
Behind ball number 1!

I slept for about 24 hours i found out upon waking up the next day after passing out, I will admit i was a little disoriented when I woke up

…but I felt a lot better after I slept though

I was disoriented because of the nightmare I had, i dreamt a diglet randomly burrowing through the ground came upon my stash and decided to try and eat whatever was in those white bags….and ate some white he did….A LOT OF IT…becoming enraged and so insanely out of his mind and powerful, that he became the most dangerous apex predator kanto has ever seen for about 20 minutes before it's heart exploded…it was a weird dream I'll tell you that….I'm gonna move my stash that's for sure…

I groggily sat up to Becky cooking our breakfast, again, with machop watching her like a hawk, not in an aggressive way though more of a cautious way….he also seemed to like watching her cook I think…or maybe he's making sure she doesn't poison it? Not sure, I don't know him that well yet

Slowpoke and meowth were already up and fed, resting near the fire pit looking a lot better than we got home last night.

Thinking back to the extreme risk I took doing what I did, I can't help feel a little bitter, I mean yes, it did work out spectacularly and I came out of it with enough money to live stably and feed everyone here for a couple years….but it was still a stupid move.

I won't be doing anything that stupid again for a long time that's for sure, I need to get some real power behind me before I can pull dumb shit like that again.

With breakfast done I grabbed everyone and told Becky I'd be back later….now that I think about it…..she hasn't really left the building since she got here…I did tell her she couldn't leave but to not even leave the building is a bit much…now that I'm pretty settled with money maybe I can help her fill that pokeball with something.

But I guess that's something for another time…

I grab my trusty cart, fill it with weights, rope, Pokémon food and fishing gear and head out to my favourite training spot.

And before long I arrive at my destination with a pep in my step and ready to start some more training…not to mention I need to see what's in this mystery pokeball and maybe dig up those TMs to see what I snatched…

TMs are extremely easy to use, there is a small indentation on the bottom of the hard plastic out shell that you stick your Pokémon while in its ball for it to absorb the "knowledge" within…

The Pokémon doesn't instantly master the move, it's more like a basic understanding of how it works and how to use it, the rest is up to the Pokémon and trainer to bring out its real power..

But TMs are strictly monitored by the league so it pretty much confirmed my suspicion of the league working with the underbelly…well certain people or parts of the league anyway.

I did suspect Giovanni was selling them off because I know rocket had at least partial ownership of silph co and maybe they were pulling back room deals.

But that sounded kinda dumb, there aren't even any rumours of rocket being in Viridian city, so they are obviously keeping a very low profile and why would they risk that to make some quick cash and possibly bring themselves into spotlight ….no, some league people are part of it for sure.

But after tuning that out of my mind I grab my new unknown Pokémon and toss his ball back and forth between my hands before turning to my Pokémon who have taken a seat under the tree where I buried my stash…it's covered very well, if I didn't know it was where it was, I wouldn't be able to tell anything was buried there.

"Alright fellas, this here in my hands is our 4th member of the squad, I have no idea what it is but let's welcome him anyways,so…..machop is there any chance this thing is going lose its marbles and try and kill me when I release it?"

Machop with an infectious smile on his slightly less tired and emaciated face shakes his head and replies with a "maaachop!"

"Good enough for me I guess, let's see who's behind ball number 1!"

I threw the ball into the sky for a little dramatic flair to enhance the mood, the ball bursts open with pale white light and the pokemons form takes shape and it wasn't exactly what I was expecting….

When it was shaping it started taking the shape of an egg and I was confused thinking maybe it was an exeggcute before realising exeggcute is more that just one egg..

The Pokémon came into form and stood stock still, perfectly straight at 3 feet tall, a silvery grey metallic lustre as its skin/shell with 3 black rings surrounding its frame with lots of green thorn looking spikes all over its body…

Eyes with green sclera and black and yellow pupil's stared at me emotionlessly and it made no attempt to move or communicate..

