
19. Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Castle left on Saturday night and the tour was in full swing on Sunday. He started with a book signing at a large bookstore in LA. Monday was spent in talks at the studio, followed by the taping of a late night talk show that afternoon. More talks would happen, but he wouldn't be involved until after his marriage to Kate. He called home almost every night, not shortchanging his mother or daughter, but always saving the last conversation for his fiancé.

The first weekend Castle was away, dress shopping for the wedding was completed. Martha, Alexis, and Lanie all came home with dresses that were fully approved by the bride. By the time Castle returned, all that remained to be done was to pick up his new tux from the tailor and Kate's dress from the dry cleaner.

One afternoon before she left work, Kate mentioned going home, then she added something about going to the loft.

"Going home, huh? Have you already moved in?" Esposito asked.

"I'm getting it done a little at a time, but right now I'm staying with Alexis while Rick is gone."

"You starting to feel like a mom yet?" Ryan asked.

"Not exactly, Ryan," she answered as she gathered her thing to leave. "She has a mother, and I'm not trying to replace her. But I do love her. She's a great kid. Pretty special."

The boys looked at each other knowingly. Kate Beckett showed signs of slowly being tamed.

The following weekend, late on Saturday evening, Castle arrived back in New York, completely exhausted but happy to be home. Darrell opened the car door for him and then took his luggage, smiling at the look on Castle's face when he realized he wouldn't be riding home alone. Castle was pleasantly surprised to find Kate was waiting for him in the car. He didn't remember asking for a limo, but it would get him home, and he wasn't going to argue.

"Best thing I've seen in two weeks," Castle told her as the door closed behind him, then he kissed his fiancé to within an inch of her life, and she eagerly participated. "I missed you so much," he told her and went immediately back to the kiss."

The driver's door closed and caught their attention. Kate blushed at the idea of again sharing a bit more of their private life than she had intended, and Castle caught a glimpse of his driver's smile in the rear view mirror just as the privacy panel started to close.

"Thank you, Darrell," Castle said appreciatively before the panel closed, and then he and Kate were alone in the back seat and invisible to anyone else. "Come here," he ordered as he turned on music to further mask their conversation. And this time Kate Beckett made no argument about his issuing orders. She simply straddled his lap and returned his kiss, and he pulled her as close as he could manage.

"That was such a long two weeks," she said between hungry kisses.

"Did you change the order to a limo?" he asked.

"Yeah. Was that okay?"

"You're sitting where you are with the two of us alone back here, tinted windows and everything, and you have to ask?"

"I didn't think you'd mind."

"It's going to take a while to get home," he said suggestively.

"I'm not sure I can let go that much with Darrell this close. The car would be bouncing, and…"

"It doesn't have to. We can work on refining a limo technique." His eyebrows wiggled and he gave her a seductive little smirk. "It's been two weeks. You know you thought about it."

"You think we're that good? We could…" She waved her hand a little with her own little smirk. "Without Darrell knowing…or bouncing?"

"I'll bet he'd never know. He might suspect, but he'd never know for sure."

"I did think about it," she answered with a mischievous grin and pulled back a wide, decorative strip on the front of her dress to reveal a hidden zipper that went from neckline to hem. "I bought this dress with you in mind and decided to wear it when your mother and daughter insisted I come to meet you without them."

"Why, Katherine Beckett, I think you fully intended to seduce me."

"I wasn't sure I could talk myself into it here, but if you think our technique could be that good…"

"Oh, I do. I do," he answered confidently.

"You do realize if it looks like Darrell knows, he can never drive for us again, right? He can drive for you, but not for me. I couldn't face him."

"Deal." As his hands wandered over her legs, he discovered that her stockings stopped at her thighs, and that was all it took to push him into action, bringing her along with him.

By the time they were at Castle's building, they were congratulating themselves on their new limo technique…and on managing to have their hair and clothing looking presentable enough to face random passersby, drivers, doormen, neighbors, or family members without giving themselves away.

"I'm so glad to be home," Castle sighed as he stepped out on the sidewalk. Then he reached for Kate's hand to help her out of the car. "This time next week, you'll be my wife." he said, putting his arm around her shoulders as they walked.

