team." Sean said.

"Well then make us one." Johnny said making Sean sigh.

"Oh my...NO!" Sean said making him pout and walked off.

"Maybe it's missing a utility belt." Ben said making Sean snicker.


"Here it is home sweet home." Sean said entering a penthouse close by Reed's place.

"Wow nice." Susan said getting a nice view of the city. She looked around and saw a portal. "Whats that?" Susan asked.

"Oh I'm surprised you don't remember this. Remember those plans I had back in college on instant travel?" Sean asked.

"Yeah...Wait don't tell me? You actually did it." Susan said.

"How else do you expect me to be everywhere so quick." Sean asked as Diana and the Twins walked in through the portal.

"Oh my god." Susan said as the Twins rushed to her. "Look at you two your growing up so fast." Susan said holding them close.

"Does this mean you two are dating again?" Dawn asked.

"Uh." Sean tried to say.

"We're still not sure." Susan said.

"Aw." The Twins said disappointed.

"Alright thats enough about my love life both of you go to your rooms." Sean said having them do just that. "Why did you bring them for?" Sean asked Diana who smiled.

"As soon as they heard Susan was here they begged me to bring them with me." Diana said making Susan smile.

"Right of course they did." Sean said.


"You have got to be fucking kidding me." Sean said seeing Johnny on the Tv.

"He didn't." Sue said annoyed.

"Oh, yes, he did! Flame boy never listens!" Ben said.

"The hell did he do to his suit?" Sean asked making Reed look at his seeing the four on it but said nothing. Soon Johnny started giving names for himself and the others calling himself the human torch. Sue the invisible girl which annoyed her since she was not a girl she was a woman.

"Now what do you call that thing?" The news woman asked showing a picture of Ben.

"Oh no please don't." Sean practically begged.

"Thats it the thing." Johnny said.

"Oh you fucking dumbass." Sean said while Ben looked pissed.

"Ok now I'm going to go kill him." Ben said.

"I'm going with." Sean said.

They arrived at the motor bike show.

"There he is." Sean said pointing at him and approached him while Ben went to his car. "Dude." Sean said annoyed.

"Come on guys cant we talk about this later?" Johnny asked till Sean punched him in the face surprising everyone even Ben who was about to smash his car apart. "What the hell was that for!" Johnny asked annoyed before Sean shoved him against a car.

"This is not a game! You don't just go off in public using your own powers for your own amusement even less so by brining the others into this when they want these powers gone." Sean said. "Not only that but your making a fool out of yourself by making yourself the face of this group which your not." Sean said.

"A face thats about to be broken." Ben said.

"This isn't permanent. We need to be careful until we're normal again." Reed said.

"What if I don't want to be normal? I didn't turn into a monster." Johnny said pissing Ben off.

"Well you certainly act like one. Ben has lost everything and all you can think about is yourself." Sean said making Johnny sigh.

"That is not true." Johnny said.

"Really? Name one time you've ever cared about someone other then yourself since you've gotten these powers?" Sean asked and Johnny opened his mouth only for nothing to be said. "Thats what I thought. Face it you're no hero. A real hero cares about others not just themselves." Sean said as he and Ben left making Johnny sigh.

"Johnny you need to take this seriously. I for one don't want these powers for the rest of my life I just want everything back to normal." Susan said as she went with them.


Sean was in the lab asleep at his desk when Sue walked in.

"Sean?" Susan said waking him up.

"Ugh what the?" Sean said rubbing his eyes.

"How long have you been in here?" Susan asked.

"Don't know don't care. I've run over these simulations a hundred times. Theres only one way to know if the machine is ready." Sean said.

"Really how?" Susan asked hopeful.

"Regretfully the only way to know is for one of you four to use it on yourselves. Which could prove it works or could make things worse." Sean said rubbing his temples.

"Ok thats enough you need a break." Susan said pulling him up.

"Huh?" Sean said confused.

