
CH-5: Carrot and stick approach

{ " " = talking }

{ ' ' = thinking}

{ ( ) = Author Explaining }

{ [ ] = System }

{ // // = Telepathically talking }

{| | = POV}

{ * * = time later}


Location: Home, Raven's room

Time: 10 am – 8/11/1998

|POV Raven|

Today I decide to create my first app, well if we're goanna talk about why I decided to do this 3 days before my birthday, then the answer is Eve and I made a bet, not a quest but a bet, well if you want to know the content of our bet, she said I can't create a well liked entertainment company with a fake identity, but I said I can, she batted a really surprising and good present for my birthday if I win and if I lose, well I have to call her ma'am for 4 months.

I started as you know with the identity problem, first I hacked the government without anybody realizing and then boom,

Raymond Kenny was borned, if you don't know who that is then, well kill yourself, … I'm not kidding, do it, Do It, DO IT!

That's what I thought, see your alive so you know who it is, if you're alive and still don't know who he is then here, "T-bone" is the lovable character that we all know and love, in the gaming franchise of watch dogs, the creator of bellwether, a genius motherfucker, I introduce to you ladies and gentleman, mostly gentleman tho, Raymond Fucking Kenny.

I of course set his age 32, nationality American, place of residence United states of America, New York, Harlem.

He of course has multiple PhD's including network Security/architecture and engineering

After I was done with the identity problem and creating a history for dear T-bone, I went and started on creating the company.

I set the Company name: Insomnia Industries, and kinda created and filled the company information with the idea of it being in a few fields like entertainment, information provider etc.

After I was done with that, I hacked a patent office and sent my patent for "Instagram, Facebook, snap chat" and accepted and officialized them on the name of the identity I created.

After I started thinking about the basis that anyone can track my host for these apps and websites I started hacking multiple servers across the world and chained them together on random and set up a custom but different firewall on each of them that Jarvis has to spend a year to crack one and they change palaces every 3 months.

*Time: 1 pm*

after I was don with that, I took a break and ate lunch with Kaity, in these past 4 months I've been tutoring Kaity and I gotta say either I'm a genius teacher or she's smart and her teacher at school are trash, tutoring aside we really got close together but not best friend level, every time I explain to her what I'm learning she just nods, so I think I'm just a genius teacher.

Anyway, after lunch I went and started coded the front end and back end of my app, and also created a really handy A.I that handles all the Algorithms that the app and website will use, I named it Bellwether, because it will also collect information on anybody that registers and then it will create a personal profile with the help of files from the CIA, FBI and Police stations systems. it took 3 hours to finish, then was the time to design the whole thing, all of it took 1 hour to finish.

And it was done, and then it hit me that I came a long way, because I was struggling with high school in my last life and now, I finished university on every subject before I was even 6, as I was thinking about the unfairness of life, Eve called me.

[Rea, I know your last life wasn't really ideal but it's in the past and you have to move on, and you gotta act faster if you wanna win the bet 😉]

'I needed that thanks Eve'

After being awake from my philosophy phase I started with creating the website version of my app and after 45 minutes it was done, and I uploaded it online, and now I have 15 minutes before mom comes home, perfect.

Fun fact: when I maxed out my designing skill, I got the skill

[Artist [Lv.1]]:

"The user will know anything about drawing in all styles, from graffiti to pop art to digital {master artist will require level 20}"

And with this useful skill I created the Instagram logo and uploaded it.

You know the laptop the system gave me for making a deal with Kaity, is awesome, I mean its specks are of the charts, it has a memory of 5 terabytes of HHD, 2 terabyte of SSD, 128 G of Ram, a Core-i9 CPU, and two graphic cards worth GTX 3060 12G each, and it's a fucking laptop.

*Time: 6 pm*

Mom just got home, as usual asked about how I behaved from Kaity, told me how much she missed me, and kissed my cheeks a bunch of times, Kaity left after she got today's payment, we ate dinner, watched Tv, brushed our teeth and went to bed, like every day.

*Next Day – Time: 9 am 8/12/1998*

I repeated the same process as yesterday but faster because I built my Facebook and snap chat on a same foundation of my Instagram so it took 2 hours each, applied the same Bellwether A.I as my other one connected them together and made them unbackable unless you are physically there and it is in the internet so you can't really go there physically, I also made sure they don't go rouge.

*Time: 1 pm*

Ate lunch with Kaity and helped her with her homework also teached her the new lesson she learnt in school, took a 15-minute break.

*Time: 3:15 pm*

After the break I went back and finished the designing the layout of the website, app and logo, and added the finishing touches and … they're online, I added them to the Appstore version of iPhone but for stark phones and it all took 20-minutes.

*Time: 3:35 pm*

After that I started hacking all the news channels and created a video introducing Instagram, Facebook and snap chat, I basically added all the thing they said about the apps in the play store in my old world, and a few cool animations and sfx here and there and left them there on the 4 o'clock news folder on their computers and it all took 20-minutes, and … Boom just gotta wait for 5-minutes.

