

Junaid does not tolerate this condition of Anila.

On the fifth day, when Junaid returns home from his duty, he sees that Anila is sitting completely sad, waiting for Mama Mithu.

and talking with Irfan about Mama Mithu .

Junaid says, listen Anila! This sadness of yours, your waiting, that too for a wild bird.

all this cannot be tolerated by me. this condition of yours will have a direct effect on my child growing in your womb.

Anila! Your mama muthu was a wild bird.

he will never come back, he will never want to lure himself into prison again.

so forget him forever, if your heart is not satisfied without parrot . tomorrow I will give you a new parrot from the market.

you forget your heart with it, but Anila, end this sadness, this state of waiting.

Anila says, Junaid! I am sure that our Mama Mithu will come back even though he is a wild bird. this time I will not keep him in prison. now he will be completely free, he also loves us all, so his too heart won't feel the same without us, I don't need a new parrot.

Junaid goes to his room and rests.

Anila and Irfan are sitting under the neem tree, Anila talks to Irfan about her Mama Mithu, kisses Irfan again and again, makes love.

Suddenly, six (6) parrots come and sit on the neem tree, doing Tew, Tew, Tew, Tew, Tew, Anila is very happy to see these parrots.

she gives Irfan a kiss and says, Irfan! Look I said. our mama muthu will come back.

then Anila looks up, recognizes her mama muthu among all the parrots.

Anila says loudly Mama muthu, mama muthu, come down, come down.

Irfan looks up and says to Mama Mithu, then you have come to die, you are very fond of living in prison, you do not enjoy the life of freedom.

Mama Mithu says, My dear Irfan! What should I do. even in the forest I missed you.

because I love you all so much. I also know that you all love me too, my departure must have hurt you all.

Irfan tells Mama Mithu, I have not been hurt by your flying.

only this idiot Anila, who is very sad because of your departure and is waiting for you like a madman, saying again and again, My Mama Mithu will come.

He will surely come, my heart says he will come.

but you have turned out to be even more stupid, you yourself have come to be imprisoned.

now you will also imprison your friends. Listen carefully, don't you come down now.

if you try to come down, I'll hand you over to the cat, listen, Mama Mithu! Talking from the top of the tree and then going back to your forest,

Mama Mithu says, My dear Irfan! I know you'll never hand me over to the cat. because you love me, only scaring me, so that I can be free and live a life of freedom.

Anila repeatedly keeps saying, Mama Mithu! Mama Muthu! come down come down

Continued on Post-106

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