
Story They Came Up With

"What the hell!?" I heard Louie comment when he regained consciousness and saw the members sinking their teeth into people's necks. I could tell he was surprised and terrified at the same time and then he noticed me and Kangwoo. "Jeanne…?".

"Louie, run!" I begged him but he just stood there looking at us then Kangwoo already caught his eyes on him.

"Go to sleep.".

"What?" Louie asked but then he slowly fell to his knees and then slumped on the ground. With just his words and look, Kangwoo put my friend to sleep. I tried getting out of his embrace but he was that strong.

"[Hey, Hyung.]" Dongwu then took our attention, "[What would we do with these Sasaengs?]" He then held up one of the men using one hand then looked disgusted, "[Ack! This one's blood is not really that tasty… Should we just kill then bury them somewhere…?]" Kill them…? They aren't dead yet…?

"[No, don't… Missing people would just create suspicion… Have your fill then let Seongho do his Memory Alter.]"

"Okie Dokie…" He had then let go of the man and it fell on the ground like a piece of ham. Their disregard for human lives frightened me, I nearly forgot that these… males are not humans, they merely have the same physical appearance.

I then glanced back and saw Justin being carried by Byumin, and then Louie being dragged by Jyuji. "No! Where are you taking them? Stop!" I struggled once more but Kangwoo's hold was tight, "No… Let go of me…" I had then sobbed once again, "No…".

"[Your friends will be fine, Jeanne…]" Kangwoo said as I look at him with tears in my eyes. I want to trust him but the way I see his members sink their teeth into those people, I grew afraid. "[I'm sorry for this.]" What? –

"AH!" He had then bitten me on the neck once again and on the very same spot as before. "Argh… S – Stop…" I managed to whisper but I grew weak and within seconds, I lost consciousness.

I felt slight pain but eventually, it faded. Then everything went dark, I don't know what happened but somehow, I still feel alive, I am not dead. And then at some point, I slowly opened my eyes.

White ceilings…? Am I in heaven…? Does heaven have ceilings…? I then slowly saw and then I felt a slight pain on my left side next. Ugh, it stings! I touched my neck and felt a bandage over it. I looked down and realized that I'm wearing a hospital patient gown. Oh, I'm at a hospital, I guess I'm not really dead yet.

I looked around and saw three beds and aside from mine, two were occupied. Wait, are these people…? "Ms. Jeanne!" A familiar female voice then caught my attention and as I turned, I saw my other friends enter the room.

Elise then rushed towards me and gave me a tight hug, "Aw! Aw! Aw!" But she pressed too hard on my wound.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She quickly retreated, "I'm just glad you're awake.".

"You and me both…" I reacted as I sat up straight and pointed at the two occupied beds, "Are they…?".

"It's Louie and Justin…" Vince answered and added, "You guys were found wounded and unconscious in the woods. Louie had a mild concussion, the doctor said he'll be fine with a day's rest."

"And Justin…?" I nervously asked as I looked at the two occupied beds.

"Blunt force trauma to the head…" I got teary and brought my hands on my face, oh my god, this can't be happening. "But the doctor said that he's out of the woods now and just needed a few more days to recover." I couldn't take it as I just cried on the spot.

"Oh, Jeanne…" Ebony had then embraced and tried to comfort me, "It's okay, girl… It's okay…".

"No, it's not… it's not… This is supposed to be a happy vacation. A fun one… Instead, here we are in a hospital, injured…" I cried even louder, "I'm sorry… I'm so sorry…".

"Jeanne… It's not your fault…" Vince once again said to me, "There are just some people who don't give a fuck about other people. Luckily, Kangwoo and his friends found you and rushed the three of you here.". The mention of his name had me perplexed, what kind of scenario did they do now?

"C - Choi Kangwoo…? Out4Blood…?"

"Yes, Ms. Jeanne." Elise then joined the conversation, "Apparently, they were touring around Meiji Jingu and had heard screams. Then they found all laying on the ground.". Ebony then added, "While we were searching, Eiji called Vince and informed us that they found you and rushed you here. And if it weren't for them, Justin would've been in more danger." Huh, so that's the story they come up with. How about their Sasaengs that hurt Justin?

"We talked to the police and they've apprehended the people who took Justin and hurt Louie and you." Vince had then answered the question on my mind. We're lucky that there were CCTVs in the area where Justin was taken.". They've planned it all out carefully, huh, I'm really confused why they have to do all these complicated things for us… For me…? What do they really want from me?

After calming down for a bit, I stood up from the bed and checked on my two friends. Ebony assisted me since I still feel a bit weak. We first check on Louie who looked rather peaceful in his sleep, I'm grateful that he's alright. And then we turned to Justin, I had to slowly look at him since I don't want to cry once again. Though with obvious bruises on his face, my junior also looked peaceful while sleeping.

However, there was one thing that I noticed about him. His wounds were somehow a bit lighter than the ones I saw back then, it's like some of it healed already. Is that possible…? Or I'm just overthinking things again…?

"Ms. Jeanne! Ms. Jeanne!" Elise once again yells my name, "You have to see this." Oh no, what is it now? More photos…? Scandalous video…? What? "Out4Blood is having a voice-only VLive and it's about us!".

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