"Can't wait."

Eduardo opened the door for them and smiled. "Welcome back, Mr. Castle."

"Good to be back. Thank you."

Darrell, looking none the wiser, took Castle's luggage to the elevator. "Shall I take them up for you, Sir?"

"No. I'll take them from here." He passed Darrell his tip and thanked him. "You're still available for the wedding, right?"

"Wouldn't miss it, Mr. Castle. Night, Miss Kate."

When they opened the door of the loft, Alexis hurried to her father, squealing, "Dad!" and threw her arms around him, and he held her tight and kissed her head.

"I missed you, Baby Bird,"

She stood back a little bit, not letting her father go and asked excitedly, "Did Kate tell you about the dresses? I love mine."

"No, but you did. You'll have to show me."

"Did she tell you about dinner with Lanie last night? I really like Lanie."

"Nope. You'll need to tell me about that, too."

"Did she tell you she helped me with my history report this afternoon?"


"Not that, either? What…"

Kate was fighting a smile, and Castle caught a glimpse of it, getting caught in the moment with her.

"What's so funny?" Alexis asked, looking back and forth between the two of them.

"We didn't talk much," Kate admitted, with a giggle she finally couldn't stifle, and Castle laughed, too.

"Okay, you caught us," he conceded. "We talked about how much we missed each other and then made out in the back seat of the limo like teenagers. Kissing…cuddling..." He reached for Kate and pulled her close, kissing her cheek then moving to her lips and putting on a silly little show for his daughter.

"The whole way home?" she asked, interrupting them.

He grinned at her. "Pretty much."


"What? I missed her. I missed you, too." He grabbed Alexis's head and planted messy kisses on his daughter's cheek until she laughed. "Now, go get your dress and show me. Then you can tell me about the other things I didn't hear from Kate."

Alexis ran upstairs to get her new dress, and Castle walked to his mother, wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her cheek. "I suppose I missed you, too."

"It's good to have you back, Richard," she answered, patting his cheek. "I'm going to be at Chet's tonight. You need to catch up with Alexis anyway." Touching Kate's arm on the way out, she told Kate, "I'm sure you and my boy have some catching up to do, too. 'Night, Dear."

As Martha left, Alexis came downstairs in her new dress.

"You look beautiful," Castle said with a smile. I'll be proud to have you as my best man...um best daughter."

"I'll look better for the wedding. Lanie said she'll fix my hair for me. It sounds like more fun than a hair stylist."

"Seems there was a lot of girl time while I was gone," he observed, looking at Kate. "You and Lanie aren't corrupting my baby girl, are you?"

"Other than the two clubs they took me to, no," Alexis answered with a straight face.

"Clubs?!" Castle sputtered, and Kate and Alexis shared a high five. "So, no clubs?" he asked, looking relieved.

"Good one, Kid." Kate grinned at her fiancé. "Castle, sometimes you're so easy. Of course not. I have no intention of corrupting your child."

"She has to marry you first," Alexis explained. "Then I'm fair game."

"That's it," he said, pointing his finger back and forth between them. "I'm not going on any more trips unless one of you goes with me." He turned to the kitchen then. "Does anybody besides me want some hot cocoa? My nerves need calming."

"I do. I'll go put on my pajamas and help."

"Me, too," Kate answered.

When Alexis came back, Castle was standing close to Kate at the breakfast bar pulling one finger across the ring on her right hand.

"What is it about that ring? You two are playing with it all the time. You pay more attention to that one than the engagement ring."

"Perceptive child," Castle said softly to Kate. The look he got from her in return told him she didn't mind telling his daughter.

"The night your dad gave me this ring was the first time we said 'I love you.', so it's been our 'I love you.' ring. When we're somewhere it isn't appropriate to say it, one of us can run a finger over the ring, and the other one knows it was said. We know it's silly, but…"

"And it was just for the two of you, and I pushed my way in. I'm sorry."

"No need to feel sorry. We can share it with you."

"Really?" Kate nodded, so Alexis reached out, looking a little shy, to stroke her finger over the opal; and Kate smiled at her, obviously pleased. "I always liked it," Alexis said, "but it looks a little more special now."

