
Bjorn's Target

"Bjorn! Bjorn!" A man called out to the boy that now had a goatee around his face.

Bjorn looked menacing in every sense of the word.

His body mass had increased, and his arms were gigantic. 

There was something different about the look in his eyes, he looked more focused and menacing, Bjorn had quite the reputation in Kattegat, he was loved because he showed no mercy to anyone that threatened Kattegat or its people/.

"What is it?" Bjorn's voice had gotten deeper, sitting with a cup of ale right in front of him.

"I have news!" The man said; the man speaking was a 5' 7 individual; twenty-seven years of age.

"The man we have been searching for, we have found him!" The man reported and Bjorn spilled the ale in his mouth the moment this news was delivered.

"WHAT!?" Bjorn exclaimed, springing to his feet but he caught everyone's attention doing this.

Bjorn cleared his throat and sat back down quietly.

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