

The shopkeeper said, the price of this parrot is 250 rupees, Junaid paid the price for me and also bought a new good cage for me from the same shopkeeper.

then this cruel shopkeeper took me out of the cage and put me in this new cage and handed over to Junaid,

Irfan! All the captive birds in this shop bade me farewell with longing eyes. all the birds expressed their wish that I wish! May this new owner of yours be kind, sensitive, and loving. the house you are moving into, all the residents of this house may be kind, sensitive, and loving.

Irfaan! That elderly parrot and some other birds were also weeping, I was also looking at these birds with longing and sad eyes,

I said to all these birds, I wish! All of you quickly get away from this cruel shopkeeper, and reach the homes of some kind, sensitive, and loving people.

Irfan! As soon as I left this shop, some distance away, Junaid brought my cage in front of his face and said to me.

O oppressed bird! O persecuted parrot! I am not cruel like other people. my heart says that I should free you now. but alas! That all the feathers of your two wings are broken, that's why you can't fly anymore, and I don't even know which forest you belong to, so that I can leave you in this forest.

this is also a fact, that I can't even understand your language, that what are you saying? What else do you want?

But O oppressed parrot! Your silence, this sadness, and this injured state are telling that a great injustice has happened to you.

you are tormented by many sorrows. a volcano of pain is erupting in your heart.

but we among humans, there is no one to show mercy, no one to sympathize with you,

Irfan! Then Junaid said, I am not fond of keeping birds captive.

O parrot! I have newly married, I have settled in a new house.

only I and my wife live in this new house. there is no other person in this house except us husband and wife.

when I go out to my house for work.

then my wife remains completely alone in this house. so my wife has requested to bring a bird to remove her loneliness.

O parrot! I assure you, that my wife is also a good and sensible, loving woman, she too will always love you parrot.

this is a fact, that no matter how much we husband and wife love you.

No matter how happy you are.

prison is still prison.

so I tell you right now, that when your wings sprout again, all your wounds are gone, and you get a chance to fly.

So you fly away without caring about us, go free forever and live in your forest, celebrate happiness there, it will not hurt us at all.

The parrot says, Irfan! Then Junaid gave me a very loving kiss from the cage, I was looking at Junaid with longing and sadness, thinking, how can I tell Junaid my pain?

How to explain to Junaid what is happening to me?

Because Junaid does not even understand my language.

Irfan! Bussssss! I was forced to remain silent in front of this helplessness.

Irfan! When Junaid brought me to his house.

Anila, Junaid's wife, welcomed me very warmly.

Anila was very happy when she saw me. Anila immediately took the cage from Junaid's hands.

Give full kisses, and start talking to me, mama mitho mama mitho (loving name of Parrot).

Continued on Post-92

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