"I'll bet it would look good on you, too," Kate answered, taking it off. "Want to try it?"

Alexis looked at her dad as if for permission. "It's Kate's ring, Kate's choice," he assured her.

Alexis tried it on and said, "I think we wear the same ring size."

"I have others. We can share them sometimes. It looks nice on you."

"Thanks for telling me what it means to you," Alexis said appreciatively. "I didn't mean to take away from something special."

"You just made it a little more special," Kate told her, and Alexis smiled as she gave the ring back.

Castle was watching his girls and enjoying their interaction, then Alexis suddenly moved toward the stove. "Dad, you're supposed to be watching the milk."

"Oh, yeah," he muttered absent-mindedly.

"Never mind. I'll finish it."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Welcome home."

"Well, in that case, I'll start unpacking."

Kate and Alexis finished the hot chocolate while Castle unpacked, which consisted mostly of throwing things in the hamper or putting them in the stack of dry cleaning in the laundry room. Then the three of them sat at the breakfast bar, enjoyed their hot chocolate, and talked for a while before Alexis went to bed.

Castle had dressed for bed as he was unpacking, and as he shamelessly watched Kate changing, he said softly, "Thank you for including Alexis…"

"Stop thanking me for that. You have to get it through your head that it's part of being married to you. She needs to know she belongs with both of us."

"I can't help appreciating that you don't just give that lip service, though. It feels good that you actually love my family."

"I think I would have loved them even without you, so stop making such a big thing of it."

"Will you come with me to the book signing tomorrow afternoon? "I'm not ready to spend that much time without you yet."

"You mean just be in the store?"

"No. Sit with me at the table. Be where I can touch you…talk to you when I can."

"Are you asking me to sign books with you?"

"I'd like it if you did…but you don't have to. The fans would love it, though. The people at the book launch did."

"I'll at least go to the store and be there when you have your breaks."

"I'll settle for that. Anything else will be a bonus."

"You need sleep, Rick," she told him, stroking her fingers across his cheek. She kissed him gently and ran her fingers through the hair at the back of his neck. "You look completely exhausted."

He returned the kiss, turned to look behind him, and sighed. "My own bed. The only thing more appealing right now is having you in it with me."

Without a word, she got into bed and he followed. They snuggled in and simply enjoyed being close before falling asleep.

On Sunday afternoon, the manager and a man in a security uniform met Castle and Kate, escorting them through a side door of the bookstore and into an office. "Will Miss Beckett be with you for the signing?" the manager asked after introductions had been made.

Castle looked to Kate before answering.

Kate hesitated, then asked, "You really want me there, don't you?"

"Yeah." He looked directly at her. "I do."

"Then, yes, I'll be sitting with him," she answered.

"Kate isn't used to all this yet," he explained to the manager.

"Still learning to live in his world," she added.

"I'll get an extra chair for you," the manager offered with a smile, then left them alone for a few minutes.

"Any special reason you want me that close?"

"I just need you today. I don't know…"

"Good enough. You're always there when I need you." She planted a kiss on his lips before the man came back to get them and was checking to see if she had left any telltale lipstick when the manager returned.

"Thank you," Castle whispered as they were led out of the room.

"Always," she whispered back just as she saw Gina coming back to meet them.

Without introduction, Gina explained, quietly enough not to announce it to the room, "Somebody has to keep an eye on him or he'll talk all day and the line will still be here at midnight. They get a little antsy after a while, so we need to keep the line moving." Looking directly at Kate she continued, "I don't know why you're here, but maybe you can help."

Since they were in view of the group of fans in the room, Kate resisted the overwhelming urge to roll her eyes.

They were taken to a table next to a lectern, and Kate sat down at the table. Castle was introduced to the long line of people waiting for him to sign their books, and he accepted their applause with his usual charm, making Kate smile along with everyone else. He read an excerpt from Naked Heat, pointed out that the table with his books wasn't empty yet, and told those in line to encourage their friends to buy one, too. He accepted more applause, along with some laughter; and then he turned to Kate.

