
Ch.4 Tourney

"Should I take moon tea?" Ashara asked softly as she caressed Sylas chest.

"No, when I get to The Water Gardens in Dorne I'll send a raven to my father, he should be able to convince Lord Beric to give your hand in marriage to me," Sylas said while smiling at his lover.

"Really?" Ashara looked with bright eyes at Sylas' smile.

"Why wouldn't I?" Sylas asked her with a weird smile on his face.

"It's just, I thought that I would be your lover and nothing more," Ashara said with a sad smile.

"Who told you such a thing?" Sylas said as he hugged Ashara, and he went near her ear and whispered. "I told you last night, you are mine, forever." He returned to see Ashara's face, adorned with a sweet smile.

"No one told me that, it's just that I thought that I talked with the Princess, she told me that great men tend to have many lovers, but last night I convinced myself, even if I become your lover, I will love you forever if you love me back." She said while putting her red face on Sylas' chest, purring softly. "But since I'm to be your wife now, I will allow you to have as many lovers and paramours with only one condition, I will always be the first and the one you love the most"

"Pfft, alright, my Lady wife, you will always be the one that I love the most and the one who has the biggest part of my heart," Sylas said while caressing her hair and back.

"Ashara, are you there? Princess Elia is looking for you, get out of bed sleepy head!" One of the lady-in.waiting yelled from outside.

Ashara immediately stood up and started looking out for clothes while yelling back "All right, wait a bit, I overslept!"

Sylas was looking at his new lover's body scrambling all over the room. Ashara is tall, 5'6, and she is only fourteen namedays, she has beautiful silky black hair, full red lips, and exceptionally gorgeous purple eyes. Curves where they should be, although she was a bit on the slender side, her butt and breasts were completely proportional to her height.

"Please stop looking at me." She said while pouting and putting on a clean dress.

Sylas laughed softly while standing up, making Ashara stop what she was doing and she stared intently at something in Sylas' body.

"Like what you see, lady wife?" Sylas said slowly while putting on his pants. After he was done, he started helping Ashara with her dress, and it. "Yup, you look extremely beautiful." Said Sylas as he neared her ear. "Remember lady wife, from hereon, you are mine." With a smirk, Sylas said goodbye to Ashara as she stood there looking at him with a smile on her face.

"Alright." She said with a big smile on her face.

Sylas made his way quietly out of the castle, nobody questioned him while leaving Harrenhal and he went towards the camp of Dorne, where he found Oberyn smiling widely at him.

He inhaled loudly and said "How was it my dear squire." his smile was barely able to fit on his face.

"I remembered everything you've taught me and didn't do it, apart from that, it went pretty well," Sylas said nonchalantly with a smirk on his face.

"You can only do such things with an experienced woman," Oberyn said proudly.

"I'm sorry, I don't like anyone to touch my women," Sylas said while preparing his armor and bow. "The archery contest will start soon, are you coming?"

Oberyn started laughing loudly and said "Always." Sylas stopped, looked at him, and sighed.

The two Dornish men moved toward where the contest would be and waited patiently while Oberyn teased and asked Sylas all kinds of questions.

Elia Martell and her maidens came toward where Oberyn and Sylas were.

"Brother, Sylas." She said while smiling at Sylas.

"Sister." Oberyn smiled widely. "Princess." Said Sylas with a small smile adorning his face.

"May I take Oberyn for a bit?" She said softly.

"Of course, please take him away, I was about to unsheathe my sword," Sylas said while looking at Oberyn, annoyance on his face.

"You are no fun brat." He left with a loud laugh.

Ashara just moved towards me and gave me a purple silk scarf. "I hope it brings you luck." She said timidly and went towards her friends.

Sylas just smiled and put on the scarf over his armor.

"Welcome Everyone! To start in the biggest way possible we shall open with the archery contest! Please come forward those who are on the lists, we shall start when Lord Whent and his daughter join us!"

Northmen, Rivermen, Westermen, Crownlanders, Reachmen, and Dornishmen stood on the range, Lords, Knights, Squires, Sellswords, and Hedge knights. All of them were present for the contest of bowmanship.

The yard prepared for the contest was rather big, and at least fifty contestants were present to claim the great reward that Lord Walter Whent offered.

Thirty minutes later, Lord Walter and his daughter came to the yard and Oberyn also got to the yard and stood behind Sylas, while they waited for Sylas' turn

"Now! Let us welcome, The young hawk, the young heir of Skyreach, Sylas Fowler!" Many people started cheering, among those, Princess Elia, Ashara, and the other ladies-in-waiting also cheered for him.

