

Hey, Author here! Allow me to start this chapter off with a poll. I am having a hard time picking out Kazumi's level 5 codename, so I need your opinions. Here are your options:



-Ignition Burst


-Flash Point

-Laminar Flame


Second poll:

Gender for love interest




{Recording initial shot speed at 1109 meters per second. Rapid fire ability: 10 shots per second. Average temperature: 1207°C}

{Overall rating: Level 5}

The hot-blooded pyrokinesists ran into the field and tossed Kazumi up and down. Now the pyrokinesis department won't be mere laughingstock anymore, a level 5 is amongst them after all. However, celebrating with the students is of little importance compared to the reward she has just received from the system.

[Congratulations on completing your first mission! An appropriate reward will be given.]

[You have received the logia fruit: Kaze Kaze no Mi] (Wind Wind Fruit)

[Compatibility: 0%]

"0%? Doesn't flames required at least 16% oxygen content to burn? I should be somewhat compatible with it, right?" She thought to herself. Even though she might have gotten a powerful logia type devil fruit, it will be useless if she can't use it.

[Note: The host has already consumed a logia type devil fruit, therefore all other logia types will have 0% compatibility rates from now on. ]

[However, it is possible for the host to choose one type of devil fruit to consume without the compatibility restriction. For example, the host can choose to consume one paramecia type without the restriction, but that would mean the restriction will apply to the zoan types.]

"Basically, I can consume one of each type of devil fruit because of the removal of the curse. Well isn't that something?" This is good news to Kazumi, especially when she already thought of one insanely underrated paramecia type devil fruit with massive potential that she would like for herself.

As she walks around the school while observing others' system scans, Kazumi is deep in thought.

"Hmm...if I can't use the logia fruit, there has to be something I can do with it that could benefit myself at the same time."

Just as she was deep in thought, Kazumi heard a loud crashing noise. She looked over as a student placed her hand on a box, launching it into the metal wall placed far away from her.

"That ability..."aero hand", was it? If my memory serves right, its the ability that allows the user to propel objects through the air using their hands. It looks like that girl is quite the high level as well." She squints her eyes at the girl, unintentionally using the system's hidden function.


[Name: Kongou Mitsuko]

[Ability: Aero Hand (level 4)] [Maximum Potential: Level 5]

[Compatibility with the Kaze Kaze no Mi: 65%]

[Additional comments: There is only one application of "Aero Hand", and that is to propel objects. That ability alone cannot bring out the full potential of this devil fruit. Extra points has been granted for having wind-related abilities.]

"...well that is new" She is genuinely surprised by this discovery.


[The host has unintentionally used one of the system's hidden extras functions {Observation}, 1 Gacha ticket has been rewarded.]

[{Observation} enables the user to learn the target's name, ability, their maximum potential, as well as their compatibility with devil fruits in your possession.]

"'Compatibility'? Doesn't that mean others can eat my devil fruits? Shit, this just got more complicated." Giving out devil fruits is a one-way deal, you can't take it back once someone else eats it. Giving a devil fruit to the daughter of a giant corporation is the biggest security risk that Kazumi can take.

"No way in hell I'm giving it to Kongo."


{TImeskip to the shower room}

Kazumi is enjoying the warm shower...every second of it. Back in her previous life, even one cold shower can cost him a fortune so Kota rarely took one.

"It doesn't change the fact that you are Tokiwadai's ace. You can thrust out your chest in pride based on that alone!"

"The ace, am I?"


Kazumi heard a familiar conversation between Mikoto and Shurai.

"Oh, I think this is the scene where Kuroko gropes Misaka's boobs-"

"AAAAAGH!" Kuroko gets kicked out of Misaka's shower

"Yep, there she goes~" Kazumi almost laughed at the duo's antics but managed to hold it back.

"There's already something broken in your head!"

"I was just trying to bond with you, onee-sama~"

"Shut up!"

"PFFT!" Kazumi couldn't hold back anymore and laughed to her heart's content. "Ahaha~ you two are hilarious, you know that?" She said as she exits the shower.

"Not you again!" Shirai shouted while still on the floor.

"Oh hey! Himura-san, right? How did your system scan go?"

"Meh, decent I'd say. The real surprise was you, Mikoto-chan! Imagine my surprise when I found out you were the 'shock princess' everyone was talking about!" Kazumi said half-jokingly as the three of them sat down to comb their hair.

