
Chapter 679: Alwin Do Not Need A Mate

Arabella could not help but smile too and held Ferdinand's hand. She was glad Alwin got to hear something he had been longing for, even in their previous life, to hear from Ferdinand.

With this, she did not need to do anything anymore. Hopefully, this would help Alwin's obsession with getting Ferdinand's approval finally stop or at least lessen.

Sometimes, it was becoming somewhat tiresome how Alwin was so stubborn and kept interpreting Ferdinand and his other elders' actions as just something formal for someone who was under them. 

But Arabella understood that years of not saying anything directly about it had led Alwin to believe their love for him was not fatherly affection but something they had to do as elders in general.

After all, in her previous life, since Ferdinand did not speak with her nor vocalize his feelings, she thought she only imagined the glimpses of affection she noticed at first. 

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