"Alright brat, just do your magic, I haven't seen you miss once." Said Oberyn from behind Sylas.

As for Sylas himself, he Inhaled deeply while tensing the bowstring, he positioned his thumb at the same height as his right eye to align his aim and he let go mid breath, the arrow soared through the air and it whistled softly, parting the air only to hit the dead center of the target.

"First shot! Dead center!" The herald yelled loudly, many claps and cheerings could be heard by anyone but the concentrated Sylas.

Stepping back a few steps to adjust for the distance of the second shot, Sylas repeated the process. Inhale, tense the bowstring, and align with his eyes, compensating for the increased distance. Once again, the arrow flew true, striking the center of the target.

"By the seven! Dead center again, he divided his own arrow in half with his second shot!" The herald started yelling madly as he saw the almost impossible shot.

Undeterred, Sylas maintained his unwavering focus, repeating the steps with practiced precision. By now, it was clear to everyone that his shots were not the result of luck, but rather a testament to his natural talent, rigorous training, and unwavering dedication.

"Unbelievable, Everyone! Cheer for Sylas Fowler! The Keen Hawk!"

The yard erupted in cheers, and, although everyone knew who would win, everyone stood expectantly to see if someone could challenge The Young Hawk.

Unfortunately, no one was able to overcome three bullseye shots, and in the end, Sylas was the winner. After many cheers, Sylas went near Lord Whent, who gave him his prize money and gave him a bright smile.

Everyone started going back to their respective camps.

"I still don't know which you are more talented at, the bow or the sword…" Oberyn said while grabbing a goblet with wine meanwhile Sylas took his armor off.

"Don't know, probably the bed," I said with a small laugh.

"Puahaha! Good one brat!" Oberyn almost spilled the wine on his mouth, but he was able to gulp it down.

"What are you going to do now brat?" Oberyn asked while standing up.

"I will probably look for Ashara and go and relax at the godswood if I can go into Harrenhal, if not, probably just exercise and swing my sword around," Sylas said while putting on his new silk scarf again.

"Alright, remember, tomorrow, I'm in the Melee," Oberyn said while walking out.

"Be careful where you stick it in, teach!" Sylas yelled at Oberyn, earning him a thumbs up.

Sylas was allowed to go into Harrenhal and he spent the latter part of the day with Ashara, because Princess Elia gave Ashara some time, when night came by, Ashara sneaked Sylas into her room and she went to eat with her princess and bring some food for Sylas.

Being left alone, Sylas started thinking. 'With Ashara Dayne as my fiance, I will have an alliance with the Daynes, Oberyn is my teacher, so I have an alliance with the Martells, there are some Fowlers in house Manwoody and the Blackmonts have been allies since immemorial, maybe some talks with house Uller from Hellholt, and the Qorgyle of Sandstone and I could create a strong block in the south If I can get an alliance with House Roxton and House Florent of The Reach, I would get a solid block in the south, plus the Martells, the whole south could be united, but, I have to develop myself a lot if I want to do something, I don't even have true ambition, what should I do? I have many powers so I should aim big, right?' Sylas looked intently towards the roof but he couldn't find an answer.

'Whatever, if I have an opportunity, then it shall be done, if not, then it just wasn't meant, I'll get as many people on my side as possible, since I can bind people it should be easy to gather people under me… The first target should be Arthur Dayne, I'll have to save his ass and go to The Tower of Joy. I can look out for Bronn, maybe Sandor Clegane? I can heal him… Willas Tyrell will also be crippled by Oberyn, maybe I can get his loyalty with this. Now that I remember Jacelyn Bywater, who became a cripple after the siege of Pyke, I remember that Varis said that he is courageous, honorable, and grateful. Ser Barristan Selmy sieged Old Wyk, if I can get some connection with him and also raid House Drumm since they have a Valyrian steel blade, Red Rain'

Sylas' train of thought was stopped as Ashara entered her room while holding a tray with some wine and bread, after Sylas was done eating, the two lovers talked a bit, but they couldn't hold themselves and started copulating like rabbits for two hours since Ashara was done, Sylas just slept beside her, hugging her, waiting for the next day.


Remember, if you want to support me for some reason, p@treon.com/VoidCL :)

This isn't a serious attempt to recreate the good writing of the books, I'm a newbie, lower your expectations, please c:

I'm sick af

EmptyVoidchcreators' thoughts
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