"Aha...ahahaha..." Misaka laughed awkwardly. "Ahem! Anyways, me and Kuroko are going to Joseph's after school, wanna come with us?"

(Its a coffee & restaurant that appears in the anime)

"Oh of course, I'd love to!"

Kazumi finished combing her hair as she takes off the towel that she wrapped around herself, showing her bare A-cup chest. Misaka's eyes widened as she stared at Kazumi's flat chest, then she looked down at her own.

"...she's a comrade!" She thought to herself and pats Kazumi on the shoulders.

"Hm?" Kazumi tilts her head and looks at her in confusion. Then she looks at her chest then at Misaka's.

"Ah...a comrade." Like Misaka, the previous Kazumi also wanted her breasts to be bigger. Pf course, she inherited this obsession once she took over this body.

The two girls smiled, nods at each other, and went their separate ways. An unbreakable bond was forged that day, there's nothing that can break this friendship built between two sisters in arms.

Kazumi's system scan results accidentally slipped out of her locker and landed right under Kuroko. She picks it up..

"HUH?!" She is literally screaming from the inside, she has literally been disrespecting a level 5 for an entire day!

She quietly teleported Kazumi's report card back to her locker.


[Timeskip to Joseph's]

Much to Kuroko's opposition, Kazumi went along with them to a cafe where they took a seat near the windows.

"One of my fans?"

"She's a girl I know from judgement. She's a big supporter, she's always asking to meet you even if its only for a few minutes!"

"Ugh...." Misaka sighed in annoyance

"Now onee-sama, I know that lately your fans are getting more and more annoying and you have little to no patience to meet them, but I think you will find that Uriharu is different. She's a reasonable and polite girl! Besides, she's one of the few people that I consider to be my friend, so really, I'm asking you to do this for me" Kuroko takes a sip of coffee and sets the cup down.

"And since I know how busy onee-sama is, I took the liberty of arranging a reasonable orderly schedule for the day. I'm sure it will be to your liking."

As soon as Misaka heard the word schedule, she knew something was up and took the notebook straight out of Kuroko's hands. Sure enough, Kuroko planned to ditch her and Uriharu and take Misaka to a love hotel at the end of the day. Misaka gave Kuroko a little knock on the head.

A little while later, the trio went outside and met the girl named Uriharu and her friend Saten Ruiko.

As soon as Kazumi saw Saten, her eyes widened.

"How could I forget?! Saten's ability when she used the Level Upper was some kind of wind ability! Maybe..."


[Ruiko Saten]

[Ability: Whirlwind (Level 0] [Maximum Potential: Level 4]

[Compatibility with the Kaze Kaze no Mi: 100%]

[Additional Comments: What else is there to say? She is the perfect candidate for this fruit!]

"I had a feeling that'd be the case, but I can't trust her...not yet."


"Now that that's out of the way, lets get to the introductions. Uriharu, This is Kazumi Himura, Academy City's 8th level 5 Esper."

"Eh?" Misaka exclaimed, slightly surprised by Kuroko's revelation.

"Ah...I see" Kazumi remembered briefly that her report card slipped out of her opened locker. "Its a pleasure to meet you two!"

"T-the pleasure is mine..."

Uriharu is flabbergasted, she didn't expect to meet two level 5's at the same time! It's like a dream-come-true for her.

This is Kazari Uriharu from Judgement, she's a first year at Sakugawa Middle School." Kuroko introduced.

"Oh, pleased to meet you. I-I mean, its really an honor."

"And this is...?" Kuroko looks at Saten

"Hi there! My name is Ruiko Saten, the classmate of Uriharu. She decided to drag me along so here I am! And by the way, my power rating is level 0, so there!"

"Saten, why would you say that?!"

"Well hello Uriharu, Saten. I'm another friend of Kuroko's, Misaka."

"Oh...Its a pleasure to meet you..." Saten said

"Yes yes, such a pleasure."



After spending some time playing games at the arcade and browsing magazines, they finally arrived at the crepe stand. Misaka was interested in the Gekota mascot so here they are.

"Thank you for waiting! Here's a free gift!" The shopkeeper hands Kazumi the last Gekota. "You are lucky, this is our last set!"

"Thank you! Wait, did you say that was your last-"

Misaka collapses onto the ground in defeat. All hopes were lost, there are no Gekotas left! Then, as if a ray of light shines upon her in the darkness, Kazumi held her Gekota in front of her.

"Here, you look like you really wanted it so.."

