
A game

Finally Rudra glanced at his children. 

The first one he noticed was Amy, the cute little girl with twin ponytails looked like a spitting image of Naomi. 

She held on tightly to Ruby's dress as she gawked at the stone figures carved near the ceiling of the town hall. 

' Cute ' 

That was all Rudra could think as he looked at his lovely daughter as he felt a true sense of hopelessness at not being able to go and give her a hug. 

He wondered how soft and comforting it would feel to hug that little soul, how wonderful it would be to hear her call him 'Papa', but that desire would need to be tamed until he killed Lucifer and was ready to spend a life of isolation with them. 

Rudra then looked at Jake, the boy who had absolutely no interest in the architecture and was busy troubling the little dwarf by silently pulling strands of his hair. 

There was an intelligent glint in the eyes of that boy, which was innocent yet oddly smart. 

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