
Chapter 8:The gift and the mission

When I got to breakfast I sat the box down on the table sitting down and when I did food appeared on my plate everyone was shot when I put the box onto the table Yang looked over to me asking Hunter y do you have a box I shrugged saying Hermes just gave it to me it's Apparently a gift from my dad all 6 of them choked be it from food or from drink and it happen all at the same time Raven took a drink from her cup and looked at me saying it's WHAT AND YOU HAVEN'T OPENED IT YET I covered my ears from her loud voice Raven is too early y the hell are you screaming and like to prove my point people were giving her angry glances and Layla walked over and sat next to me saying Raven what's got you in such a screaming mood, Raven, blushed a little but Yang answered her Hunter here just got a package from his father and he hasn't opened it Layla turned to me with shock I simple shrugged saying I am hungry the box will still be there after I eat Raven and the rest of them smacked there head with one of there hands hearing my words even Layle she lowered her hand slowly saying Hunter it's a gift from the gods it's rude not to open it when you get it I side looking at me eggs and bacon with Longing in my eyes but I side putting my fork down and pushing my plate to the side and pulling the box in front of us I stud up pulling out one of my curved daggers out and sliced through the tape I put my dagger away I looked around my table and let's just say everyone was waiting to see it I dragged it out a little longer Layle slapped me in the back of the head seeing what I was doing I grind saying sorry sorry I flipped open the bod and what I seen made my eyes shine gold resting in this box was a small bat sized bident the exact same as the one I seen that was next to his throne but when my valuable detector scanned it I could tell that the one hades had was a more powerful copy and his only had one form wall this one has 2 I understood what Hermes meant when he said us her better than your father resting under it was a fake idea and a fake motorcycle license it had my same and picture but it said I was 18 but that wasn't the surprising part no laying down next to the bident was a fiery two head hell hound puppy it's skin was black and hard like obsidian under the obsidian was lava around his neck was a dog collar there was a note under the bident I picked up the note and it simple said hell hound had Cerberus puppies this is yours good it will follow your orders sense you're my child good luck I laughed putting the note don't and picked up the sleeping baby hellhound it slowly opened his eyes which where red he looked all around but his eyes feel onto me both heads let out a little cute bark I chuckled putting him on my lap petting his head saying you need a name don't you little guy mmmm what about Daisy it let out a existed bark like Daisy liked his know name I looked up to see everyone's mouths hanging open I chuckled saying if you all keep your mouths open like that thin I will make you drink Hot sauce and like clockwork, they all shut their mouths fast I chuckled I reached my hand into the box and picked up the bident when it came out of the box it extended to its full size like it never was that small it was a little longer them me and I was 6'4 and at the bottom of it was a little spike so I could stab someone with both ends if I wanted Triple P started to laugh saying thank gods we didn't just limit your training to just swords and daggers I chuckled hearing him, yes your right thank you triple P and brother K for training me brother K waves me off saying it was our pleasure Hunter but you know what that means P Brother K said turning to him triple P smiled evilly saying sense he gots a weapon waited for him the kids gloves are coming off and we can start training him for real when I heard there words and seem their evil smiles a shiver want down my back and I wasn't hungry Layla looked down to see Daisy walk off my lap and onto hers staring up at her Layla didn't know what to do from the cuteness I laughed seeing her be defeated by a baby hellhound I even said o the Mighty Layla daughter of Ares defeated by a baby hellhound simple look O how the mighty have fallen she looked up to me checks flushed red and in a flustered tone said I ant defeated I just he is just so gods damn cute I chuckled saying I am like always attracted to you but right now O gods so hot her checks more red and she was fidgeting with her shirt Brother K, triple P and Raven all laughed seeing her flustered even White smiled a little but Yang said Hunter stop embarrassing the girl but before she could finish I kissed Layla's cheek and whispered in her ear you're too cute that was the last Straw I could Practically see smoke coming out of her ears from Embarrassment I turned back to my Bident and in my head I said collapse and like that the Bident shrank into is self and what was in my hand was a black necklace that had a little Bident on it I put on I knew all I had to do to activate it was grab the little bident and jerk it off my neck I also pocketed the idea and license up and put them in my pocket when I did the box turned translucent and puff it was gone I pulled my plate back in front of me and started to eat when Layle rested her head onto my shoulder I glanced at her she was still a little red but she looked happy holding Daisy and being with me I chuckled but didn't say anything we all was about done eating when puff a box appeared in front of Raven it looked like the