
Amenheraft's Preparation (Part-2)

The scouts did not find Nibbar's body.

Because Melodias had seen to it that all the nobles' bodies were properly cremated before the mansion was looted and burnt.

The soldiers even took their clothes, as they were expensive and fine enough to be used just after patching up the few stab, and arrow holes.

The people of this time were pragmatic as such.

Thus the only thing the aged father of the Jamider (Earl) got was an urn full of presumably his son's ashes.

And such similar scenes were played out in many other noble houses that had sent their own forces to gather news about their loved ones.

In fact, it was not only those who lost their family members that were grieving from the news..

Because there were also many loyal servants and staff from other noble families whose masters had left Jabel but did not have the time or space to evacuate these workers.

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