
Doing It For A Reason

"You...made a grave mistake by trying to kill a speedster like me and met your match, you evil thing. So obediently surrender...unless you want to get put down like a dog," Mr. Volt declared, his face contorting with strain and tension.

Thundering Reaper's eyes, a sinister dark yellow, flashed ominously under her mask, "Who met whose match?" she taunted, her voice a chilling blend of menace and mockery that reverberated through the stunned silence.

Mr. Volt's brow furrowed, a knot of dread tightening in his stomach as his instincts screamed danger. 

*BANG! BANG!...*

Behind him, the guards, acting as if they got possessed, unleashed a barrage of glowing blue bullets. 

The projectiles, infused with explosive mana, streaked towards their target with deadly intent. 

The force of their release was so tremendous that it sent the shooters staggering backward from the recoil.

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