"Some of you may be wondering about this beautiful woman. I'd like to introduce Detective Katherine Beckett, my fiancé and my inspiration for the Nikki Heat books. She's more accustomed to investigating murders than sitting at book signings, but she's here today humoring me."

There was more applause, and most of the crowd was smiling. Kate didn't stand, but she smiled enough to look friendly and gave them a little wave.

The first person in line pushed her book over to Kate as soon as Castle had signed it, asking for her signature as well; and Detective Beckett was soon in almost as much demand as Castle. Before long, Kate had relaxed a bit, and the couple was jointly signing books, having worked out a routine as they spoke to the people in line. They had short conversations with the fans, asking them questions and entertaining them with their normal bantering.

Castle easily agreed to extend the signing beyond the scheduled time to accommodate the last twenty or so people in line, and then they went home after thanking the store manager for the opportunity.

In the car on the way home, Castle asked, "Did I put too much pressure on you? It didn't seem…"

"Once we got started, it wasn't quite so uncomfortable. I still don't feel like I belong there, but we met some nice people today. Who knows? Maybe you made a difference for one of them like you did for me." She paused for a moment. "I can't do that too often, though. If it got around the precinct, I don't know what kind of reaction it would bring."

"I won't ask again if it causes trouble."

"As much as you do to help with my job, I can take a little flak from the others for you. As long as it doesn't affect the work or department policy."

"I didn't think about department policy."

"If it's a problem, I'm sure I'll hear from Roy. What's your exact schedule tomorrow?"

"Early. My segment on the morning show is at eight. Things there usually run on a pretty tight schedule, and the segment probably won't be more than five minutes tops, maybe not quite that. I can probably come in later."

"I don't have to be in until ten tomorrow. I covered for somebody last week, so he's giving me some time tomorrow."

"Then why don't you come and wait for me tomorrow morning? When I'm finished, we can stop for breakfast on the way to the precinct."

"Sounds good."

The rest of their day was spent at the loft relaxing.

"How was the book signing?" Martha asked.

"Great. Kate sat with me and signed most of them, too. They loved her."

"Reflected glory, Martha. It wasn't my talent or imagination that created any of it," Kate insisted. "I didn't do a thing to warrant my signature on those books, but your son wanted me with him."

"You may have earned more than you think, Katherine. You didn't witness the long stretch of boredom and writer's block just before he met you. After that, he suddenly couldn't wait to write when he got home. I've rarely seen such a change in a man."

The following morning Kate dressed for work, and Castle dressed for television. It was a beautiful December morning, sunny and chilly, but mild, not terribly cold. The network morning show interview was to take place outdoors, inside the barriers where the visiting crowd could watch. Kate waited with Castle until it was time for his appearance, then she stood out of camera range while he charmed the two vivacious women hosting his segment.

He had just teased a hint of the book's plot without giving away much when one of the hosts said, "I understand you've announced your engagement to your own Nikki Heat."

"No, I've announced my engagement to Detective Kate Beckett. Big difference."

"What's the biggest difference between Detective Beckett and Detective Heat."

"We can start with the fact that Detective Beckett is real."

"Excellent point."

"Someone told me she came with you this morning. Is she still here?"

"She's waiting for me. She has to be at work before long, and I'm going in with her this morning."

"So you're still consulting?"


"That's her talking to our security guard, isn't it?"

Castle turned and saw an unsuspecting Beckett near the door.

"Look at that. They're obviously carrying on a conversation, but both of them are still scanning the street while they talk."

"Crowds have that effect on the police," he said lightly, while having the feeling things were not going where Kate would want them to.

"Can we talk to her for a second?"

"I don't know. She didn't plan on that today. I…"

"We'll let her decide."

By then the second woman had said something to someone else as soon as mention was made of Beckett's presence, and a man with a network ID had already approached Beckett, encouraging her to come to the edge of the barrier. She reluctantly went and had a microphone pointed in her direction in no time.

"Rick says he's going to work with you today. Does he really contribute?"

"He does. He would have made a good detective," she said, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

Castle reached for her hand in apology and the movement bumped her jacket open.

"Whoa, is that a gun?" the host asked.

"It goes with the badge," Castle answered quickly, pointing toward the badge at her waist.

