
Magic, All Up In This B!tch

"Chill, mamacita." I put up a hand to gesture my good intentions, "You've already given everything I wanted, and then some."

"I doubt that, sorcerer." the woman hissed.

Hmmm… does the system operate using magic? It would make sense, SPECIAL and Perks are supernatural, and Ciri has that Cat School medallion from Bonhart. If things such as Solar Powered and Atomic! operate using magic, then it'd be signaling her constantly.

Interesting to think about but ultimately pointless, my own personal connection to magic is likely entirely tied up in the New Vegas System, and if I want to chuck fireballs and hurl lightning I'll Science me up some tech to do that. I don't need to try to chase down active magic when just my Science skill alone makes me a bigger threat than the entire Lodge of Sorceresses could ever be.

"Don't believe me? Let's take your suspicions as the truth." I mused, "It starts with whether or not I could capture and contain you long enough to learn how to harness your power for myself, something very hard to accomplish considering your abilities. Say I succeed in keeping you on my laboratory table long enough, now I have the capacity to travel anywhere in my universe and even to the infinite myriad universes. Wonderful, but what stops me from simply using the power and arriving at one of the overwhelming majority of locations within my universe that would instantly kill me? Or what stops me from arriving at one of the infinite universes that are literal Hell? Would it be possible to not only replicate a set of magical abilities I have no experience with and also the innate talent that keeps you from killing yourself with them? Sounds like a lot of trouble and time away from my more immediately profitable ventures just for a chance at killing myself in some obviously predictable way."

"Then why even bring it up?" Ciri huffed in annoyance but kept her hand close to her sword, "We could have just maintained our silence and enjoyed our time together until I needed to leave."

"Just because I don't have some outlandishly evil plan for you doesn't mean we are incapable of achieving more mutual benefit than just carnal pleasure." I smirked and leaned against one of my bolted to the floor work tables, "We could accomplish much together, provide opportunities and solutions for each other. Such as your constant flight from the Wild Hunt. How well do you think they could fare against me? Just from what you saw of me already, no need to speculate on how powerful I am when not hung over and naked. Simply replace the Tyger Claws with the Elves."

"You're a man with a knowledge of many things…" Ciri's suspicion didn't wane, only increasing.

"An approximate knowledge of many things." I interrupted, "Nothing is certain."

"None of them could have withstood you." she confirmed, her face finally relaxing as she took up a similar lean across from me, "You are simply far too fast and strong, but their numbers are endless. Should they encounter resistance they will simply bring in reinforcements, greater equipment, whatever it takes to finally have me. You'd be swept away by thousands of mages no matter how strong you are."

"My own influence extends far beyond my own personal capabilities, Ciri." I informed her, "I can call on thousands of loyal soldiers, and forces far beyond that of my own making. We don't have to draw them into battle, but that is an option I can bring to our partnership."

"And what would you want as payment for that?" Ciri chuckled darkly.

"An army of cholos and robots for an army of little white haired brats running around." I said, causing her eyes to widen, "Oh, don't look so surprised, mamacita. Wouldn't be the first time a princess had to do the heavy political lifting on her back to secure an army. Besides, scalable solutions and scalable prices. How about we start with me offering a suite of augments that'll take your natural body to the next level in return for you porting some recon bots of mine to worlds you think I'd be able to find valuable resources on. More for helping me acquire them."

"You are aware that the more I use my powers in a place the faster the Wild Hunt will track me down?" Ciri shook her head, "If I'm popping in and out of this place all the time it'll turn into a battle ground."

"Sounds like I'd get a bunch of exotic resources, to beat down a bunch of stuck up Elves, and a hot baby mama." I smirked and crossed my huge arms over my chest, "Sounds like nothing but victory for Juan."

Ciri considered her options in a mirrored posture of my own.

"Deal." she nodded sharply, "Let's see you deliver on your boasts, sorcerer."

"Alright, let's get to work, but keep it quiet about the magic stuff." I grinned, "I just pass it all off as me being really really really fucking talented."

"And no one wonders where you had all the time to develop all these 'talents'?" Ciri asked as I led her deeper into my workshop towards my AutoDoc.

"Let me tell you about some people called Alt Cunningham and Rache Bartmoss…" I started to plan out the coming procedures.


After traumatizing the girl with an Autodoc examination we determined that there was no physical reason she couldn't utilize my implants, so we started with the Strength Implant and had her port around a bit. When the implant showed no signs of damage we went ahead and boosted her with the same suite I gave Jackie, but I also slipped her the Charisma implant.

Considering the social nature of her final battle against the White Frost it would be a big help for her to be able to understand others and communicate better. Plus the downstream benefits of growing her hips and milk cannons will help with that army of white haired brats she's going to pop out for me. After all, when a man meets a hot freak who is also super handy he needs to hold on with both of his steel hands, and nothing says long term partners like eight or nine kids.

Now that I'm thinking about it, V and Gloria could use some Charisma Implants… I'll be the mayor of Titty City. Why was I concerned about things like personality changes when big asses and tiddies were on the line… Obviously, past Juan was a fool.

Or maybe I really need to start seeing a therapist. Unless quietly slipping my harem Charisma Implants is a negative karma action, thus pushing me closer to the Ain't Like That Anymore perk at level 50 and therapy would prevent that from happening thus landing me on something lame like Just Lucky I'm Alive.

Such is the line I must walk in the name of power, tilting the scales of my actions towards evil so I don't get gipped at the end of my power trip.

"You look like you're thinking evil sorcerer thoughts." Ciri commented as she sipped some tea and took a hit of Dorph to kill the lingering pain of her recent procedure, "Stop that."

"I… hold on, I'm getting a call." I held up a hand as my eyes lit up.

V: What the hell, Juan. Why'd I hear about some crazy edgerunner scheme you cooked up from Padre? Is what he said true? You're really offering everything a person needs to be the best for free?

Big Juan: Pretty much. There's a training program you gotta pass before you touch any chrome or iron and you gotta stick it out with me during the war or I'll repo everything. What's up? You interested?

V: Mother fucker. I never asked about any of that shit because I didn't want you to think I was using you for anything other than your huge cock, but if you are just giving shit away you should have sent it my way first, ass.

Big Juan: Sorry, chica. Come on down to my workshop, I'll hook you up early.

V: Nova. On my way.

"Alright, mamacita. Looks like you get to meet my lover in a bit." I informed the alien princess.

"Which one of the women you railed in the club was she?" Ciri asked and I thought back, using my impressive Intelligence to peer through the veil of the Black Lace Party Time Mentats.

"None of them." I nodded slightly as I remembered the faces from that night.

"Oh… lovely." Ciri chuckled.


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