Sean and Susan went by the pier to look at the ocean.

"Do you remember when we first met." Susan asked making him chuckle.

"Yeah I believe your exact words were why is there a little kid here?" Sean said making her giggle.

"In my defense you were only 13." Susan said.

"So was Sally and you were 3 years older then us. You, me, Reed and Sally were at the Top of our fields in college back then. I just never imagined I would be who I am today." Sean said.

"What do you mean? Having a massive harem?" Susan said giggling making him snort.

"No. That I never thought possible at all. No I mean being in control of every hero on the planet. The Justice league the avengers the Defenders. Every group of heroes are all under my command and I have some of the most respected generals leading top projects in my company. Never once imagined that would be me doing all that." Sean said making her smile.

"I did." Susan said making him snort. "I'm serious. You had that fire in you even back then to do the impossible. Now looking back I wished I saw how determined you were as you are now." Susan said making him smile.

Sean and Susan soon walked back into the building with Reed before they saw Ben though he looked angry for some reason.

"Ben?" Sean asked.

"Oh so you remember my name now, do ya?" Ben said.

"What does that mean?" Sean asked.

"Do you both remember what you two swore to do with every breath in your body?" Ben asked.

"We're working as hard as we can." Reed said making him laugh.

"Yeah I can tell." Ben said looking at Sean and Susan. "Victor was right." Ben said.

"Vic? The hell does Victor have to do with this?" Sean asked.

"Ben, I don't know if this thing will change us back or make us worse. I need you to be patient for a little while longer." Reed said.

"Reed, look at me!" Ben yelled pointing to his face.

"I am looking! That's why I can't make a mistake! I've gotta get it right, and it's not right yet!" Reed said.

"I spent my whole life protecting you, and for what? So you three play twister while I'm the freak of the week?" Ben yelled shoving him back into a cart.

"Knock it off!" Sean said.

"You stay out of this rich boy!" Ben said.

"You need to calm down and think this through. Do you seriously think we haven't been working endless nights trying to make this work?" Sean asked before Reed attacked Been using his powers to contain him.

"Get off me Rubber boy." Ben yelled.

"You guys, quit it!" Susan yelled before Reed managed to contain him enough for him to calm down enough.

"Goon thing your flexible enough to watch your own back." Ben said as Reed released him. "Cause I ain't doing it no more." Ben said. "You three are on your own." Ben said walking off.

"The hell was that all about?" Sean asked.

"Lets just go find him." Susan said as the two of them walked away to find Ben.

Getting down into the lobby they couldn't find him making them sigh before heading back up when the power started to fail.

"What the...Reed." Sean said as they got out of the elevator and ran up the stairs and got into the lab just as Reed got out of the machine.

"Did it work?" Susan asked.

"No." Sean said seeing Reed's face starting to pull down along with his right arm before he collapsed and rushed to him. "The machine itself works but it lacks the power to contain the storm." Sean said. Unknown to them Victor was listening in on this and decided to make his move.

Sean and Susan sat Reed down in his room while they went down to where the medical supplies were before the power started failing again.

"Oh my god not again." Sean said. They had to take the stairs again and since they were on the bottom floor it took some time before they got back to the lab and found Ben back to human form again.

"Ben?" Susan said as they went to him.

"Whats going on?" Johnny asked walking in.

"Dude get over here." Sean said having him do just that.

"Ben." Johnny said seeing him human again.

"Here lift him up." Sean said as they did just that. "The hell happened? Reed didn't get it to work." Sean said.

"The machine. Vic used it on himself. He was affected by the cloud like us." Ben said.

"Where's Reed?" Susan asked.

"Vic must have taken him." Ben said before looking up along with them to see the glass was shattered. Sean, Susan and Johnny walked outside to see the other side of the hole.

"The hell kinda powers does Vic have?" Sean asked before they heard a boom sound and saw a rocket coming towards them and looked at Johnny who realized it was a heatseeking missile.