same box that I got Raven was shocked and fast as lightning she opened the box and we all looked into it and what I seen could only be described as a hell cat it was like a hell hound but as a cat and it was the same size of Daisy there was a note next to it we all could read it a gift to one of my lovely daughter hope she helps you and that was it Raven had tears in her eyes and with shaking hands she picked up the hell cat which woke up by Raven picking her up it let out a meow at is all like it was a fierce lion but all that did was make Raven and White pet and hung it like crazy I chuckled seeing the sparkle in their eyes but before I could speak someone pat my shoulder I turned around to see Gimli he had a neutral look but in his eyes I saw Exhaustion and a hint of sadness Gimli please come join us I said smiling but she shook his head saying I ant here for pleasantries Hunter I am here for you we need to talk I nodded he looked over to Brother K, triple P and Yang saying you three as well Raven if you want you can come to and with that he turned around and started to walk to the big house Brother K, Triple P and Yang got up following him I looked over to Layla standing up sorry Layla but Daisy is coming with me she nodded as she understood and she sat him on the ground Daisy looked up to her with sad eyes but he started to follow me Raven's side standing up holding her hell cat in her arm petting it we all followed Gimli to the big house we opened the screen door walking onto the porch and sitting at the table was Fox and Chiron we'll Chiron was laying down on the ground Gimli took the third seat but next to him was three other people the first was a female she had black skin no makeup and her clothes looked very Egyptian like and around her neck was a necklace that had a beetle on it she had on a clack see throw mask and her hair was was pulled back over it was a blue cloth everything screamed hot weather outfit her eyes where very cat like next to her was a man he had a black cowboy hat on his head his hair was long and slicked back plus it was black and white he had a bandanna toyed around his neck as for his clothes he had on a red button-down shirt over it was a black vest and a black leather trench coat over that coming out of his vest pocket was a small gold watch chain he had on black pants and cowboy boots and in his mouth was a lite cigar I didn't see any weapon on him but I got the feeling not to fuck with him his eyes where brown and very normal like as for the last person I recognized it was Drake he nodded at me when we walked in conversation stopped and they all turned to us Chiron smiled saying good your here please sit and when he said that chairs appeared for us we didn't ask any questions and just sat down Chiron nodded saying first off let's get introductions out of the way the lady is Evelyn leader of the Florida camp the women nodded to us I nodded back next to her is Slade Carter a cowboy in the modern day he tipped his hat to us but his eyes stayed on me the longest he leads the camp in Missouri and Texas as for the last person I think you all know him but if not then he is Drake Firefang he is just the fill-in for the Montana camp leader but sadly she can't be here today due to her camp being attacked by hoards of monsters plus the holy knights have been seen around there you all turn but Slade but him off saying Chiron we all already know their names we choose them to come here after all Evelyn nodded saying he is right Chiron we should stop with the small talk and bet down to business Chiron side but shrugged ok he simple said good Slade said taking his cigar out if his mouth and put it out on the table Evelyn smacked him on the arm saying Slade damn it Slade we ant at home we are guests here remember Slade chuckled saying don't worry sweety it's a magic table it won't hurt it but before they could go on Drake slapped the table they looked at him with shock but a few seconds later Slade nodded saying Drake is right we should get serious they all looked back to us I had a wide smile on my facing seeing there banter and flirting Slade was about to speak but Fox cut him off saying ew she was starting right at Dasiy and Raven hell cat are those hell beasts you dear have them in the camp they must be killed before the hurt someone and she raced her hand but before it even got the chance to point at us a black obsidian dagger was placed on Fox's throat and appearing behind her was Raven at the same time I took from the back of my belt one of my navy colts I pulled the hammer back and pointed it at her head my eyes had a gold fire in them and Raven eyes was pitch black and at the same time Raven and I said I fucking dare you to try a very intense silence fell over everyone but I didn't care I was staring into Fox's eyes my finger on the trigger all I had to do was pull it slightly and a round would hit her in the head and if that didn't kill her then Raven slicing her head off would moments passed in intense silence but a flash of purple light and appearing in front of Chiron was a very fancy leader Chirons picked up the letter and started to read it his eyes want from right to left a few times slowly shock spread across his face he side from understanding he looked up from the letter saying they can keep the beasts Fox turned to him yelling what but Chiron glared at her and she shut right up the letter in Chirons hands burst into fire burning it away Fox glared at Daisy but said fine and like that I holstered my revolver and Raven appeared back