

I persuade him with love and he quickly agrees. Without whom I would be troubled, he would be troubled without me. For whom I always worry, he always worries about me. Whose thoughts and my thoughts are the same.

If we ever have a disagreement, I will listen to him and he will listen to me. he values ​​my wishes, whose wishes I value. he will give importance to me everywhere, whom I will give importance to everywhere. Who obeys me at all times, whom I obey at all times. The one who respects me the most, the one whom I respect the most, the one who will be faithful to me all my life, the one with whom I will be faithful in my whole life.

If he gets hurt, I feel the pain, if I get hurt, he feels the pain. Whose loss I consider as my loss, who considers my loss as his loss. Whose benefit I consider to be my benefit, who considers my benefit to be his benefit. Whoever believes in me, in whom I believe.

Yusuf takes a deep breath, and tells Salman. Yes bro! Before meeting you, these things were not seen in anyone. I didn't trust anyone. I didn't believe anyone. No one possessed all these qualities.

Whoever I looked at, someone was greedy, someone had the influence of sensual desire, someone had the disease of ego, someone was selfish, someone was arrogant, someone was over proud, someone was over confidence, someone was not rightly educated. Someone's training was not correct, someone's ideas were bad, there was the effect of bad conditions on someone. Some of them were not mentally balanced, some of them were mentally unstable, some of them had bad hebits, some of them had bad intentions, some of them had bad health, some of them had bad nature, some of them were wandering, some of them were afraid, some of them were mischievous. Some were narrow-minded, some were proud of their wealth, some were proud of their race, some were stupid, some were cowards. No one lived up to my expectations.

I have spent almost 18 years in this search. But what? I have never been in sync with anyone before you.

When I saw you for the first time, I found all these qualities in you, my heart spontaneously said, Yusuf! You have found your ideal.

Dad also trusted you with a single look, showed complete trust in words, I expressed my heart to you. Wow! When you tried to break our trust and credibility, I believed in your honesty even more. My heart said, this man will never deceive you.

Whatever happens, he will tell you clearly, just like a mirror, he will show you everything, he will not hide anything from you.

But he has his own mood , he has own his style,he has his own character, he has his own speed, he has his own talking way, he has his thinking way is his own.

I said to myself, O Yusuf, you have to make a deal with him, yes Salman Bro! In these 18 years, I have received the love of my father, my mother, my sister, my uncle, my aunt, from childhood till now, and surly they will love me in fiture too.

I was in dire need of love of brother and a best friend.

so I said from my heart, I am ready to make any deal with him, I was sure that we would be in harmony with each other. Today I consider myself successful in this goal.

Salman says, brother! The difference between my mood, my style, my speed, my speech, my character, and my thinking is because I have seen others get love, others get happiness from childhood until I met you. but I myself have been longing for love and happiness.

Yes Yusuf! Ever since I regained consciousness, I have found myself caught in a whirlwind of circumstances, from childhood I have been caught in a whirlwind of chaos.

Continued on Post-27

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