
Bad timing

The night came quickly for Sage and Arthur, but the increasing cold didn't cause Arthur to think about stopping the carriage. There were on a wide road in the middle of a cold, icy forest and he was dressed warmly and was full of energy.

Sage, who was sitting in the carriage, was fiddling with her fingers. Her breathing was consistent, and her eyes were heavy. She groaned lazily and looked at the pillows at the carriage's edge, feeling uncomfortable for having sat for so long and knowing that it would take four days or more to get to the border.

"I am going to him. He better welcome me. After all, he did say I should find him." She grumbled, narrowing her eyes at the pillows, then smiled faintly.

"You have a pure heart, arrogant parrot, and I envy you."

Cyrus's deep voice echoed in her head, and she tilted her head to the side in confusion.

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