in her chair like she never left it Slade, Evelyn, and Drake all of them took a sy of relief know I said still a bit of anger in my voice y are we hear cuz I hope it wasn't for that Slade chuckled saying no pup that's not y we asked you all here even though it was entertaining the reason y we brought you all hear is simple we got a mission for all of you as you well know the Holy knights are back and they are attacking us Chiron I and the rest of this lot have decided to stop splitting are forces and to make one big camp we will have small outpost around but camp Agora will be the sole camp around for us half-bloods in the US anyway like it was in the past we already started the process of moving and building the new camp sections the norse will me mixed with the Native Americans you all's gods and spirits of the land have always had a good relationship the Chinas will mix with the Japanese we know there's a history with there gods and people but we will have to look passed are defenses as for the Egyptian we have to build a whole new area for them cuz Evelyn and her people can't live with sand and heat apparently Evelyn smiled and winked at him Slade grind but Gimli took it from there seeing that Slade and Evelyn could not stay on track we will be sending people to each camp to help with packing and guard their camp just in case the holy knights try anything wall this is happening your orders are to protect the camp but how you do that is up to you the only people you will be taking orders from is us no one else and we will sand a message in person well that's most of your missions he looked to Raven saying you my dear will be gathering information from dc or any of the other outposts they have we have already told the rest of your siblings to do the same Raven nodded Slade looked to me saying Hunter Necro you will be heading to the Montana camp they desperately need help and I convinced everyone you were the man for the job what do you say to that Pup when I heard that an evil smile spread across my face I would be happy to make some chaos and destruction I have a new ability I want to try so that sounds like the perfect place for it he nodded smiling saying you can bring one other person with us I razed an eyebrow asking us sir but Evelyn laughed saying kid did you think Slade would just stay here so you could have all the fun Nope he loves danger and chaos I chuckled saying sounds like he ant the only one who likes danger I think we will get along what you say sir Slade he smiled at Evelyn shocked face but nodded I think we will to pup I will let you choose is third person see you at midnight I nodded and got up to go pack Daisy followed but before Daisy walked out the door he looked back to Fox and gave her a mocking look he huffed and followed me I walked strate to my cabin to pack a and to get my bike ready it didn't take me long to get to my cabin and pack my saddle bags I had a few changes of clothes my tackle box that had the hidden journal in it which half of the pages had nothing on them so I also used it for my crazy ideas also in the tackle box mad my tinkering tools in it I had my gun belt on but not all the holsters just the back holsters I took my sickle sword off my back and hang it on the wall I pat it a little sadly I also took off my daggers and hung them on the wall I wasn't going to bring them or my armor with me I opened my dresser and pulled out a black leather trench coat I put that on I also took out some fingerless gloves that I put in my pocket the last thing I grabbed was my shield off the wall I looked at the one image on it I ran my hand over it sying I put it on my left arm I pushed a button on the inside of it and the shield shrank into a leather bracelet that had a metal play on top of it this plate was a skull if I wanted my shield back all I had to do was hit the skill and it would form I did this to all of the Hela cabins shields but I felt a cold feeling behind me I turned around to see the black and white fire dancing standing next to it was a man in a green suit and long black hair and picking from his head was two sets of horns that came out and curved back and he always had a grin on his face and his bright green eyes shines with tricks he was running his hand through the fire saying my dear child I don't understand y you can't just tell him yourself y did you ask me for help the fire danced more the man side shaking his head I seen a little sadness in his eyes but he looked up to me saying and when our eyes locked a wide smile spread across his face I blinking and when I opened them again the man was standing in front of me standing right on the edge it's good to finally be able to talk to my grandson I have been watching you for a long time I am happy to see you happy you are happy right I shrugged saying I can't complain I am a life and I am doing the thing I was made for plus with my family hell I even got a strong crazy girlfriend but you live for the thrill he finished I nodded smiling evilly I am similar to Slade we both live for the thrill of danger this man who I could only think was Loki nodded like he understood but the fire crackled liked it was unhappy Loki side saying so impatient Hunter I hear cuz your mother asked me to do this I blinked and he was holding my daggers and my sickle sword in his hands and before I could stop him he throwing them behind him into the fire I ran to the edge shocked Loki turned to me saying those are useless to you so y not throw them out those words are your mothers, not mine I side sadly