
Chapter 14_ Assembled burnt haven owners!

He must be an athlete LSR decided. No regular person would jump a window that way.

He was an insane person too, Vidal or whatever he called himself. LSR took a short glance at his papers that were on scattered on his drawing desk " Such a nuisance!" he grumbled and wheeled himself closer to his desk. Only when he placed his hands on the desk to rearrange the scattered drawings did he notice the paper Vidal had stuffed in his hand.

He brought it up and turned it over. His eyes glinted upon seeing its contents. " He came all the way to return my drawing?" he muttered to himself. Surprised that the burnt haven owner whom he had spoken so shabbily to actually came to do him a favor.

But he shouldn't have stressed himself to that extent all because of a drawing, he thought. When he started down at the white furry cat and its watery yellow eyeballs, once again he got enchanted and was suddenly glad the drawing was returned to him. Knowing that there was a person who possessed such eyes existed and also knowing that they were so close to him, he knew he was bound to be enchanted truly and he was afraid immediately. He was not in any least in her league and she wouldn't even look at him twice, he was sure. There were far better wooers and many more eligible young guys for her in Orange City. He was just an unfortunate loser who had dropped out of college and also had a killer whom he did not know of on his tail.

It was sad, but it was his reality. It was unfair too.

Suddenly remembering Zakariah had not done anything about the knock earlier, he wondered what could have happened to his brother who just left his room a few minutes ago. " Could he be sleeping?" he said to himself once more but the truth was he was alone and there was nobody around to answer his questions and it sucks.

It was not like Zakariah to sleep so carelessly, at least not within the few minutes he only left here.

He was worried, he couldn't help it. Worries were washing over him and he allowed himself get soaked in it.

What if those who killed detective Dante and abducted Detective Cabal had taken Zakariah also?

No, that cannot happen. He heard no noises whatsoever.

He was going to go check on Zakariah in his room. He knew his brother wouldn't like it if he saw LSR in his room but he would just have to deal with it. It was not his fault that he cared.

Thankfully, he was in his wheelchair now so it was easier. He only needed to roll the wheels and he was moving. That's what he did, he rolled the wheels all the way to Zakariah's room.

He opened the door quietly just in case his brother was inside sleeping. If he was quiet and he hadn't made his presence known, he would be safe to quietly return back to his room after making sure his brother was fine.

However, when he snuck a peep inside, the room was empty. There was no sign of Zakariah inside. LSR opened the door widely now and went in but still no sign of Zakariah in the large white-painted room. He could be using the toilet, he decided but he thought that could not be true too. There was no sound coming from in there. Still, nothing beats making sure. He shouldn't assume and procrastinate. He went closer to the bathroom door and opened it with his neck stretching inside like a thief sneaking for valuables but once again, there was no Zakariah.

What could be going on?

Could anything have happened to his brother?

Could it be something good? Bad or worse?

" Now Asher, let's stay positive " he mumbled to himself again, his hands on both sides of his head.

With a heavy and unsettled heart, he wheeled himself back into his room.

The moment he got in, he went straight to his drawing desk. He had to draw, paint maybe. His escape, he needed it.

As he ransacked his desk for his blank sheets and drawing pencil, he found the cat drawing and again, he got lost in staring in its eyes. Slowly, he brought his fingers to caress its furs even though it was but a drawing.

"Arghhh Asher, come on. Stop this fantasizing over a mere cat" he reprimanded himself and placed the sheet of paper on the desk. He made sure he turned it over so he wouldn't see the cat's drawing no more only for him to see a short writing at the back of the paper.

It simply said 'What do you know? Signed The Nature Family'

What does who know?


He was baffled at first and he scoffed to himself . So that was why the Vidal man went through all the stress to bring this to him. He had actually thought they were nice people but now, they have proved his theory right. They were not nice, they were delusional, insane and mysterious.

What does he know? Was he supposed to know something?

Or maybe the writing was not for him. Maybe one of them played with the paper and scribbled the nonsense on it. It was rumpled anyway and a little bit stained too. Probably by sweat or a sweaty had touched it.

Anyway, he was going to ask them what the writing meant incase it was for him. If they were hiding something or if they thought he was supposed to know something, he would find out.

But how?

Was he supposed to go knock on their door and shout " Hey, what do you mean by that weird note you left for me? Are you hiding something I was supposed to know?!"

Nah, he can not do that. That would be too bold and stupid. They might even laugh at him when they saw someone in this pitiful state he was. The Vidal man did look down on him earlier.

Maybe if he peeped through his window he might be lucky enough to see one of them watering the flowers again. He might even be so lucky that it would be a pretty girl with cat eyes instead of some annoying man with annoying rabbit teeth.

He was going to go for the window option, it was the best.

LSR picked the paper drawing and wheeled it toward his window which was still widely opened by the annoying Vidal man.

Listlessly, he popped his head downward with silent prayers of sighting one of burnt haven owners around there but when he strained his neck down, he found a whole bunch of them looking upward his direction, and once again, his eyes met with the cat eyes girls'

Again, he stumbled and fumbled until he collapsed off his wheelchair and onto the hard floor of his room.

A throbbing pain shot across his leg again and it hurt even more severely than the last.

"Oh my freaking God!" he cried out as he received the pain with gritted teeth.

Why was everything turning around and being so mischievous all of a sudden.

What had he done to warrant all the burnt haven owners assembled by his window?!

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