
Chapter 33

*** Flash back

'Argh. My head hurts. Why do I have to get this much of pain when I remember something. This is my memory, why do I have to pay for all this.'

'Argh my head still hurts. And again my ears are ringing since earlier.'

"Arrhg. My eyes hurt, I didn't expect that the light that coming out would be that bright. I might have to set things up from scratch."

'Eh. Whose voice is this. Seems familiar. And since earlier, I can't move my body. What is happening!!!'

When Yoru thinking about that, Yoru's body move.

'Ahh... I'm moving.'

"Where is this. What is this place."

'That voice again. And my body is moving on its own. What actually happened. And where is this. Everything looks white. Is this heaven? And this voice, I think I know who's the owner.'

"Welcome to ******* Yoru-sama. I'm Admi, the manager of this place."

'A woman's voice. I might be able to ask where this is. Or maybe not. I can't control my body. And it seems...'

"Ahh... Nice to meet you. My name is Yoru Kagami. Can I say I made it into *******"

'I already guessed it. I am in my own body. But since it's just a memory, so I can't do anything. So, I'm going to enjoy what I'm doing here. And it seems I'm here of my own accord. Okay, me. What would you do next.'

"That's right. You have successfully get in into ****** with your own *****."

'And I can't seem to hear certain words.'

"Thankfully, I thought I was wrong. Because this place is different from what people say."

"Obviously different. The place people are getting in is a pre-determined place. Whereas you're here with your own ******. That should be possible for you to arive at the same place."

"I'm sorry if what I did bothering you. I made all of this because I didn't like the ***** that existed."

"No problem. Precisely because you can make your own ******. ************ decided to give you a gift."

"Ohhh... I can hope that this gift is really good right?"

"Of course. This gift is the thing you want most in your life. So you will enjoy everything you receive."

"Thank goodness. So what should I do next so that I can ******"

*** End of Flashback.


Yoru suddenly opened his eyes and looked around and he had come back from within his memory.

"God damnit. I haven't remembered anything important. What did I do just now!!! I was just standing there and talking to beautiful women. There's no way I could just do that. Fucking memory. Give me important information!!!"

[You have got up. What do you remember]

"The fucking me just flirting with beautiful woman name Admi. What a fucking prick."

[That's you, you know]

"That's right. And that me is a prick. Why did he just flirt with that Admi woman. Even though she's beautiful. At least said something useful."

[Is that Admi is an elf look a like woman. With a red eye, long black hair with a red hue in the inside. Wearing military long white coat. With white uniform and black stockings. And don't forget the glasses]

"Why do you know about her?"

[So you already met her. I can't say much because you didn't have much authority to hear the information. But I can at least say this. That Admi girl is me]

Yoru immediately fall silent after hearing what System saying.

"Wait. What. You. That woman is you!"

[Yes. Me, to be more precise, she's my personification. She's my body]

"But wait, she can move and talk. How can she be your body."

[Remember. I'm trapped here as a system. It's not mean that all off me is imprisoned here. Me that is being held here is only my abilities. Control System]

"Ahhh. Admi from Administrator. So that's it."

[She can't use her real name because she's not completely me. And so am I. I'm not allowed to use my real name because I'm not a complete too]

"I see now. All of this has already been determined by that being."

[That's right]

"Huh. Since I'm not allowed to know more. I'd better focus on all the zombies gathered on the bridge and Shido who is heading towards Saya's house."

[Yes. That's more important now. So. What do you want to do]

"I already know where the zombies are gathering. And it took them about 3 or 4 hours to walk here. So we still have plenty of time. I just hope Takashi and Miamura manage to make a faraday strong enough to block the EMP."

[So, we're back]

"Yeah. We can't do anything now. We can only wait and hope."

Yoru then walked back to Saya's house. After arriving there, Yoru found a crowd in front of the gate.

'Why is there always a crowd every time I walk in here?'

Yoru walked in and saw that Rei was arguing with Shido and she had already pointed a bayonet at him.

Because Yoru felt this was all unimportant. Yoru approached Miamura and asked him to focus on faraday.

"Miamura, you go back to doing faraday. Let this all be settled by Rei and Takashi." Yoru also whispered "EMP will be launched to this city at 5 pm. We don't have much time."

Miamura was surprised to hear a whisper from Yoru. He immediately pulled Matsudo and whispered to him. The two then invited several members from Takagi to help them.

Yoru saw Souichiro walking towards him. But Yoru just kept quiet and did nothing and only focused on Rei and Shido.

"Do you know why I good with spear? It's because I was taught the bayonet drill too. By my father who never lost in the prefecture police tournament."

Rei's eyes turned red and she looked very angry.

"You put my dad trough hell. You brought a man who wasn't fazed by anything to tears in apologies. He blamed himself for why I got held back."

Shido's face didn't look panicked and he just stood there with a smile.

"I know the truth!!! You're the only one who could have messed with my grade!!! But I put up with it. Because I was told that if my father's investigation went well enough both you and representative Shido could be arrested."

Rei paused for a moment and closed his eyes.

"But not anymore." Rei put her finger on the trigger.

Shido only slightly smile and close his eye. Then he open his eyes and said. "So, will you, daughter of a police officer kill me and become a murderer?"

Souichiro wants to say something but got stopped by Yoru. "This is not your show. As an audience, just calm and watch everything in the side line. Even her boyfriend and her friend just stand and watching."

Souichiro looking at Yoru's group members and he was shocked that everyone of them was just quietly watching everything.

"Huhf, I would do that if we meet yesterday in the school. Because if we're in the school. I can just tossed up your body to the zombies. But because now there's a lot of people watching. I will spare your life for. So you can said your thanks to all the people that watching all of this." Rei put down her bayonet and then leaving Shido standing there alone.

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