but nodded as I understood silence fell over us for a few minutes But he said smiling trying to make me struggle with the suspense but it didn't work he finished disappointed But you would need them with this and from the fire floated up was a switchblade it was gold in the design of a dragon the eyes are white the blade started to glow and forming out of this switchblade was a sickle sword the blade was made from White and Black ice the sword edge was black but the rest of it was white the handle was made from norse gold this handle was wrapped with leather and silver Whire the pommel was a wolf head then it flashed again and the same color and metals but in stead of a sickle sword it turned into two curved daggers it turned back into the switchblade it floated in front of Loki and my eyes were glowing gold seeing it and I could tell this weapon was about the same power as my Bident I razed my hand out to grab it but when my hand pointed at it the switch blade shot in to my hand it felt cold but also warm how strange Loki said looking at me with curiosity you're too fascinating Hunter but I got to go but don't worry about finding that little girlfriend of your she is already hearing and rugby when he said that someone nocked onto the door me winked at me and puffed into green smoke I jumped down and walked to the door shaking my head I opened it to see Layla she had her hand up like she was going to knock again o Hunter you are here good I want to but when she saw my I had on she stopped and sadness appeared in her eyes but she did well at hiding it you're leaving she asked in a calm voice but I could hear the struggle with emotions I nodded filling her in what my mission was and how Slade choose me specifically for this when she heard all this her hands clenched into fist and I saw anger in her eyes Hunter y tell me she asked slowly I shrugged smiling well cuz I trust you for one and for two it's cuz y would I not if you're coming with me you should know what sort of trouble we will be getting into when she heard my words her eyes brightened up and she looked at me happily what did I forget to mention I could choose one other person to come with us I said scratching the back if my head smiling she elbowed me in the chest glaring at me yes you did you, bastard, I chuckled rubbing my ribs saying we will be leaving at noon I would go pack a bag when she heard my words her face turned white and yelled shit as she was turning around running down the path I chuckled yelling at her remember we will be on my motorcycle so but she was already gone so I shrugged walking back into my cabin I put my settle bags on the bike and pat her saying you ready for our first big drive she started to shack happily I picked up Daisy and put him onto the bike seat he looked up to me happily I chuckled I pushed the bike out of the cabin and started to push her towards the border of the camp when I got there I sat under a tree took a nap Dasiy curled up on my lap I don't know how long passed but my foot got kicked I opened my eyes my hand going under my coat but when I seem it was just Slade I stopped my self he chuckled at me saying Pup you look comfy but wasn't you attacked in this tree line but yet you got the balls to take a nap here I shrugged saying Slade I ant scared of death if the fates call me then it's my time he nodded me turned and looked at my bike nice bike thanks I said looking at it to how fast can she go he ask I shrugged saying don't know this will by my first true ride on her he nodded to me and was about to say something when someone came running up to us it was Layla she was out of breath she didn't have her armor on nope all she had on was blue jeans laid up boots she had a black leather jacket on under that was a camo shirt on her back as a camo bag and on her head was a red bandana I seem her sword hilt on her back under her coat it was facing down and I had a feeling that her bag was bigger than it looked but I didn't care about that I was admiring her hotness Slade looked at me but when he saw my look he chuckled Layla smiled to Slade saying hello there I am Layla daughter of Ares Slade smiled at her saying Slade the spirit of chaos a pleasure it would seem the little Pup over there has no room to talk when it comes to liking dangerous girls he looked at me when he said that I chuckled shrugging let's get moving I said stand up and throwing a leg over my bike getting onto it when I did it burst to life Layla walked over to me getting on behind me the bike didn't mine Layla and it seem to get along Layla she made shore her bag was secure behind her Daisy was laying on the gas can he had his head resting in the middle of the handlebars I took my glove out of my pocket pulled them on I turned to Slade asking where is your ride he smiled and gave a loud whistle and from the sky diving down and landing behind him was a black Pegasus it had a saddle on it's back it stared at me with its dark fairy eyes Slade mounted it with a smile when he was on he took the reins into his hand be pulled them to the right and the pegasus turned its back to us Slade smiled back to us saying hope you can keep up and like that his pegasus burst into flames taking off into the air holy shit I said seeing how hast they was flying I looked down to my bike with a smile saying we can't be outdone by a house with chicken wings can we and like that I revved the it a few times but I kicked it into gear Layla rapid her arms around me as we took off.

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