But machop didn't seem to have a problem with that as he ran from under the tree straight into our egg shaped new team mate for a hug that resulted in him being spiked a few times by the thorns around its body…

It didn't stop machop though as he started his own little tangent "machop chop chop maaaaaa machop" to which our new friend said nothing and just kept his eyes on me…


That was completely unexpected….I mean, there are non kanto native Pokémon in kanto as it's almost impossible to monitor everywhere all the time so some slip through the cracks…and while the rodent kind of Pokémon are far more common, like Patrat and sentret, the non Kanto native Pokémon that are kind of rare are worth a fortune…

Not even close to pseudo legendary or even the royal starter line, but leagues above your average Pokémon….

No idea why a Ferroseed was just sitting in some desk but I guess that doesn't matter now, it's mine…..If it wants to join me that is…

The friendship between machop and ferroseed seemed to be one sided as machop continued to talk it's non existent ears off while it stared at me blankly…

"Ok then…..so ferroseed...do you uhhhhh….want to join us? It's not mandatory or anything but I would like it if you did, but you would be required to train and eventually battle"

It showed no signs of emotion as it continued to stare at me with those dead eyes…

It was almost a minute later that a very quiet "ferr" was heard…if I wasn't standing so close I wouldn't have heard it..

But machop who was clinging to the handleless grass flail turned to me beaming a smile and shot me an obnoxiously confident thumbs up and a "chop!"

So I guess that's a yes? Nice!; a Ferrothorn is an absolute beast of a Pokémon, the perfect set up Pokémon with some of the most annoying moves that I could think of….and not being locked to 4 moves makes this thing a vampiric immovable tank that can launch very powerful offences as well…

"Well, welcome to the team buddy, so we were about to start training, but you and machop and sit this one out, machop is still recovering as you can see, but I can't actually tell if you're in bad shape or not, so just to be safe I'll have slowpoke hit you with a few heal pulses and you'll wait on the sides for a week or two with machop….also I'm guessing you're hungry….do you eat magikarp?"

Again with 0 emotion it just stares at me for a good minute before letting a tiny, teeny little "seed"

To which machop seemed to reply for him with another less enthusiastic smile after being told he won't be training for a few weeks "chop"

So looks like he does eat magikarp…so he might be an omnivore I'm not sure, I'll have to feel things out..

I can't just walk into a Pokémon centre and look through the internet for information on ferroseed…

You would have to be a league sanctioned trainer to use those shitty old pcs and even if I "was" a trainer, I wouldn't do it anyways….someone looking up ferroseed eating habits a few days after one goes missing from an underground boss? With unknown league people potentially working with that boss?….my paranoia senses are tingling just thinking about it…

So, trial and error it is….

So eventually machop and ferroseed ended up sitting under a shady tree while I strapped weights onto slowpoke and meowth and started their routines….

I'll have to change things up sooner or later…the weights are starting to become a little to light for them…looks like they barely feel it at all now..

I'm also having slowpoke lift boulders with his psychic powers for 20 minute sets at a time, getting heavier and heavier as he gets better at it, while having other sets building sand castles with the sand on the bank of the stream for control…I mean he is getting better at it and is able to lift heavier and heavier boulders but I don't actually know if it's helping him in battle….only time will tell I guess..

Eventually time rolls forward a few hours and I had caught a decent amount of magikarp today and fed 2 of them to Ferroseed, who didn't exactly "eat" them.

More shot out a couple of her…yes "her", I found out she's female through machop, anyways, she shot out a few of her spines like spears and impaled the fish and basically "drank" it until nothing but a husk was left… it was kinda freaky

But eventually lunch was out of the way and everyone was fed…I'd been talking to Ferroseed and machop this entire time trying to get a feel from them..

Machop was easy, super cheerful guy who would loved to be training if he could, he's bummed out he can't, but absolutely stoked to be hanging out with Ferroseed

And I discovered Ferroseed wasn't stoic, just cripplingly shy for some reason…but she seemed happy to train and even battle when I started talking about possible ways for her to be an absolute juggernaut and some of the moves she could learn…

And just out of the blue I remembered a little tidbit about Ferroseed and jokingly asked "hey Ferroseed can you use gravity on those two over there"

She didn't reply but suddenly meowth and slowpoke were laid out flat on the ground struggling to move with the weights on them

The ground around the two shimmered a little like the way you can see heat rising off a surface….



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