

"Oh, baby Bailey. Can I have him?" Helena let out, with a smile, as she looked down at the bundle in Bailey's arms, entering Meredith's room.

"Nuh huh..." Miranda shook her head. "Me and this baby got business to discuss, and I just got him. Yes, Mr. Derek Bailey Shepherd, yes we do. Go get your own baby at the day care."

"What does Zola think of him?" Mark asked, looking at the baby, as his wife settled to the back of the room. "I miss when Ali was this tiny."

"Oh, she wants to take him into daycare for show and tell." Meredith chuckled. "Where's Richard?"

"I paged all the board members." Owen shrugged.

"Well, Avery should be here too." Derek shared.

"Yeah, well, he was being a hero last night. He dislocated a shoulder saving a kid from the bus crash." The Chief explained.

"What bus crash?" Meredith and Helena let out in unison.

"Mer had a baby and Baby Einstein was busy getting a child molester in jail. They don't know things."

"So tell us." Meredith tried.

"A church was evacuating some people and their bus overturned." Derek told them.

"Good news is everyone survived and there are no major injuries." Mark added.

"And the bad news?" Arizona questioned.

"Everything else. The blood bank is flooded and the ER looks like it was ransacked." Owen warned. "We are dangerously low on meds and personnel can't make it in due to the flooding."

"So we need to close the ER." Cristina concluded.

"Can we do that?" Arizona furrowed her brows.

"You are the board and I'm telling you the ER cannot open today."

"What do we need? I mean, I can try to coordinate with our suppliers." Meredith offered, everyone shooting her looks. "I had a baby, I'm not dead."

"Yeah, exactly. You had major surgery to get a tiny human out of you, you need to rest." Helena advised.

"Like you didn't come up with your Africa Project when you were in maternity leave..." Mark muttered, making his wife shook him and look and smack him in the back of the head. "Ouch. Sorry."

"If they have it, we want it." Owen concluded. "In the meantime, let's make sure that our inpatients are taken care of and discharge who we can."

"Like me." Meredith smiled.

"You just had a major abdominal surgery. You're gonna stay right here." Derek let out.

"Finally, someone with some common sense. Thank you, Derek." The short girl smiled at him. Then, noticing Callie standing by her, quiet and seemingly exhausted, she whispered. "Callie? Are you ok?"

There was no answer as Jackson entered the room. "Alright, airport's just reopened, I just put Dr. Boswell in a cab."

"Who Dr. Boswell?" Cristina let out.

"She's the woman Arizona slept with last night." Callie spoke up, making Helena's eyes widen.

, . With everything that had been going on, she'd forgotten about .


Helena and Cristina laid each at one side of Meredith, in her hospital bed, the Korean woman telling them. "Owen and I... oh, you know, I don't even know what to call it. Ended it? Broke up? I feel like I'm gonna die."

"Hey, what did we say?!" Helena reprimanded. "We agreed after the bomb, no more saying that we feel like we're gonna die."

"And you always end it, and then you start it again." Meredith told her.

"Yeah, but this is different." She muttered.

"Ok." Her people accepted, unconvinced.

There was a moment of silence, before the pediatric surgeon spoke up.

"He's in jail. You know, I had been thinking for all these years, how it would be like if I ever saw him again." Helena sighed. "And, you know, it was bad. I was terrified at first. But then I learned about his son. And I knew that I couldn't let him leave with his father. And, you know, I spent all this time building him up like this monster in my head... but when I was standing over him, telling him his son had told me... he seemed so small. And scared... he was almost scared. I don't pity him, but I guess I realized that he's just a loathsome, pathetic little man. And that he can't hurt me anymore." She finished, wiping away a tear.

At that, Cristina grabbed her hand from the other side of the bed, as Meredith guided her head to rest on her shoulder.

"Oh, I need sleep." Helena whispered, closing her eyes.

"Yeah, I'll go to sleep too. Just for like, twenty minutes." Cristian suggested, then letting out. "And Robbins cheating in Callie?! Oh, did not see that coming."

"I know..." Meredith agreed.

"She might have told me earlier today, but I was having a meltdown at the time, so I kind of just forgot." Helena justified. "I mean, poor Callie. Once is bad, but Georgie Arizona? Anyways...Bailey is a good name, Mer. You know I like names with meaning."

"But two Baileys? You don't think it's gonna be confusing?" Cristina tilted her head.

"Oh, please, half the woman in my family are Maria something, and we cope." The brunette shrugged.

"And if I say Bailey peed on me I think it's safe to assume that I'm talking about my son." Meredith explained, making Helena giggle.

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