"I didn't intend to be on camera, only to go to work." Beckett smiled enough not to embarrass Castle, but he knew her well enough to see thatshe wasn't at all happy about the media ambush.

"Well thanks for being a good sport and talking to us. Congratulations on your engagement, you two."

Both Castle and Beckett said "Thank you," precisely together.

"Do you do that often?"

"Sometimes." That answer was as precisely coordinated as the last one. The host put one hand on her hip and just looked back and forth at them, and the crowd laughed. The couple smiled, and the hosts did, too. The two women consulted briefly and tried saying, "Thank you for being here this morning," together, and failed. One of the women looked at the camera and said, "I guess we need more practice." Then the hosts shook the couple's hands.

Beckett looked at Castle and pointed inconspicuously toward the street corner, then she disappeared in that direction as soon as possible. Rick thanked the host for having him and left as quickly as manners would allow, an apology to his fiancé already on the tip of his tongue.

Rounding the edge of the barrier, he went straight for the street corner where he expected to find Beckett. She was there but fuming.

"I'm so sorry…" Castle started.

"It wasn't your fault, but I can't let that happen again. You're on your own for these things from now on…unless it's absolutely necessary for you, well planned, and not police related. The department does have policies about random public appearances and statements. I guess I'd better read up on them and refresh my memory. It hasn't been an issue because I avoid the media like the plague unless I have to make a rare statement about a case."

"I understand."

She ran her fingers through her hair, looking frustrated. "I'll talk to Roy as soon as we're at the precinct…assuming he isn't lying in wait to chew me out when I get there."

"Can I at least offer not to make you face him on an empty stomach? We still have time to stop for breakfast – and maybe your favorite coffee place?"

"Yeah. We can do that."

"I really am sorry."

"It wasn't your fault. They had taken the choice out of your hands before you could stop them. I should have just flatly refused."

"But you were in that position only because of me."

"Learning to live in your world, Rick. It's going to take me a little while to figure it out."

"I hope I'm worth it."

"You are," she answered, kissing his cheek.

Pushing his luck a bit, he asked, "Breakfast before facing the firing squad?"

"Yeah, if you know what's good for you."

Castle laughed, put his arm around her and pointed them in the direction of a high end breakfast establishment. High quality food and service…and excellent coffee. It seemed to be a good choice at that moment.

By the time they reached the precinct, with a coffee to go for each of them, it was obvious that a number of people knew about the brief television appearance. Roy's response was to call both of them in to see that they each had a copy of department policy on such things. He had seen the situation unfold and knew it wasn't intentional, simply warned them to be more careful.


Work kept Castle and Beckett busy early in the week. On Wednesday, they got their marriage license and checked with Bradford, who assured them that they had nothing else to worry about.

They both decided against big bachelor or bachelorette parties. The night after the rehearsal dinner, Castle played poker with a group of writers and his Gotham crew…the ones who could work the wedding into their own busy schedules with barely a month's notice. He also invited Ryan, Esposito, and Jim Beckett. Castle shared the non-alcoholic drinks with Jim, even though Jim assured him it wasn't necessary. Castle's answer was that he wanted to be absolutely sober the next day, that he didn't want to forget a single second of marrying Jim's daughter. Saying he couldn't argue with that, Jim tapped his soft drink against Castle's and said, "Cheers." The poker group played for considerably smaller stakes than usual to accommodate all members of the group, and Ryan was the surprise big winner of the night.

Lanie had arranged a girls' night with Martha, Alexis, and Madison Queller, a close high school friend Kate had reconnected with through a recent case. Like Castle, and for the same reasons, Kate had a glass of wine, then shared soft drinks with Alexis for the rest of the evening. Since Kate had ruled out male strippers, Lanie and Madison grudgingly decided they might as well relive high school days. They experimented with hairstyles for Kate and Alexis, decided on nail colors for their mani-pedi appointments the next day, ate ice cream and watched a couple of rom-coms…and asked Kate embarrassing questions about Castle every time Alexis left the room.

By the next afternoon, Alexis's nails were painted to coordinate with her dress, and she had visited Kate's apartment for Lanie to style her hair. After that, she was back at the loft in time to be sure her father had everything he needed, including a properly tied bow tie, before they left for the hotel.

