
CH-2: reborn as a whaat?!

{ " " = talking }

{ ' ' = thinking}

{ ( ) = Author Explaining }

{ [ ] = System }

{ // // = Telepathically talking }

{| | = POV}

{ * * = time later}


Location: Unknown Time: Unknown


[system functional]

[Hello host!]

'Hello system can you tell me where I am? I can't open my and can't move

[Yes, Host you're in your mother's womb]

'... for how long?'

[about 5 months 19 days 16 hours 50 minutes and 40 seconds]

'… and what am I supposed to do in these 5 months?'

[Host first you can customize your appearance and then you can go to hibernation until your mother's Labor Day]

'Okay … but can I see my status first?'

[yes host]



Name: N/A

Race: N/A

Gender: N/A

Age: N/A {Mental age: 17}

Level: 0

Occupation: N/A

Classes: |None|


Str: 0 {normal adult: 10}

Dex: 0 {normal adult: 10}

Const: 1 {normal adult: 10}

Vit: 3{normal adult: 10}

Int: 345 {normal adult: 100}

Wis: 190 {normal adult: 30}

MP: 10 {normal adult: 0}

Cha: 0 {normal adult: 10}


Gamer's mind [Lv. Max]:

"It will protect the mind, calms it, makes the mind use cold hard logic and turns off emotions also protects the mind from anything that affects it without the permission of the user"

Gamer's Body [Lv. Max]:

"Your body works like a video game character if something harms the body it will take damage Also the body doesn't need food, water, or sleep, if you sleep when you wake up you get refilled with energy and MP"

Adaptability [Lv. Max]:

"The user of the skill will have the adaptability level of Ancient Doomsday meaning he will adapt to anything even death and unlike the ultimate Doomsday the user will not die if taken to the end of time or in a black hole"


Body lock:

"The user body type will be locked in a swimmer build and no matter how strong you are you don't get buff and your body shape won't change"

Regenerative healing [Lv. Max]:

"The user will have a fast regen on par with Deadpool meaning even if your head is cut off you will still survive"

Spider powers:

-wall-crawling [Lv.50]

-flexibility [Lv.50]

-Super strength [Lv.50]

-Advanced senses [Lv.50]

-Super speed [Lv.50] (not flash level a little faster than Spider-Man)

-Spider-sense [Lv.50]

- Bio-electricity [Lv.50]

-Invisibility [Lv.50]

-Advanced Durability [Lv.50]

-Accelerated healing [Lv.50]

-Super Balance [Lv.50]

"a combination of Spider-Man's and Miles Morales's powers"

Godly Magic talent [Lv. Max]:

-Gender lock:

"the only way for the godly talent to work is for the user to have a female body, {Warning: if you select a male body you can't use this skill and this skill will be removed, if you select a male body there will be no refund for the wish"

"a godly talent specialized for the female body, the talent is a combination of Raven's and Zennata's powers of the world of DC"

True Freedom [Lv. Max]:

"It means true freedom, that means that no fate, destiny or anyone is able to control the user"

Non-mortal Resistance [LV. Max]:

"The user won't be detected by the living tribunal, cosmic entities unless they see him in person"

Soul Invulnerability [Lv. Max]:

"The user's soul will be invaluable to anything that harms it or in any way that the user doesn't like"

Cooking [Lv. 4]

Cleaning [Lv. 5]

System points: 0

Hero points: 0

Anti-hero points: 0

Villain points: 0

Gacha points: 0


Gift Package X1

Letter from God X1


'Oh … I have a letter from God and a gift package, cool'

'System can I give you a name it's awkward to call you System'

[yes host]

'Ok let me think … how about Eve?'

[confirmed system name changed to Eve]

'Cool, by the way, what is that gender lock skill about?'

[God has mentioned it in the letter host]

'Ok … you can call me Richard tho'

[Would you like me to change "Host" to "Richard" host?]


[name changed]

'OK can you open the letter from God'

[yes Richard]

{Hello there Richard

If you're reading this then it means that you checked your status and found out the [gender lock] skill, you see When you left my wife sensed you leaving to another Multiverse and came yelling at me, If you're confused about her yelling at me it was because I was kinda yelling at truck-kun and that's why he hit you so that's that, now because she thought you were too op and couldn't change your wishes because of the [soul Invulnerability] skill so good one and I kinda told her I couldn't change your wishes too and good thing she believed it, so she added the skill and messed with it but I tweaked it a little and added the gift package 😉

Sorry again


'. . . . .'


