
Chapter -236

That night, Lucien didn't have difficulty falling asleep instead, she slept quite well and woke up a little late. Wilma was the one who brought them breakfast.


"I hope we hurriedly arrive back to the town," Wilma complains, chewing the warm baked bread with some milk. "The longer I stay here, I might end up killing them."

"Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" Lucien questioned. She dips her beard over the milk.

"I always wake up at the right side of the bed." Wilma retorted back, gulping down the bread with the milk. "It's the atmosphere here that makes me uncomfortable. All I see is those silent gazes of hostility."

"Well, I am not surprised." Lucien looked over the room once again, still magnificent as ever. "After all, we are the two ladies who His Highness brought in the middle of the woods, and it made them halt their mission."

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