

Then my father complained to our chief against our uncle and maternal uncle about the absence of us three friends for five days.

and asked chief to punish our uncle and maternal uncle.

but, our uncle and maternal uncle said to chief , there is no any fault of us. We have done nothing wrong with them.

On which the chief said, I am calling a meeting of all the parrots on this matter.

I will decide you all in this meeting.

then the chief called a meeting of all the parrots of this forest on a big tree.

except for the parrots, all Other birds of the forest also joined in this meeting.

Because this was the law of our forest, whenever there was a problem in the forest.

then all the birds of this forest, completely transcending their race and caste, all united to find a complete and successful solution to this problem.

The chief of the parrots sat on a big branch at the top of a big tree.

Along with our leader, all the leaders of the other birds of the forest also sat on this branch.

In front of all these leaders, the mothers and fathers of our three friends, sat on a branch of this tree on right side.

we all three friends and our uncle and maternal uncle sat on a branch of the tree on the left side in front of them.

all the other forest birds sat in different places in complete silence.

Then our decision started, our leader first said to my father.you tell me, what is the problem?

My father said, chief! You know, these two (pointing to uncle and mamu) are very vagabonds, always absent from their homes for ten, ten, twenty, twenty days, not doing any responsible work, two.

They just waste their time walking and humming, both of them are completely useless, living a wasteful life.

which has a bad effect on other birds in our forest. now they have started making bad our little ones too.

Yes, then pointing to us the three friends, my father said, those three who do not even know how to fly.

I don't know where these two rougue were taken them. they were all absent from home for five days. chief. You know, that during this time the weather was also very bad.

we, mothers and fathers were very worried about these three children.

all this time we, mothers and fathers have spent in tension for these children.

that's why chief, I would request you, that these two (pointing to uncle and Maternal uncle) should be punished.

so that, they will not dare to do such wrong again in future.

Then our leader said to uncle and Maternal uncle. you want to say something in your cleaning?

Uncle said, chief! It is a fact, that both of us do not do any responsible work.

and for ten, ten, twenty, twenty days we stay away from our homes.

most of the time we spend in traveling and traveling, so they say to us tha we both are useless and useless.

Chief! But we want to tell you that because of this futile and useless trip.

we both have complete information about many other good forests except this forest. the advantage of which is that,

Due to nature, if any worst situation happens or Whenever a bad time comes to this forest.

both of us useless and useless can be of great use to all of you.

We can help everyone of you by a good manner.

We both can remove all of your problems and difficulties at that time.

For the same purpose, we both went to take these three children to visit other forests.

but suddenly the weather turned bad, strong winds and rain started, so we had to stay there for five days.

Then Uncle said, to chief! If this action of both of us is having a bad effect on the entire forest.

then we both will never take anyone of them on a trip in future. and we will not try again to make any one else bad.

Continued on Post-83

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