"Oh no." Johny said looking down.

"We gotta go." Sean said.

"I got an idea." Johnny said about to run and jump.

"Don't even think about it." Susan said.

"Never do." Johnny said jumping down.

"Johnny, no!" Susan yelled as they watched him fall before he was on fire and was flying.

"You've got to be kidding me." Sean said.

"We have to help Reed." Ben said.

"It's too dangerous for you now. You have to stay here." Susan said as she and Sean left making him sigh.

"What did I do?" Ben asked before looking at the machine.


Susan using her invisibility snuck into Victor's office where Reed was in and was contained using nitrogen to keep him frozen. She managed to turn the machine off and began unbinding him.

"Sue?" Reed said.

"Shh. What has he done to you?" Sue asked.

"How romantic." Victor said behind her making her uncloak herself and look at him.

"Victor, please." Sue said.

"Call me Doom." Doom said wearing a mask to conceal his face.

"The Machine works. It worked on Ben. It can work on you. We can turn you back." Sue said.

"Do you really think fate turned us into gods so we could refuse these gifts?" Doom asked.

"Victor, You always thought you were a god. Now back off." Sue said.

"Susan, Let's not fight." Doom said.

"No, lets." Sue said blasting him with a barrier.

"Susan. Your fired!" Doom yelled blasting her with lightning making her fall back behind Reed. "It's time to end this." Doom said before something burst behind the wall behind him which turned out to be Ben back in his Rock form.

"No, Vic. It's clobbering time!" Ben yelled punching him hard making him fly back into a wall. "Damn, I've been waiting to do that." Ben said. "Susie. You okay?" Ben asked before the lights went out.

"Ben look out!" Susan said as Doom charged at him and both flew out the glass and fourth outside.

Ben and Victor fought for a while before Victor hit him with a poll and made him skid on the ground hard.

"Good bye, Ben." Doom said.

"I cant let you do that." Reed said behind him.

"Reed?" Doom asked amused before laughing. "I'll be right with you." Doom said about to stab Ben only to be protected by Susan's barrier. "Hello, Susan." Doom said looking at Susan. "You three are pathetic." Doom said before he got hit with a ball of fire just as Johnny flew down.

"You missed me." Johnny said.

"Well only one person seems to be missing here." Doom said before his legs were wrapped up in a chain and slammed on the ground hard before the now official fantastic four looked to see the leader of the Ghost Riders with them.

"Surprise." Sean said making Doom growl and suddenly more heroes showed up. The League the avengers and all the others.

"It's over Victor." Reed said before a dark sphere appeared next to Doom who was surprised before the Dark Rider appeared which surprised everyone.

"Your coming with me!" The Dark Rider said as they vanished.

"Oh come on not again." Sean said in human form again.

"Where'd they go?" Ben asked.

With the Dark Rider

"I appreciate the rescue but might I ask as to why you helped me?" Doom asked.

"I have need of someone of your abilities. I need you to run a nation called Latveria. Doing so gives you full immunity to the united nations. In exchange you will have a group of scientists make me weapons." The Dark Rider said.

"Really is that all? And what about the fantastic four?" Doom asked.

"In time you will have your revenge." The Dark Rider said.


Sean and Susan were out on a boat with the others.

"So where does this leave us?" Sean asked making her smile.

"I think we should pick up where we left off years ago." Susan said making him smile as he kissed her.

"Bout time guys." Johnny said inside making them smirk.

"Hey, no more wise cracks about the way I look." Ben said to Johnny who smirked.

"Hey, call me Mr. Sensitive." Johnny said before. "Ok wide load coming through everybody move he's huge!" Johnny said walking outside while Ben grumbled as he went after him.

"Come here Mr. Sensitive!" Ben said annoyed.

"Flame on!" Johnny said going full fire mode and started flying.

"Show off!" Ben said annoyed before Johnny made the groups symbol in the air with his flames.

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