
Chapter 67 Comissioned joker36jm

Artemis and I settled into a bit of a routine as I made the previous jungles of the Aztec gods section of the underworld a biological death trap... Sirzechs told me that none should come to visit the area and expect to live and that's how I treated the area.

The land was plagued by thick spores that once breathed into a warm, moist area like the throat, and lungs would puff up like a sponge blocking off airways as the sponge would absorb the mucus and fluids within the victim until the body breaks apart allowing the newborn spores to be freed. All the monsters were changed by my new Chimera creation so the majority of terrible poxes plagues and bioweapons I released were harmless to them while also making them far more dangerous.

Artemis and I bonded through our teaching of Atalanta the Chimera I made in Artemis teaching her hunting and likewise, I taught the newly born monstrous killer how to better control her many merged together bloodlines and such. One of my favorite little beings I made was a terror that was so delightful for me.

Basically, it was giant mosquitoes that would lay their ultra-lightweight tiny eggs into the thick rain that commonly fell into the jungle and the eggs once landed upon a living being would painlessly burrow into their flesh but within half an hour would go through the entire growth cycle and would grow to their adult forms that were the size of a baseball and they would devour their victim on the onside before burrowing out when they were either content with their meal and needed fresh air. Or they devoured the victim completely if they managed to land in the lungs of the victim.

But not all my biological horrors were aimed solely at living beings as I used the Sepiroth Graal to pull the spirits of the Aztec monsters and beings that once lived in this jungle into the material world so the invisible revenant spirits would attack people's very souls.

In terms of flora, I didn't do much as I didn't want to mess with my Dryad creation Kii's growth as her Beelzebub bloodline was allowing her to take over literally every single plant within the forest and mutate them over time as she wished... Seeing a deer-like monster fall into a five-meter-deep pit that was actually a carnivorous plant with mucus like thick acid that melted the deer's flesh off its very bones within moments showed me, she had it well handled.

So beyond making sure the ecosystem wasn't going to implode due to the massive danger spike in living in the area, Artemis and I were just getting to know one another better... By that I mean Artemis would only awkwardly answer any questions I had and then when I got frustrated I would make the once virgin and now pregnant goddess Aheago.

In my books this week-long vacation was great. I got to snuggle with new creations, I literally impregnated a goddess and the best part of the day was breakfast... Kii's maple syrup breast milk was literally cheating to put on the waffles or pancakes in the morning.

I was living the fucking dream.

Until the Fire Nation attacked...

Literally, I was awoken from my maple syrup/breast milk haze-filled slumber as a fuck off massive fireball bloomed into existence before detonating into a nuclear-like detonation with the mushroom cloud of ashes flying up into the sky over towards the area in which of the house Sirzechs had left Artemis and I to live within while we were working here.

But thankfully my paranoid ass had decided to live elsewhere in a massive tree house that Kii helped make for us.

"That fire isn't tainted by divinity," Artemis noted and I raised an eyebrow as she threw me a look while chuckling at my confusion. "Apollo with our connection as twins will be assuredly gunning for your life... As he has been forced to feel the pangs of my coming pregnancy and with his pride and degeneracy he will probably be coming to tame you in the ways of the old Greek men would if not just kill you if he can get away with it." Artemis finished with a sarcastic smile as my eyes twitched as I fucking realized the... The thing she was alluding to.

Yeah nope, if Apollo attempts that, I will literally turn him into a she, give Artemis a massive futa cock and we will spit roast the new sun goddess between us... My booty was sacred untouched lands and I had no interest in that.

But aside from thinking of Apollo being a Greek, my face twitched as I finally recognized the dark golden flames of the massive explosion that were repeated a couple more times in weaker strength with the golden flames being much weaker.

The flames of the Phenex Clan.

Low and behold flying over the burnt and exploded remnants of the enchanted portions of the movable house Sirzechs loaned us was two men and a familiar woman all three with wing of Phenex flames holding them aloft at the ground as they glared down imperiously. Even as I waited with a giddy smile for the inhabitants of the jungle to tear these assholes a new one as I recognized Riser's new big titty form even with her hair down up in elaborate ringtails.

I was struck fucking dumb as Riser yelled out. "Jake fucking Barris come out now! We know you are here and Sirzechs and the other Maou won't ever be able to save you Haha!" She madly cackled and I was torn on what the hell she meant.

Did she mean that they wouldn't get here in time? Or did something else happen?

So I controlled one of my lesser creations, a large beetle with a fleshy sac that expanded with each breath while under its chitin back armor plate with my Beelzebub bloodline allowing me to control it and share its sense.

I quickly used the beetle to roundabout fly over to the three flying devils and then the beetle spoke with a gargled voice as I controlled the fleshy air sac to make air come through the chiseled and flute-like mandibles of the beetle. "What do you mean?" The beetle hissed making the devils shiver at the watermelon-sized beetle flying a couple of meters away from it.

I could easily see Riser's dainty hands clench in fury at my so-called cowardly approach but I could see the insane light return to her eyes as she sneered. "Oh little reincarnated trash!" She hissed to start. "The Maou isn't in the picture anymore!" She crowed victoriously. "With the help of some friends, Sirzechs Gremory, Ajuka Astaroth, and that lazy bastard Fabium has been sealed away into Pandora's Box!" Riser cackled as she raised her hands up above her as she stared up at the false moon hanging up in the underworld's sky before she looked down at the beetle.

But before she could continue I saw one of the other men come forward and I realized it was the Phenex patriarch and his sneer made me feel sick to my stomach at how cocky he fucking looked. "Boy... This is your last chance, turn my son back to normal and after we burn you for the impertinence we will let bygones be bygones once you create us more Phenex tear-creating cattle." The man lost a bit of his sneer as he visibly took a breath and eyed the beetle that was acting as my mouthpiece as he continued. "You have no backing anymore child... Come under the aegis of the Phenex clan and you will want for nothing with immortal protectors keeping your many... Many enemies who want you dead out of fear of your abilities." The patriarch said with some actual charisma that made me pause.

But his only answer from the beetle was a wheezing cackle that the beetle's voice holes weren't made to be able to convey such laughter... And I was dearly laughing at these dammed fools.

Then a silence filled the forest that was only broken by the crackling of the magically enhanced fire before my voice carried through the air clear as day. "Riser... Phenex Patriarch I don't give a shit to learn the actual name of..." I whispered into their ears through the beats of thousands of tiny mosquitoes I was controlling remotely. "I am going to fuck your sister Ravel... And whatever the hell Rayna, the matriarch is to you... Enjoy the thoughts of their stomachs swelling with my seed as I protect them from the people who will desire to make the last members of the phenex clan members into their own broodmares to save the bloodline." I said with finality.

And then all hell broke loose as literal millions of insects I controlled, thousands of monsters Atalanta controlled, and countless roots and thorn-covered vines lashed through the air that Kii controlled. All going for the trio with zero mercy.

Never fuck with a Necromancer in a graveyard, never fuck with a Wizard in his tower, and now there would be a new life lesson. Never fuck with the Fleshcrafter in a jungle he had free reign with for a week.

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