
Chapter 733: To Believe In Change

Some were aware we were different but some were not. And we wish to save as many lives as we could for the sake of those who believed we could change too.

We have also trained our forces but we know we are not a match for the Empire. However, some remain blind to this fact.

As they seek death of their own accord and did not change their mind no matter what we said, I wish to speak on behalf of those who wish to spare the life of their beloved. 

We have understood that slavery is not normal and we would like to eradicate it in Crux as well. However, it's so hard to begin because it is deeply rooted in our culture.

My twin and I were rather delighted when Your Majesty and other rulers in Eliora pushed for the abolition of slavery.

We wish for the people of Crux to live with a right to choose and be free as people in other kingdoms do.

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