Martha had toned down her usual fashion choices for the wedding, but gave up none of her style and exuberance. For the first time, she was overjoyed to see her son getting married.

Castle's family arrived at the hotel and was ushered into a room separate from where Kate and Lanie were getting dressed. Alexis went to let them know the rest of the wedding party was there and came back to tell her father how beautiful Kate looked.

Bradford had arranged for a minister, a kind looking older man with a ready smile and an easygoing personality. The clergyman met Kate and Castle for the first time at the rehearsal dinner and sat to talk with them for a little while afterward…a brief counseling session the couple decided later. They really weren't particular about who performed the ceremony, as long as they were married when it was over; but, as usual, Bradford had made an excellent choice. They both enjoyed their time with the minister and felt good about his performing the ceremony.

As Castle and Kate prepared for the wedding in their separate rooms, the minister came to visit both of them. He was making sure they were both ready for such a big step, although his impression from the night before was that neither of them had a single doubt.

Bradford showed his skills to perfection. An altar for the ceremony had been set up and the area around it decorated beautifully at one side of the ballroom. There was seating for the small group attending, leaving the rest of the room open for the party that would follow. He began with the ushers, Ryan and Esposito, escorting those attending. He then gathered the members of the wedding party. Jim Beckett was sent to join his daughter. The music began, Martha was seated, and Castle and Alexis walked to their places. Then Lanie walked down the aisle and took her place, and the music for the bride began.

Castle looked toward the end of the aisle and couldn't stop smiling as he watched Kate walk toward him with her father. Her mother's dress was beautiful, the flowers were beautiful, she was beautiful, and her smile echoed his own.

When asked "Who gives this woman to be married to this man?" Jim Beckett responded, "I do." Then he rested his free hand on Castle's arm, and said quietly, "Take care of her, Son."

Never taking his eyes away from Kate, Castle answered, "Always." Then he turned his head to acknowledge Jim. Jim put his daughter's hand in Castle's and went to sit down, and the couple finally stood together before the minister, ready to join their lives forever.

After they had said their vows and received their rings, Kate reached her hand toward Alexis and took the teenager's left hand to bring her closer to them, something that hadn't been a part of the rehearsal. The exchange between Kate and Alexis was quiet, intended for just the two of them and Castle, but Lanie and the minister could hear most of it.

"My promise to you is that I'll be here for you as long as I live…no matter what," Kate told her stepdaughter. She took the opal ring from her right hand and put it on Alexis's left ring finger. "We have our wedding rings to say the same thing now, so this ring is for you. I don't expect you to wear it all the time, but it's there when you need it to be." As she said the words, she moved her thumb over the ring, and Alexis wrapped her arms around Kate with tears in her eyes. Castle wasn't in much better shape and put his arms around both of them, resting his head on Kate's. They pulled themselves together quickly, and Alexis moved back to her assigned place. The minister was smiling and announced, "I now pronounce you man and wife…and daughter?" Laughter followed before he said, "You may kiss your bride."

The newly married couple looked at one another before Kate slid her hands up to her husband's shoulders, and he moved one hand to her waist and the other to the back of her head and kissed her slowly and gently. Applause broke out, and they separated but went back, smiling, for another shorter kiss.

Then the music started, and they led the wedding party away from the altar. The wedding guests were treated to light hors d'oeuvres, and the rest of the room gradually transformed into a party as the formal pictures were taken near the altar. Castle and Kate had the first dance, then the two fathers danced with their daughters. They stopped the action shortly after that to cut the wedding cake, and then they let their guests enjoy the party. A buffet was brought in, champagne toasts were made, the dance floor was open, music played, and the newlyweds mingled joyfully with their guests.

In a moment to themselves later, Kate looked at Castle and said, "I think you must have practiced to find as many chances to use the words, 'my wife' as you have tonight.

"I've noticed that your conversations haven't been entirely devoid of the words 'my husband', either."

She smiled at him flirtatiously and answered, "Guilty."

He leaned in and kissed her and said, "I think my focus has just moved to our wedding night."

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