
Is he jealous?!

Sage entered the dining room, warmly and beautifully dressed, lost in thought.

Cyrus sat at the far end, and Arthur, who appeared to be in good health, sat on the opposite side, eating hungrily.

Cyrus locked his gaze on her as she approached his side and stood still, lost in thought. He drew out a chair, and she sat slowly.

"Sage." She gasped out of her thoughts when Arthur called.

"Arthur!" With a bright smile, she exclaimed, seeing how healthy and handsome he was. "You are doing fine!"

Arthur smiled at her with what appeared to be a blush. "You do not need to be concerned." He burst out laughing.

Cyrus, who was watching their interaction, was frowning. "Did you just refer to her as Sage?" His voice was deep and menacing.

Arthur, who had a piece of meat in his mouth, choked when Cyrus spoke. He jumped out of his chair, hitting his chest and choking.

"Arthur!" Sage became terrified and rushed towards him.

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