"You can have mine as well." Saten gave her Gekota to Misaka as well.


"Of course! We are friends after all, right?"

"Thank you! Thank you so much, you guys!" Misaka is practically sobbing from excitement at this point.

A few minutes later, Uriharu noticed something strange about the bank across the street. Even though its daytime, their security shutter was down. Her intuition would prove to be right when the shutters were bust open by an explosion. Three bank robbers emerged from the building.

Kuroko swallowed her crepe whole and rushed towards the bank.

"What was the crash?!" Exclaimed Saten

"Uriharu, I want you to contact Anti-Skill and request some officers to our location right away." Uriharu nodded and did as what she was told.

"Hey wait up, Kuroko!"

"No you don't, stay right where you are. Like I told you over a million times, public safety is the concern of those of us who re in Judgement. Please do me a favor and behave yourself this time~" Kuroko said to Misaka.

As she ordered the robbers to stop, they laughed at her and asked if Judgement was short on staff. She responded by giving one of them a concussion.

"It's too late to back out, you brat!" Another one of the criminals conjured up a fireball. "I'm gonna burn you to crisps-"

Before he even had a chance to throw it, Kazumi raised her hand and lifted her index and middle finger upwards, causing his fireball to increase in size.

"What the-"

The fireball expanded even more and then detonated in his face, knocking him out with third degree burns all over his body. Kuroko groaned and looked at the smiling Kazumi, wondering how she was going to explain to the superiors about the man's injuries.

"Using pyrokinesis in front of me? He was practically asking to get burned into cinders." She scoffed.

Saten looked at Kazumi with a stiff smile and performed a silent prayer for the man who fell victim to her.

"Let go of me!" The female tour guide exclaims

"M'am! Stay here. it's not safe to leave the square right now!"

"Uriharu!" Misaka, Kazumi, and Saten rushed over. "What's wrong here?"

"We are missing one of the boys in this tour. He said he left something on the bus then left to look for it!"

The three immediately got to work. Kazumi knew where to look but purposefully didn't loom there. The reason you ask? She wanted to "test" Ruiko Saten and see if she really is the same as canon. After all, she is not going to give out logias to a coward.

Sure enough, the boy crawled out from the bush and was instantly taken by the escaping robber.

"I have to stop him" Saten thought, she got up and tried to get the kid back from the man.

"Hey! What the hell do you want?! Go away!"

"Let go!" Shouted Saten

"Damn it!" The robber kicked Saten straight in the face, letting the kid go in the process.


"The girl has bravery, I'll give her that." Kazumi thought as a swirling fireball started to emerge on the palm of her hands. As expected, Misaka decided to get involved s well

"From here on out, this fight is a personal one for me. I hate to get involved, but it's way too late now!"


"Crap, I just remembered! They say there's a scary girl in judgement, she's a teleporter who would beat you inside and out until you wish you'd never been born!" The restrained criminal exclaimed.

"Damn it! I'm not gonna turn tail and run!" The last remaining criminal got into his get-away vehicle and stepped on the gas all the way, planning to run the two of them over.

"What's even worse, apparently this teleporter has given her heart and soul to a powerful electro-master!"


"I got this in the bag, you know~"

"Hate to steal your thunder, but the man hurt someone I care about."

Misaka took out an arcade coin and stood alongside Kazumi, they nodded and got into position. Kazumi clenched her fist as the flames covered her entire arm.

"This is not as powerful as the one I used back in the system scan, but its more than enough to deal with a level 0!"


"That's right, that girl over there is one of the most powerful of the 23 million people in this city. Out of all the level 5's, she's ranked third."

Kazumi pulls back her fist as the car is driving towards them at top speeds.


She lets out a battle cry as she unleashed her fire fist. At the same time, Misaka Mikoto took aim and launched her railgun. The two attacks merged together midway and knocked the vehicle high into the sky before tumbling its way down.

"Railgun: Mikoto Misaka, my sister! The pride and joy of Tokiwadai middle school, the ultimate and unstoppable shock princess!"

She was about to praise her beloved sister more, but..

"Wait, look out!"

Kazumi looked up to see that the car is falling straight towards her. Any normal person would be panicking right about now, but she's unusually calm about her predicament. She smirked and performed a front kick with her leg covered in flames, caving the car in and launching it into a fire hydrant.

The rest of them stared at her with their mouths left agape as she casually walk towards the crepe stand to buy an extra one.

<----To Be Continued


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