*Time 3:55 pm*

I got out off my room and sat on the couch nest to Kaity and started watching cartoons

*5 minutes later*

I changed the channel to CNN and started watching it.

Kaity: "Hey I was watching that"

Raven: "Well it's 4 o'clock so it's time for news wait a little and I will return it to the cartoon, okay?"

Kaity: "okay, but you better return it later"

Raven: "shh, it's starting"

|POV 3rd person|

News anchor: "good evening and welcome to 4 o'clock news,

In today's news, first we're going to start with the new stark phone, that is goanna be on sale in 2 weeks, next we have, … uhm, jerry what are these videos?"

A skinny man can be seen walking up to the news anchor and checking his tablet, after checking it twice he says something in a really low voice but if you focus on it enough you can hear him saying "I don't know man, this stuff wasn't on today's time table, maybe someone else added it and forgot to tell us? just roll with it"

After saying that the skinny man named jerry hurriedly left the stage, if one saw Raven next to Kaity, they could see the glint in her eyes, well too bad Kaity was sulking on the fact that Raven changed the channel and didn't see that.

News anchor: "well uhm … we have three new videos that weren't on today's timetable, but I'm goanna play them, because if I don't, I'm afraid it won't end good for me"

After that the news anchor played the videos that explained Instagram, Facebook and snap chat, and referenced the website links and the Appstore address. After that the news anchor said this.

News Anchor: "Well I don't know why they were there but, … oh hey there's a note and it reads: {Hey uh … I'm T-bone and I created these apps for the entertainment of America, for the Entertainment of the World, I created these apps because everything is boring and it's kinda sad that we have to share the joy of our life, fun or funny moments, later in person or on the phone and I thought that suck so I created these apps, I categorize them as a social media apps there's the app version or if you want there's the website version I created them so we could share our life's moments and memories in the same moments with picture and videos even short videos that send a short massage that last 24-hours called stories, and don't worry about the security, it's super tight, there's an smart A.I that's Administered the app and controls everything that is unhackable even I can't hack it and I'm a fucking genius, I have several PhD's from MIT, also neither I or anybody else has anything in the app so it's not biased, I advise you to create an account faster so you can create interesting content so you can get followers, likes and views, because these apps are goanna be the next big thing

-ps: I'm sorry I put these videos here, your security needs updating tho, so as an apology I will send a patch for you tomorrow and give you an official verified account on Instagram for your news channel

-from Your motherfucking genius T-bone} …

…. Well, that was interesting, right?" after that the skinny man named jerry came and told the news anchor something and went backstage again.

News Anchor: "I just got a massage to deliver to Mr. T-bone {we appreciate your apology and won't press charges against you breaking in our systems although we admit it was kind of a cool ad} True That, … what I mean I'm impressed, aren't you? {we also thank you for sending us a good patch and we also appreciate the verified account for our news channel, we wish happy cooperation}, well folks our times up until tomorrow, this was CNN"

*Time: 4:36 pm*

|Raven POV|

WOW, just wow it was more epic than I imagined it.

When I turn my head towards Kaity, I see she's looking at me like I pooped my pants, I tell her "Fine I'm switching to your cartoon, I mean your 17-years-old why are you so much into cartoons? And why are you looking at me like that?"

She squints her eyes and says "I'm not looking at you because I want you to switch back my cartoon, I'm looking at you because I think your behind this T-bone guy somehow"

Then I look her dead in the eye and go

Raven: "do you really think I created a fake identity and got PhD's and a whole lot of stuff just so I can create several entertainment programs in 4 months alone?"

Kaity: "… Your right that's Stup---"

Raven: "then your right"

At this moment her face is so funny I kinda saved it in my mind LMAO

Kaity: "Really?!"

Raven: "not all of it is true tho"

Kaity: "oh so you created it with--"

Raven: "no I meant the part about me creating it in 4 months was bullshit, I started creating them on wends day"

Kaity: "wow, just wow … oh right I forgot you have the highest IQ amongst humans"

Raven: "yep, want an account?"

Kaity: "yes please"

… and the rest of the day went like usual.

==================Somewhere else================

Location: unknown Time: 4:35 pm

|Unknown POV|


A: "come in"

B: "sir?"

A: "Did you found out who he is?"

B: "sir he is one Raymond Kenny From MIT with PhD's in network Security/Architecture and engineering with a bunch of other PhD's that have to do something with creating designing programs and or A.Is, his whole life he lived in New York, current residential area, Harlem."

A: "Is it really unhackable?"

B: "yes sir they I.T department said it would take a year just so they can crack the servers firewall, and there are multiple servers that create a proxy with randomized ips also as he said the A.I is also unreachable and unhackable"

A: "what about stark"

B: "he can't do it either"

A: "well Coulson, could you please tell agent Romanoff about her new target?"

Coulson: "Yes Director Fury"

And then Coulson went out of the office, then Nick fury in that empty office said "Who are you Kenny, where did you come from?" to no one.


Word Count: 2169

1 chapters are going to be released tommorow

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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