'Eve open the gift package please'

[gift package opened]

[Skill Magic Library Obtained]

[New Magic type added]

[Creation Magic obtained]

[New skill Body Customization obtained]

[Skill Abstract Comprehension obtained]

[gift package contents ended]


[Are you okay Richard?]

'Yes, why?'

[because I think having the possibility of changing your gender will cause anyone to Feel Uncomfortable, Sadness, Confusion, Anger and Loneliness]

'I might feel some of those'

[Do you want to activate gamer mind?]

'Yes, please

[Gamers mind[Lv. Max] Active]

Oh … I feel nothing, absolutely nothing, it really does turn emotions off, it's pure calmness.

Maybe I should really select the female gender for my new body.

Is it weird? I don't know, I think it's logical, the female body has a really good talent for magic but it's gonna be more sensitive, not to mention the periods, and the bathroom situation is gonna be weird, Maybe I can find a way to be a male in a female body?

I think that stuff can wait until after I'm born.

'Eve open the customization for my body and appearance'

[Okay Richard]

When the customization menu opened I selected female and set my Hight for 6 foot, my hair set black, my eyes are red, my face is like the Raven from the teen titans show, and my body has an hourglass figure, wide but not too wide hips, a plump butt, a little bigger than average chest 'I mean I always can change it later' and flawless pale skin.

And I press the confirmed button

[customization in progress]

[customization complete]

[Do you want to enter hibernation?]


*1 years later*

Time: 1 Am - /8/14/1992

Fucking Hell that's the only way I can explain being reborn feels like, it's hell, this is why baby's cry when they're born, the pressure change, going from something like water 'I don't even wanna know what it is' to dry air and the sound, from silence to loud noises, I thought being reborn would be alright because I'm intelligent but fuck that, I don't want to experience this again so I'm goanna do whatever it takes to survive this hellhole, I thought being in the MCU is goanna be fun, maybe I get to be hero or someone important here, but when I was born I got the experience and IQ of both Raven and Zatenna, surprisingly it stacks, and that's why my IQ is so high, I just couldn't feel it because I didn't accept my death before activating gamers mind and I found out I was really dumb, like really dumb, this is a slaughter house why the fuck I chose this hell at least I got decent boons , I gotta say it's really handy, in fact it's so handy I don't like turning it off, I know addicted right? Yes, and I need it right now, I tried turning it off but Eve said don't because my baby brain doesn't handle emotions very well so I should turn it off when I'm 6.

On another note, I got the name Rachel (For those who don't know the name of Raven is Rachel Roth), ironic right? well what can I do when I get the name of one of the reasons, I was forced to pick the female option but it's not that bad, Rachel is not a bad name and I can go by Raven, it's kind of fitting.

Well right now I'm hanging out in my crib, I gotta say I don't know if I'm not supposed to be uncomfortable with being breastfed or not, it's confusing, I mean should I go with the logic that I'm a 17-year-old man that is uncomfortable with breastfeeding or should I be comfortable cause I'm a girl/baby now, see confusing.

*4 years later*

Time: 8/10/1995 – 6 Am

In these 5 years, I mostly tried to interact with my mom, I don't have a dad tho, he died before I was born, My mom's name is Jessica black, black is my last name now, it's better than my last life where I didn't even have one parent and it's kinda cool too.

When I was 6 months old, I started talking, my mom thought was a genius, she was so happy I called her "Mom" and she was crying.

I found out what these skills were about

[Abstract Comprehension [Lv.1] ]:

"The user is able to comprehend everything that is not abstract (things like: math, science, history, art, etc, things like magic and the unknown to mortals don't count) a 10000 % boost (100 times faster) and a 2000 % boost (20 times faster) to abstract knowledge (magic, etc.)"

[Magic Library [Lv.1] ]:

"a library that lets you borrow a book about magic for 1 day {as the level goes up the borrow time increases}"

They're super useful like Magic Library even tho I can't hold a book it lets me to read it like a website in the system.

Till now I have the read and trained in mana control and mana sensibility each day for 5 years and it's like this now:

[mana control [Lv.100] ]

[mana sensibility [Lv.100] ]

I can now proudly say that I have the same level of mana control and mana sensibility of Zennata's, I have to reach level 126 to reach Raven's control.

Mom: "Honey are you awake?"


Word count: 1681

Sorry about the late update, but don't worry i'm goanna release multipule chapters today

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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